Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish

Dance Disaster

It was now ten o’clock and things had become very different during the course of the evening. The joy and bright colours were gone, replaced with dark gothic scenes and serious music. The flowers were dead. The room was dark. This was no longer a ball from the eighteenth century. This was a vampire’s burlesque ball.
The instruments were replaced with a bass guitar and some electric devise to give a heavy electro-rock sound instead of classical music. Which I liked.
The woman wore burlesque clothing while the men wore black pointed shoes with black trousers, shirts with waistcoats and coloured silk neck scarves matching our dresses. Our men wore the same as the others, only their shirts were white and their waistcoats were grey silk. During one of the songs, I had danced with Godric and told him I was happy to see him smiling again. He said that he would always miss Jared, but the pain was staring to ease. Everybody dies eventually, just at different times. That was a wake-up call for me. I had been affected by Sarah’s death for four years now and Godric had put it simply in just a few words. He was so wise.
I, too, would always miss my cousin but the pain was now gone. When I think about her, all I can hear is her familiar Popeye-like laugh.
Adele and I stood at the buffet table eating fruit and watching Nick dance with Jenna. Valo, Will and Godric were dancing with other guests, letting us have a rest.
“There’s people making out everywhere.” Adele whispered nervously beside me.
“Dude, there’s people having sex everywhere.” I replied.
We tried to avoid the vampire’s stares.
“This is like one big vampire orgy now. Why didn’t they tell us?” I cringed.
Adele took a sip of wine from a chalice, “Probably because we wouldn’t have come if we knew.”
The next song we recognised as Beautiful Loser by William Control. Valo and Will came over, asking Adele and I if we wanted to dance. Of course we did!
We took their hand and danced and twirled to this dark yet high-energy tune.

‘One last kiss before they cart me away and
Just take one last look before my body decays
This is my last night on earth
My fucking hell
(My fucking Hell down, down, down, down)

All my life all I've wanted to say
This is love, love, love while the symphony plays
Here in death I would cut my breath just to stay
(My fucking Hell down, down, down, down)

I'll never love again
(I’m falling oh, oh, I’m falling)
I’ll never love again
(I’m falling oh, oh I’m falling)
Take the vision away

Beautiful, beautiful
I'm a loser alive
On a suicide mission to die
Beautiful, beautiful
I'm a loser inside
You're beautiful yeah
I'm a suicide

(Everybody get up and jump! Come on! Come on! Go! Go! Go! Go)

Fuck, fuck, fuck I wanna fuck till we bleed and
There's a time crunch baby I don't want to believe
This is my last night on earth
My fucking hell
(My fucking Hell down, down, down, down)

I'll never love again
(I’m falling oh, oh, I’m falling)
I’ll never love again
(I’m falling oh, oh, I’m falling)
Take the vision away

Beautiful, beautiful
I'm a loser alive
On a suicide mission to die
Beautiful, beautiful
I'm a loser inside
You're beautiful yeah
I'm a suicide
(I’m falling oh, oh, I’m falling down)’

Ten minutes later the three of us recognised this next song as Whipping Haus, also by William Control. Valo, Will and Nick danced with us. Well, they danced with us for a moment then as the song started things got intimate.

‘Take off your clothes
Welcome to the whipping house
Where we spend all our evenings
And we hurt those deceiving
And we're safe from the outside world looking in
And we're safe I think the outside worlds giving in’

Will pinned me to the wall and I cringed back for a moment. He came closer, so our noses were touching. I went to kiss him, but he pulled away, looking unsure.
I pursed my lips then walked away, but he grabbed my arm and shoved me against the wall again, then kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and he ran his hands down my back, then brought my leg up and wrapped it around his body.

‘Now slow it down
I want the pain to last all night
And this chain faster wrap around
And my shame falls unto the ground
Now we're safe from the outside world looking in
And we're safe I think the outside worlds looking grim’

I pulled back and gave him a cheeky grin and lightly punched his chin. I turned and walked away. I didn’t get far.
I stopped dead as he stood a few feet from me, looking greedy. He prowled forward and I giggled at first then became nervous. What was he going to do?

‘If you come tonight you will find love
If you close your eyes you will find love
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for human slaves’

He grinned and lunged forward and held me tight then carried me to a private bedroom. He held me and bit hard on my neck, drinking my blood. I gasped and sank down at the pain. What the fuck, Will?
He carried me over to an old-fashioned bed and lay me down, with him on top, still drinking.
Then he stopped and licked the wound. I felt it heal straight away. Then he kissed me again and again. I didn’t mind. Then he pulled my dress up, and my underwear down. Woah, hang on. But then I looked up at his perfect face, and fell in love. I undone Will’s belt and, seconds later, let him in.

