Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


Wednesday 31st October

I was on a cloud, floating high in the sky. I peered over the edge, careful not to fall over, and saw thousands of tiny people walking the streets below. I smiled and lay down on the cloud; it was soft like a cotton bud. Someone called my name and I sat up to see Adele and Jenna on clouds of their own. I called back then floated over to join them. Our clouds took off in the sky, I felt so free. We laughed with excitement as the clouds dipped and spun carelessly in the air.
We were so free.
I woke at ten that morning and sat up, stretching and yawning. I swung my legs over the bed and went to stand up, but something held me down, and I fell back onto my bed. I tried to move again but something was holding me by the head. Looking up, I noticed my long hair had been tied in knots to one of the bed posts. I stared in disbelief for a second then screamed at the top of my voice. Adele and Jenna were at my side instantly, the guys arrived seconds later.
“Who the fuck done this?” I demanded.
Valo, Will, Nick and Godric, Adele and Jenna were sitting beside me, untying the knots.
Will was fussing the most, “Are you alright? How did this happen? Am I hurting you?”
“Will, its fine. Just get the knots out and I’ll sort out who done this.”
Jenna tugged a little too tightly on my hair, “Oh sorry! The only other people in here are Brian and the others.”
Will stopped what he was doing and called on Brian. The servant trudged in and Will was at his side instantly, holding him by the shirt collar, “Did you do this?”
“Certainly not!”
He growled, “Did one of the others?”
But there was something sinister in his face like he was holding back a satisfied smile.
He then left the room.
Nick untied the last knot, “I don’t believe him.”
“You think it was him?” I asked as my hair fell free.
“I wouldn’t put it past him.”
I cracked my knuckles, “Back in a second.”
Adele, Jenna and I had eaten lunch then went for our usual walk. It was Autumn and the air was becoming icy, so we never stayed out as long. As well as my white dress, Adele’s pink skirt, black tank top, leather jacket and black, patent Doc. Marten boots had been given to her. Jenna now wore red Doc. Marten boots, black fish net tights, black skirt and a black and white striped long-sleeved top.
Since Jared, Godric hadn’t said a single word, and I didn’t blame him-none of us did. He was keeping to himself and was moping around the castle. He was still traumatised by witnessing Jared’s…death? He was also confused as to what to do about the clan that he was now in charge of. I had tried to talk to him about that and how he was feeling, but when I did he would just get up and leave. It was staring to get annoying, but I knew I had to be patient with him. When we entered the castle, the guys looked strangely excited.
“Do you know what today is?” Nick asked with a smug grin.
“No.” Came the reply.
“Halloween!” He yelled excitedly.
“We’re having a party in another castle, so you will leave here at six. Brian will be with you to give you directions.” Will said.
“We won’t be able to arrive with you as we will be in the castle greeting our guests.” Valo added.
“So what about clothes? We can’t exactly go to a fancy ball in jeans.” Jenna asked.
“Its a masquerade ball. You will find appropriate attire in your room.” Nick smiled.
On each of our beds were three of the most beautiful gothic ball gowns I had ever seen. Around the torso was type of corset style while below the waist the dresses puffed out with a sort of ruffled effect. Adele’s was the most amazing shade of purple with a silk bow around the waist. The dress on my bed was a deep scarlet colour with the corset effect being at the back, and Jenna’s was gothic-black which laced up the back.
After trying our dresses on (they were absolutely stunning) we decided to watch a bit of telly.
Adele began flicking, “There’s plenty of channels. And the Scottish news.”
She stopped flicking at one of the news channels. We gathered around the T.V and stared at ourselves on the screen. We were on the news. We were missing students. The woman reporter walked around the Falkirk Bandstand talking about how we had been missing for three months now and how we were last seen in Sportsters.
That seemed a lifetime ago.
She went on to say that our parents were still worried sick about us and how there was now a high chance that we were dead. We flinched and Adele turned the channel quickly. We didn’t need to know; it would only upset us. We wanted to remember our parents the way we left them, not sitting giving an interview and crying their eyes out.
“Come on, were gonna be late!” Jenna said anxiously, playing with the door handle of the room.
“Sorry just gimme a sec.” I said slipping into my black heels.
We curled each other’s hair then made for the hole in the wall, where Brian waited impatiently at my car. We clambered in and left dead on six.
Much to our surprise, all my C.Ds were in a little pouch in one of the compartments. Adele told me she had the same. I popped in Aerosmith and Walk This Way blared through the speakers.
During the song we sang and bounced in our seats all the way through The Dark Forest. Brian had to take hold of the steering wheel because I let go when we waved our arms up for dance moves. I drove down a dirt track, onto a narrow road then up a hill where the entrance to a very square-looking castle was. The windows were square, the door was square and I could bet the handles were square too. The song ended as I drove up the hill and parked at the foot of the square path, just before the entrance door.
“Brian?” I asked.
“Are they all gonna be vampires in there?”
“Of course. Come on.”
We exchanged unsure looks then linked arms and nervously followed Brian up the path.
He opened the door for us and I had a glance over.
Yep, square handles.
We stared in wonder at the inside of the beautiful building. The walls were pale yellow, as was the marble floor. There were statues and pictures of predatory animals as far as the corridor stretched. We could hear music and laughter ahead, and followed Brian as he walked towards the ball. He opened the door for us again and we, still linked, walked in slowly.
The hall was astonishing, so much colour! The woman wore bright dresses and every hair style was unique. The men wore suits that co-ordinated with their lady partner. The room was gigantic and so high we couldn’t see the ceiling. Mirrors, which had no reflections on them, and flowers were dotted around the hall, as were more statues of animals. At the far end of the hall stood a small stage with a black grand piano, violins, a harp, cello…all sorts of instruments. This ball was set in the eighteen-hundreds and we felt so out of place.
`About five steps forward, the room fell deadly silent; the music stopped, the people stopped laughing and dancing and parted for us, staring.
I gulped.
Uh oh.
“I think they’re just curious.” Jenna whispered.
“I bloody hope so.” I replied.
Some of the vampires gasped. Some smiled at us. Some eyes turned glowing blue. Some held their noses, or turned away from us. All were pale and so beautiful, I felt like a thorn among roses. At the end of the line of guests stood Valo, Will, Nick and Godric-looking as amazing as the guests. It looked strange to see them wearing clothes from another century, especially when they co-ordinated with our dresses.
We reached them and they greeted us with compliments and hugs. Valo stood on the stage and thanked everyone for coming. He didn’t need a microphone to talk, but I guessed acting as human as possible was part of the reason none of the vampires had been discovered by anyone. Except James and Elizabeth.
He introduced us, saying we were the girls he and the others had talked about and that everyone would see how special by the end of the night. The music started-it was of high energy and joy. The guests took one another’s hands and began to dance and twirl, the woman’s dresses flowing behind them. The colours were fantastic. Godric danced with two pretty woman with brilliant red hair and a green dresses while Valo, Will and Nick asked if we wanted to dance. I was glad to see Godric looking happier than before. Maybe this was exactly what he needed to help ease the pain. We left our bags on the small buffet table, meant for us, then paired off with our men.