Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


Wednesday 29th [b/]
“So if we approve we will talk to the guys about Godric joining?” Adele asked as we made our way to the lake.
“Yeah.” I nodded, “But trust me, you will approve. He’s so nice.”
“He sounds it by the way you’ve talked about him.” Jenna said.
“He sounds dreamy!” Adele winked.
We reached the lake and I called for Godric, but he didn’t appear.
“That’s weird, he’s always here before me.”
I was puzzled.
“What’s that?” Jenna asked, looking up.
We followed her gaze to see a letter addressed to me attached to the base of the swing. Jenna reached up and tore the letter off then handed it to me.
I read aloud, “Sorry I cannot make it down today. Jared had asked me to stay with the clan as he has left for a few hours. The three of you are more than welcome to come up and see me, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.
“Should we go up?” Jenna was a little concerned.
“Well I think so. I trust him.”
“If you trust him, then so do we.” Adele said.
That settled it. We headed for Jared’s territory as care-free as if we were on any other walk. I could tell Adele and Jenna were excited to meet him. I was excited, too. We took the familiar path up the hill and towards the cliff and, once at the top, entered the forest and called on Godric. Vampires were emerging from the trees, curious to see us.
None of them were him.
I instantly regretted the decision to meet Godric up here, but I ignored my worries and stood tall with my friends.
“Oh, lunch!” One woman said.
“Hi um…” I swallowed. “Is Godric here?”
“He is not.” Another said with a greedy smile.
They were closing in on us slowly, and we huddled together.
“Oh, well, he left a note for us to come see him.” I swallowed again.
My throat was dry. Why wasn’t he here?
“And why would he do that?”
“He’s dropping off lunch!” Another said.
“Hey-that’s William’s human girl! She killed Emily!” Someone yelled.
Adele and Jenna gasped and clung onto me as the clan advanced.
“Aye, she was a crazy bitch anyway!” Adele took a step forward.
“Careful human!” The woman hissed.
“It’s true!” I started, “She only wanted to kill me ‘cause she was jealous of me! Jealous bitch!”
The woman’s eyes glowed red and she hissed, showing off her fangs, “Take those words back or they shall be your last!”
“No! It’s true.”
Someone grabbed Jenna, and another grabbed Adele. They brought their fangs to their necks.
“No! Leave them alone they haven’t done anything!”
“She is your best friend?” The woman asked.
“Yes.” Adele and Jenna replied.
“Then perhaps I should kill her, since she killed my best friend.”
“No!” They cried.
“Take me instead!” Adele struggled with the man holding her.
“No, me!” Jenna said, also struggling.
“Oh believe me, we will.” The man holding Jenna grinned.
He brushed her hair and licked her neck.
“Hey, leave her the fuck alone!” I shot him a warning look.
Like I could to anything to him. But it made me so angry to see him perv on my best friend. I then turned to the woman and awaited my fate.
She lunged at me and took me town with tremendous force, it was like being hit with a car. I fell to the ground and smacked my head off a rock. With a growl, she showed her fangs then went for my neck.
A hand gripped her throat and she froze.
The hand forced her to stand and I saw Godric looking at her with disgust.
“Change them. Now.” He said calmly.
Her eyes changed back to brown and she cowered back.
“You two.” Godric faced the men holding Adele and Jenna, “Get away from them.”
The men backed away and stood with the others.
“But Godric, she killed Emily. She provoked me.”
“And you provoked me. How dare you treat my friends so poorly. These girls have shown great tolerance for our kind, and you treat them like they were nothing more than prey.”
The clan seemed ashamed of themselves. They lowered their heads and some apologised.
“Is there none of your humanity left? Can’t any of you contain yourselves for even a moment? You act like savages. No wonder humans hate us!” Godric sighed, “Come with me, all of you. Now.”
He turned to us-Adele and Jenna were now kneeling beside me.
“I will be back in a moment.”
Once they vanished, Adele sat me up and I lay over her lap holding my throbbing head.
“I approve already!” Jenna grinned, “He’s cute.”
“Same.” Adele made a face and ran her tongue across her teeth, making us laugh.
“Urgh.” I groaned. “My head.”
“How do you feel?” Adele asked.
“Dizzy. Sore. Sleepy. Head sore.” I mumbled.
“I think you’re concussed.” Jenna said.
I put my hands over my eyes and groaned again, “Fucking bitch.”
Adele sat me up again, “At least you’re not bleeding.”
“Yeah.” Jenna said, “That would be the last thing we want.”
Godric stood over us, then kneeled to our level, “Ella?”
“She’s concussed.” Jenna explained.
“Where were you?” I asked.
“Hunting.” He looked worried, “Let’s get you home.”
My heart skipped a beat; for a minute I thought he was meaning back to Scotland.
“Godric! I didn’t know we had guests.”
We looked up at Godric, who closed his eyes and bit his lip. He obviously wasn’t pleased about his maker’s arrival.
“They were just leaving. Irene attacked Ella and now she is concussed.”
