Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


I crawled as best I could until I got to Will’s side. He was on the ground, as still as before. I began to cry again as I took the stake out and threw myself at him.
“Please don’t be gone.” I whimpered.
I felt something cold touch my aching back.
“Will!” I hugged him with my good arm then yelped in pain as he sat me on his knees.
His face became sad and guilty as he studied my injuries, “I am so sorry, my darling.”
I shook my head, “It’s alright…just hurts a lot.”
“You saved me.” He grinned.
“I guess we’re…even then.” I returned the smile.
He stood up, stretched then walked calmly over to Emily.
He glared down at her motionless body, “I’ll hate you forever for what you have done.”
He kneeled by her side and ripped her head off in one quick movement. Emily’s pale head then rolled down the hill and I stared at it, horrified. I glanced at my watch, quarter to twelve. Exhausted, and in excruciation pain, I lay on the ground and closed my eyes, finally being able to relax. I know it was sheer luck I had destroyed Emily but damn did I feel amazing! Though I had no energy left to rejoice.
Will came and sat beside me. I looked up at him; he didn’t look so good. His eyes were bright red. Not glowing, just bright. He looked like he suffered from a terrible hangover. I guessed he found it hard to breathe around me, since my body was wounded and bleeding.
“Will…I dunno much about vampires and stuff but…since you got staked…”
He looked as if he was begging me not to finish.
“…you need to feed? You need blood…don’t you?”
He looked down, ashamed, and nodded.
Despite my blood loss and how tired I was, I held my good arm up to Will, “Here.”
He looked at me, shocked. His eyes flickered form my arm, to me, then back to my arm. He stared at it greedily.
“No!” He looked away, furious.
“Will! I don’t care what happens…please save yourself.”
“Your injured!”
“You better take it!” I glared.
“If I don’t stop…”
He took hold of my good arm so gently it was like a feather sitting on it. I took a deep breath as he bit hard onto my flesh. The pain wasn’t so bad, after a moment. It was just like the time I got blood taken at the doctors. Only I was losing much more blood. And my arm was getting crushed. I had no idea how long he was to…feed for. Half a minute later, I began to feel dizzy, and found it difficult to stay conscious. Will wasn’t showing any signs of stopping either.
Blood trickled down my arm but I didn’t care. At least I didn’t feel useless anymore. I began to see spots before my eyes, which was strange. My eyes rolled back, followed by my head, followed by my body. I was out cold.
Friday 13th
I crouched on the ground several feet from her body, chewing my thumb and staring at her. What a stupid, stupid, stupid, foolish thing I done. I hated myself. I should have been able to stop sooner! Just a few mouthfuls and I would have been alright again. At least until me and the guys went hunting again. I killed her. I fucking killed her!
I can hear her heartbeat. Faint but its there. She’s stronger than we thought.
Please wake.
Please wake.
Please, please, please.
Eleanora stirred and opened her eyes slowly. She tried to sit up but found she was still dizzy, and fell back to the ground. She landed on her broken wrist and yelped in pain. She tried to push herself back up, but fell again. I didn’t want to go near her; I’m a monster. She probably hated me now, for nearly killing her. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have taken them in the first place. I didn’t want to go near her.
But I couldn’t help myself.
I took a hold of her shoulders, as gently as I could, and sat her up. She focused her beautiful, green-hazel eyes on me then smiled. I looked back at her with guilt and sadness.
“Ella?” I tried to sound as calm as I could. “Are you alright? I am truly sorry…”
“’S okay…how long was I out?”
“Half an hour.”
She looked at the bite mark on her arm, with two wider holes from my fangs, then rubbed it on her body, nervously. She didn’t look at me after that.
She wiped her bruised face with her good hand then groaned in pain. I noticed she was shivering and her clothes were damp. She must have been freezing but there was nothing I could do.
I was colder.
I caught the scent of vampire; like very strong peppermint, and cold. Valo and Zombie emerged from the trees, followed by eighty-four wolves. The wolves paced towards the dead, black wolf and her pack nuzzled her body, whining. Realising she was gone they began to howl; mourning her death. The guys came to my side, and I was happy to be reunited with my family.
Eleanora looked up at them, and greeted them with her big, friendly smile, “Are you’s alright?”
Typical Ella-making sure everyone else is okay.
Valo put his hand on her head, “It’s not us you should be worrying about. But yes. We are all okay.”
“Will?” She asked as I got up and walked away.
I stopped, my back still to her, “Are you not scared of me? Scared of the monster I am?”
“Monster? Will, you…you saved my life.”
Her voice was so gentle and truthful. I couldn’t leave her.
“I should never have taken you three. It is far too dangerous.”
“Well…we’re still alive, right?” She replied, kindly.
I turned to face her, “Barely.”
I saw Zombie pick her up, and she wrapped her good arm around him. Good. At least now she was safe.
‘Don’t be so hard on yourself, man.’ Zombie thought.
Valo’s voice also sounded in my head. ‘Nick is right. You had to drink her blood. Otherwise, you could have killed her, Adele and Jenna. Hungry vampires are dangerous. You know that.’
‘I know, I know. I just…I thought I was stronger. I thought I could have stopped sooner. I was wrong.’ I began to walk away.
‘Will, don’t go.’ Zombie thought.
After a brief hesitation, I joined the others.
Zombie hugged Eleanora tightly, then passed her to me, “She’s asleep now. Come on. Lets go home.”
I nodded, “The sooner she’s healed the better.”
The three of us ran together with the wolves beside us. It felt good to run. I felt free. Free from the guilt of what I had done. Free from the guilt of taking them. Free from Jared and his rules and his clan. Free from…everything.
We followed the scent of the horses, and caught up with them five minutes later. Once in the carriage with Adele and Jenna, the girls were shocked to see Eleanora’s condition and bombarded us with questions. I told them everything that happened between her and Emily.
Valo and Zombie sat at either side of Adele and Jenna, while I sat with Eleanora lying across my legs.
“We heard her scream.” Adele said as we headed for home.
“We thought Emily had gotten her.” Jenna added quietly.
Eleanora was shivering gently in her sleep. I looked up and saw the other two also shivering with the cold-their clothes also damp with the rain. I felt bad, we all did. There was nothing we could do to warm them.
“So, what did happen at the fight?” Jenna asked after a moment.
We spent most of the journey telling them what had happened, and how Jared had almost destroyed Valo when members from his clan restrained myself and Zombie. We told them how Tundra had taken Jared down just in time, and how his clan thought he had been destroyed. I also told them how Eleanora was almost burned alive, and how she had to fight Emily alone. By the end of the story, Adele and Jenna were leaning together, deep in sleep.
How I missed it.