‹ Prequel: Les Bohèmes

La Fin Des Bohèmes


LESBOHME"When you're cold and you're lonely,
LESBOHESLEyou've got one nickel only,
LESBOHMESwhen you're worn out and tired,
LESBOHEMELwhen your heart has expired"

One day, everything must come to an end.

Including lives.

One day, our bohemians must face the inevitable end of life.

So what happens when they do?

The sequel to Les Bohèmes, featuring the same characters. If you are unfamiliar with the fandom, the story should make sense; however, in order to understand the characters, I do reccommend that you read Les Bohèmes first.

The deaths are told in chronological order.

Warning: This story contains references to HIV/AIDS, drug use, suicide and cancer.

Written for this contest against this girl.

La Fin
Des Bohèmes
  1. The Street Drummer
    Angel Dumott Schunard
  2. The Dancer
    Mimi Marquez
  3. The Philosophy Professor
    Tom Collins
  4. The Landlord
    Benjamin Coffin III
  5. The Songwriter
    Roger Davis
  6. The Performance Artist
    Maureen Johnson
  7. The Lawyer
    Joanne Jefferson
  8. The Filmmaker
    Mark Cohen