“Oh, nonsense. She will be fine, she has had worse, haven’t you?” Jared’s hair had changed yet again. It was now black, with red tips.
“Mmhmm.” I agreed.
It was true.
“Let them stay.” Jared smiled.
He was standing with his arms folded a few feet away.
Godric stood up and faced Jared, “I really ought to take them back, I-”
“Godric. Let them stay.” He said with more authority.
Jared was boss up here and in this, Godric was powerless. I could see the anger in his face, as he sat next to us.
“Now.” Jared came forward, “What do we have here?”
“These are my friends.” Godric said.
He wasn’t paying attention.
“Jared!” Godric snapped.
They locked eyes and Jared backed off, “Okay, okay. Your friends.”
He sat down right in front of us and smiled. Godric shifted forward so he was between Jared and us. Protecting us from him.
“So, what brings you girls up here…again?” Jared grinned.
“We came to see Godric.” Adele said.
“I see. Well since you are his friends, I promise I won’t harm you anymore.” He grinned again.
Yeah, right.
“How’s your head, Ella?” He asked.
“Sore.” I mumbled.
“I am very sorry. I will deal with Irene later.”
“And so will I.” Godric growled.
“So why did dear Irene attack you?” Jared tilted his head and stared at me.
“Because I killed, well destroyed, her best friend.” I looked away, “I told her Emily was a jealous bitch. That’s the only reason she wanted me dead.”
Jared looked up, “I see…”
“Don’t you care that I killed your girlfriend?”
“Emily was…”Jared sighed and seemed to look for the right words, “…she was never over William. She wasn’t a nice vampire.” He shrugged, “I guess I wasn’t totally in love with her. So, no. I don’t care you killed her. Jealousy is a major turn-off.”
Heartless bastard.
He chuckled, “Did I ever tell you about the time Godric got his head stuck in a fence?”
“Aw Jared, no.” Godric cringed.
For the next hour and a half Jared treated us like proper guests. My concussion wore off after a while and I was able to enjoy his stories-he told us of he and Godric’s past, making us laugh until we cried. This was a whole different side of Jared I didn’t even know existed. But I knew to be careful, there was something not right about it.
“How can Jared be like that?” I asked as we made our way back to the castle. He had let us go, eventually, and I couldn’t wait to leave, “How can he just not care about Emily?”
“Jared is a very selfish being. As long as he is okay nothing else matters. He will find another.” Godric replied.
He couldn’t stop apologising as he took us back to the castle. As we reached the hole in the wall, he gave us a message for the men.
“Tell them…Godric misses them.”
We nodded and hugged him goodbye.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be part of your clan.” He smiled.
Bless him, he was so excited about leaving Jared’s clan it made him seem like a little boy.
It was almost two o’clock as we made our own lunch; tomato soup. The men were out and Brian was in the lab with the little people. Jenna switched the T.V on and flicked until we found something entertaining.
“That was really weird of Jared.”
“I know.” Jenna slurped her soup, “He was actually being nice.”
“Well we’re not goin’ back again.” Adele was right.
“Hell no!”
“Hey, girls.” We looked up to see our men standing in the doorframe looking happy to see us.
“Hey!” We smiled.
They sat at the table with us and watched the comedy programme that was now showing. I looked at Adele and Jenna, and we exchanged looks as if to say, ‘who’s going to tell them?’
Adele cleared her throat, which caught their attention.
“We have a message.” I said slowly.
We both turned to Jenna, who finished the sentence.
“Godric said to tell you he misses you.”
They were taken aback, and stared at us for a moment.
“Godric?” Nick wondered.
“Godric! As in Jared’s clan?” Will asked.
We nodded.
They smiled and laughed and appeared happy to hear about him. Which was odd.
“You know, I had always wondered when he would want to leave Jared.” Will said with a satisfied grin.
“But, why did he tell you?” Valo looked at us carefully.
We sighed and told them the whole story with Godric from the beginning-when Jared’s clan had almost killed us on top of the cliff, which was the first time we had seen Godric, to the previous two hours where Jared had kept us for an hour in an attempt to gain our trust. They looked furious when we told them about Irene attacking me and how the other two men were close to biting Adele and Jenna, but relaxed when explained how Godric saved us just in time.
“Secret meetings, eh?” Nick raised an eyebrow, “We should have known.”
“Nick’s right. We couldn’t have kept you cooped up here forever.” Valo smiled at Adele.
“So you’re not mad at us?” I asked.
“No we’re not mad.” Will frowned, “We are surprised at Jared, though.”
“So he defiantly wants to join us?” Valo asked.
“Yeah.” said Jenna, “He said that he didn’t want to lose his humanity.”
Valo stood up, “Well c’mon. Let’s find him.”
Will took my hand whilst Nick and Jenna play-fought on the way. It was amusing to watch. Once at the lake, the men left us to get Godric so they could bring him back and officially accept, or decline, him into the group.
They came back at three with Godric following nervously behind. The men stood with us and faced Godric, now standing alone and looking confused.
