Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish

Human vs. Vampire

Emily pounced.
So did Will.
The two of them were fighting and once again I could only make out their red and blue glowing eyes.
“Ella, run!” Will yelled in-between snarls.
I couldn’t move. I was mesmerised by the fighting.
Emily took advantage of his pause, grabbed a stick and broke it so it made a point at one end. She jumped forward…
“Run!” He yelled again.
…and plunged it into Will’s body-where his heart was.
My eyes widened in horror as he hissed and went down.
No, no!
He lay perfectly still on the ground, with the stake in his chest. My body trembled and a horrid feeling was crawling up my throat. I had to run. But I was stuck between the thing I wanted to do and thing I should do. I looked at the wolf. My stomach knotted; she was dead. There was no one to save me now.
I turned and fled. I was doing the thing I wanted to. I knew it was only a matter of time before Emily caught me. There was no time to loose.
“Might as well save myself.”
Emily walked forward to her former lover. “I did love you, dear William. But you could not see sense. I am sorry. Now I will go and kill your beloved Eleanora.”
I knew much about self-defence and fighting. I use to go to martial arts classes when I was younger. Not that any of that would work on a pissed off vampire, but it was worth a try. I refused to believe she had destroyed Will.
My left fist was clenched into a tight fist while in my right hand I held a thick stick, which was pointed at one end. I was lucky I found it.
Emily grinned and turned to Will. “Look darling-your little girl has come to resuce you!”
“Ella-no…run!” Will croaked.
My eyes widened-he was still…alive.
Emily’s eyes were still glowing red as she stalked forward. She then crouched and pounced at me with a look of madness. She was lightning fast, but I was ready. I brought the stick up and swing it at the vampire’s head. It knocked Emily to the ground. She hissed and jumped up. She charged at me with long nails, trying to claw me. I punched her hard on the face, then chest. She stumbled a little, although I knew it never hurt her.
Furious, she screamed and launched herself at me, but I balanced myself and brought a leg up, kicking Emily hard in the stomach and, once again, the vampire stumbled. I jumped forward and staked her with all my strength.
I missed her heart.
Emily hissed and gurgled at the pain, then in one quick movement, pulled the steak out of her and threw it away. She was too quick for me this time-she grabbed my shoulder and threw me to the ground with such force it winded me.
She then jumped up and pointed, “You think you can defeat me?”
I lay, gasping. She kicked me hard in the stomach, winding me more. My leg thrashed out, kicking Emily in the shin. It was like kicking a brick wall.
“You fool!” The vampire screamed.
She picked me up and threw me like a doll. I flew across the grass and into a tree, hitting my head. My body flopped to the ground and as I opened my eyes, I saw Emily standing over me. Her face was terrifying. How could someone so beautiful turn into a monster? Emily threw me again, only this time she kicked me in the chest as I flew. I gasped for breath again, and landed next to Will.
I, unsteadily, stood up and ignored the terrible pain surging through my body. I caught my breath again quickly as Emily went to punch my face, but I grabbed her arm to block. She punched me with her free hand. I cried in pain then punched her back. She shoved me hard, and I fell over.
She then stood on me and grabbed my right wrist with her ice cold hand, “Little girl, listen. I am going to torture you in front of darling William for what you have gotten yourself into.”
She hissed, showing off her fangs and perfectly white teeth.
I glared, “Me?… you’re the one… that’s wanting…to…kill me for…no reason!”
Emily then, with one flick of her own wrist, twisted mine. There was a crack and my entire right arm felt like a thousand needles were stabbing it. The vampire let go and stood back with a satisfied grin as I screamed in pain, tears streaming down my bruised face.
Emily then put her foot on my leg and laughed, “Silly human. Like a bug.”
“Your a crazy, jealous bitch!” I shouted.
Emily then crushed my left leg, fracturing my shin. I screamed again and clutched my leg with my good arm.
I wouldn’t give in.
Emily put her hands around my neck and lifted me up. I began to choke. She scented my skin then I felt sharp fangs at my throat. My heart was pounding again, and I got a feeling my body was about to give up. There was a brief moment of relief when she gently threw me away again. This time, I landed next to the piece of wood I had found.
“I’m going to end it now, William.” Emily shrieked.
She turned to me and pounced. As Emily was in the air, I took my chance. Ignoring the pain surrounding me, I grabbed for the stake and jabbed it in the air just as Emily came down. It pierced the vampire’s heart and my left hand was instantly covered in black blood. She squealed and landed next to me, lying perfectly still. I grabbed the tree behind me and pulled my heavy body up, then crouched next to Emily.
I smiled, “Now look who’s laughing.” I then drove the stake further into her body, “Silly vampire. Jealousy is a terrible thing.”