Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish

Jared's Decision

Saturday 22nd

Adele and I were sitting in the kitchen eating snacks and watching a crime drama programme at six in the morning. None of us could sleep due to the high caffeine intake we had the previous day. We had a stupid competition to see who could drink the most coffee and were now feeling the effects of it.
Nick and Jenna were together in the sitting room while the others were doing their own thing. Godric was still to tell Jared he was leaving his clan. I suppose he couldn’t bring himself to do it just yet. He was waiting for the opportune moment.
Jenna appeared looking serious, “Jared’s at the front door.”
We stood up, “WHAT?”
We joined the men at the front door to see what Jared was wanting. As soon as we reached them, our men stood around us protectively. Jared gave us an unwelcoming grin.
“As I was saying.” Jared stood with his arms folded at the main entrance door. “Godric, it’s time you came home.”
“I am with my friends.”
“I think you have spent long enough with them. Remember whose clan you are in!” Jared glared down at him.
Godric shifted nervously on the spot, “Jared. I…I’m sorry. I’m staying here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I mean it.”
Jared stared at him for a moment, “What? How…why?”
“You don’t care for me anymore! Ever since you started turning innocent people into savage monsters you have changed. Who are you? I don’t even know you anymore!” Godric sighed, “You’re not the same Jared as I once knew.”
“Godric, please. We can work it out.” Jared pleaded. “Please don’t leave me.”
Godric looked down, “I already have.”
“Very well.” He bowed his head, “Goodbye Godric.”
Godric looked up at him sharply, “No. No! Jared, no!”
Jared put his hand on Godric’s face, “Farewell my friend.”
Then he disappeared.
Godric was standing completely still staring at the spot Jared had left in complete horror. I could have mistaken him for a statue.
“I have to stop him.” He mumbled.
He turned and ran into the castle, towards the hole in the wall. The men pulled us on their backs and raced after him, calling on him, asking what was wrong. There was no reply. They didn’t stop until we reached the edge of the trees at the top of the cliff in Jared’s territory. I saw Jared standing on top of the cliff looking out onto the lake. Godric was standing a few feet behind him begging him not to do it. Whatever ‘it’ was.
“Jared, please.” Godric said feebly.
We reached his side slowly.
“Do you remember what I said to you all those centuries ago?” Jared didn’t move.
“You said that the day I left you was the day you left forever. But you don’t have to do this.”
“I am a man of my word. Besides, two and a half thousand years is long enough, don’t you think?”
Two and a half thousand years?
He turned his head to wink at us. “Hello girls. Guys. And I guess this is also goodbye.”
Adele, Jenna and I gasped and my heart skipped a beat. Will seemed to notice and pulled me closer. He wasn’t…he couldn’t destroy himself. As much as I couldn’t stand him I didn’t want him to do this.
“It is almost time.” He smiled gently.
“Jared…no.” Godric pleaded.
“You are now head of the clan. Do with them what you wish. You will always be my son, my brother, my best friend. We have been through centuries together. It is time to move on.”
“I can’t let you do this!” Godric whimpered.
“Please. Let me go.” Jared looked down at him lovingly.
Godric was frozen on the spot, shaking his head and pleading Jared not to do it.
“This is my decision. It would be cruel to keep me here.” Jared looked out onto the lake again, “I cannot exist without you.”
There was a lump in my throat. I looked over; Adele was already in tears and Jenna was about to follow.
“We’ll…stay with you.” Adele managed to say in-between sobs.
“As long as it takes.” I was crying my eyes out too.
“It won’t take long. I won’t fight the sun anymore.” Jared replied calmly.
I looked at Valo, Will and Nick. Their faces were so full of sadness if they could, they would be crying with us. I couldn’t bear to look at Godric. Not now.
“Will you care for Godric?” Jared looked at the men.
They smiled.
Valo nodded, “Like he is our own.”
“You taught me everything!” Godric cried.
“It is time to learn anew.”
The sun was beginning to peep over the horizon, bringing light to the land. I saw smoke gently surrounding Jared. He smiled and began unbuttoning his shirt.
“It is time.”
We were crying uncontrollably. Big, fat tears were rolling down my face. This wasn’t happening! I couldn’t believe it. Jared…please! I don’t even know why we were so upset by this. He was the enemy. We should be happy he would be gone forever.
“Are…are you afraid?” Jenna croaked.
“No.” Jared smiled at her, “I am very happy. I will be at peace.”
“We’re afraid for you.” Adele wept.
Jared laughed gently, “The enemy with me at the end. And the humans in tears. This is a fond farewell.”
Nick closed his eyes, “Jared. Thank you.”
“Thank you, my friends. You have shown me the beauty of humans here, at the end of my days. They can love even the most despicable creatures.”
Godric sank to the ground as Jared stepped forward, at the very edge of the cliff. Adele, Jenna and I huddled together with the men behind us to watch Jared drop his shirt and embrace the sun, which was now fully over the horizon.
We took a breath, “Goodbye Jared.”
The vampire burst into flames.
Godric was shaking violently and staring in shock horror at his maker. Still bubbling, I went to his side and pulled him towards our group. He hugged into me tightly and wept, still shaking. The seven of us cried together. I couldn’t possibly grasp the concept of how my friend was feeling right now.
Then again I, too, had lost someone very close to me.