“Godric.” Valo began, “The girls have told us that you have been meeting with Ella.”
“That is true, yes. Today was the first day I got to meet Adele and Jenna.” Godric replied quietly.
“So you have a close friendship with Ella?” Valo asked.
“I do, yes.”
“Why is that?” Will jumped in.
“I thought perhaps, if I could get closer to Ella she would see what I am like and see that I am not like the others.” He looked up at me, “She would tell you I am good and I could leave Jared’s clan forever.”
“And you are absolutely sure about that?” Valo continued.
“I am, yes. I want to leave Jared’s clan before I turn savage like the rest.”
“It’s a surprise you’re still civilised.” Valo said. “You were the first he turned, so you’ve been there much longer.”
“I suppose it’s the animal blood and the fact I want to remain civil that keeps me the way I am.”
Will tensed up when Godric smiled at me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, which was rather annoying. I knew he didn’t like the fact we had met up in secret. But he had nothing to worry about. Godric and I were just good friends.
“And you only feed on animal blood, like us?” Valo continued.
“In secret, yes. The others do not know.”
“Show us.” Valo demanded.
Godric looked up at the men and his eyes glowed blue, just like theirs.
Valo gave a nod, “Alright then.”
Godric’s eyes changed back to green as the men huddled together and talked quickly and so quietly I couldn’t make out a word. Moments later they turned around and smiled and opened their arms to embrace Godric.
“Welcome to the clan.” Valo smiled.
Nick was the first to hug him, “We missed you, brother.”
“What about Jared?” Will asked.
“I will wait for the right time to tell him.”
Godric could not get rid of the massive grin that was spread across his cute face. Adele, Jenna and I were so happy for him and ran into the group hug. It was like hugging an iceberg, but I didn’t mind. I was getting use to the vampire’s coldness.
Friday 31st
“Happy birthday Adele! Wake up, wake up!” Jenna and I shouted as we jumped on Adele’s bed.
“Ahh!” Adele groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
“Happy birthday! Double figures, twenty-two!” We yelled at her.
“Come on you, up! Its half one in the afternoon!” I said, pulling our best friend up.
After we got ourselves ready, we met the guys at the hole in the wall. Valo took Adele and covered her eyes.
“What’s going on?” She said, trying to pry his hands away.
“It’s a surprise!” He chuckled.
The five of us had been planning her birthday for weeks now and she had no idea. We made our way into The Dark Forest, hoping she would like her surprise.
We reached the clearing at half two where her party was being held. Jenna and I had helped decorate the trees with fairy lights and there was a large buffet table for us, (with glasses of blood for the guys) and a large C.D player with a mountain of C.Ds beside it. At the end of the table was a karaoke machine, and the three of us wasted no time on picking our songs. We danced and ate and sang and had such a good time. An hour later, Brian and the others arrived carrying Adele’s birthday cake with all twenty-two candles on it. She closed her eyes to make a wish then blew them out.
Now came the good bit. Valo told Adele he would be back in a second and we distracted her as he brought her present, or rather, drove her present, into the clearing. She turned around and squealed and jumped in delight as a shiny, black Astra sat on the grass with Valo poking his head out of the window. She hugged us all then ran to her car and checked every part of it with a huge grin on her face before finally getting in it.
The past few weeks were the happiest the three of us had felt in months, and we never wanted it to end.
Tuesday 4th September
“Happy birthday Ella! Wake up, wake up!” Adele and Jenna shouted as they jumped on Ella’s bed.
“Ahh!” She groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
“Happy birthday! Double figures twenty-two!” They yelled at her.
“Come on you, up! Its half one in the afternoon!” Jenna said, pulling their best friend up.
After they got themselves ready, they met us at the hole in the wall. I took Ella and covered her eyes.
“What’s going on?” She said, trying to pry my hands away.
“It’s a surprise!” I chuckled.
The five of us had been planning her birthday for weeks now and she had no idea. We made our way into The Dark Forest, hoping she would like her surprise.
We reached the clearing at half two where her party was being held. Adele and Jenna had helped decorate the trees with fairy lights and there was a large buffet table for them, (with glasses of blood for us) and a large C.D player with a mountain of C.Ds beside it. At the end of the table was a karaoke machine, and the girls wasted no time on picking their songs. We danced and ate and sang and had such a good time. An hour later, Brian and the others arrived carrying Ella’s birthday cake with all twenty-two candles on it. She closed her eyes to make a wish then blew them out.
Now came the good bit. I told Ella I would be back in a second and the girls distracted her as I brought her present, or rather, drove her present, into the clearing. She turned around and squealed and jumped in delight as a shiny, lime green Ford Fiesta sat on the grass. She hugged us all then ran to her car and checked every part of it with a huge grin on her face before finally getting in it.
“Do you like it?” I asked, hopping in beside her.
“I fucking love it!” She beamed. “I can’t wait to drive it!”
The past few weeks were the happiest the three of us had felt in months, and we never wanted it to end.