'Here comes the end
All choked on vomit sex again
Thank you for coming
I want to thank you for coming
And we're safe from the outside world looking in
And we're safe I think the outside worlds looking grim

If you come tonight you will find love
If you close your eyes you will find love
If you open your heart and just stay
The whipping house trades sex for human slaves’

Adele and I stood at the buffet table again, at eleven, eating pear and pineapple and drinking more wine. We had talked about the incident with the guys, and were totally astounded it had happened. It was amazing, don’t get me wrong. But it was so unbelievable. I had just had sex with a vampire! And damn good sex, too.
I noticed Nick bending over Jenna-the two of them were still dancing. She looked confused and tried to wriggle out of his arms but he was too strong. He brought his mouth to her neck and scented it.
“What the Hell?” I took a step forward.
The vampires began to make a circle round Nick and Jenna. I didn’t like this-I couldn’t see her.
I motioned Adele over and we both watched the vampires suspiciously.
They began hissing and laughing and some were whispering, “Do it, do it.”
I saw Nick raise his head and look at Valo, Will and Godric, who were standing right beside him. Their eyes were red. All their eyes were red. This didn’t look good. Nick bared his fangs and gave the guests a cunning grin.
Then he looked greedily at Jenna.
Oh shit.
I lunged forward and ran to Jenna’s aid, with Adele close behind. Using all our strength and speed we pushed through the crowd until we reached her. At that exact moment Nick, who looked terrifying, quickly brought his fangs to Jenna’s neck. Without thinking I leapt forward and elbowed Valo with one arm and shoved Jenna with the other. Adele caught her and they both fell to the floor. I continued through the air and crashed into Will.
I felt something sharp pierce the left side of my neck.
Somewhere, Whisper by Evanescence was playing.

‘Catch me as I fall’

I fell with Will, his arms wrapped around me.

‘say you're here and it's all over now
speaking to the atmosphere’

There was now a tingling sensation in my neck.

‘no one's here and I fall into myself’

I touched the bit that had gotten pierced. Running my fingers over it, I felt a bite mark, with two wider holes from fangs. Will’s fangs.
I looked at my fingers-they were red with my blood. My eyes widened as I realised what had happened. I had gotten myself bitten in the commotion.

‘this truth drives me into madness
I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away’

The tingling sensation was now a stabbing pain spreading through my body fast. I tried telling myself there was no pain, but it didn’t work. My body was numbing from the pain now, it was almost impossible to move from Will’s side. So I rolled onto my back.

‘Don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name.’

I heard the vampires saying my name, telling me to resist. But I didn’t listen. I tried to fight the pain.

‘Don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die

I'm frightened by what I see’

My body felt as heavy as stone. I forced my arm up to see what was happening to me. I would have screamed if I could; my veins were turning black. His venom was spreading. And so was the pain.

‘but somehow I know that there's much more to come’

With that, a burning pain swept through my entire dying body.

‘Immobilized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
I can stop the pain if I will it all away’

I could no longer move. I could no longer see. My eyes were on fire.

‘Don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name
don't close your eyes

‘God knows what lies behind them’

I heard Will beside me whisper, “It’s not worth fighting, just resist.”
I wanted so badly to look at my friends again, to see if they were okay, but the pain, the agony, was unbearable. My heart was beating faster than it should-I thought it was going to burst. I felt my body go deadly cold as the burning gradually faded. I still struggled against the venom but eventually the fight within me died as the poison reached my lungs and stopped my heart.

‘Don't turn out the light
never sleep never die’

Just then, I opened my eyes and there was no more pain. I looked around and saw that everything was blurred except one white object in front of me. The object turned out to be a person, and I stared in wonder at its beautiful feathered wings.
“An angel?” I whispered.
She smiled so kindly at me and extended her white hand, her long white hair fell about her body.

‘Fallen angels at my feet
whispered voices at my ear’[/i[

“Go to her.” I heard Will say.

‘Death before my eyes
lying next to me I fear
she beckons me shall I give in’

“Yes. I will go with the angel.” I said.
Then I remembered Adele and Jenna. I turned my head to see them, crying together on the marble floor. They were staring at me in horror.
“I…I cant leave them!” I looked up at the angel.
“No.” Will groaned.
The angel looked taken aback and her beautiful face dropped. She withdrew her hand then gently grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.
“Eternally damned.” She whispered. She put her hands to her face and faded away.

‘Upon my end shall I begin
forsaking all I've fallen for I rise to meet the end’

My vision was back, and I saw clearer than ever. The guests were gone and so were the guys. I could no longer feel my heartbeat as I breathed.
When I inhaled I could smell everything: the wine and food on the buffet table, something that smelled like strong peppermint and cold, the wood from the instruments…something that caught my attention…
I faced the smell. It smelled so tasty, so new and fresh. I could also hear the thumping of its heart. Both of their hearts. I was lucky tonight.
Adele and Jenna looked up at me, and I jumped back. I hadn’t gotten use to my immense power, and I crashed against the wall behind me.
“Holy shit.” I gasped.
I had almost eaten them!
“Ella?” Jenna gasped.
“Ella!” Adele said a little louder.
“Hi.” I said nervously. At least my voice was still the same.
They got up slowly and walked towards the nearest mirror, then beckoned me forward. So I couldn’t smell them again, I held my breath and walked forward. It was so strange-I didn’t actually need to breathe. I could hold my breath for ever and not even notice.
“Your not breathing.” Jenna noticed.
“It’s so I can’t smell you.” I told her.
The three of us now stood at the mirror, looking at ourselves.
Adele’s mouth dropped, “You have a reflection!”
“I have a reflection!”
My big, hazel eyes were now bright red and my once pale complexion was even paler. The black veins had gone now; I was just white all over. I grimaced and saw my teeth were whiter and now complete with sharp fangs where my top canines were. In shock I covered my mouth and backed away from the mirror. As terrifying as I looked, I was gorgeous.
Adele and Jenna went to comfort me, but I pulled away, “No, I can’t go near you! I’m a…I feel as if I want to…eat you.”
They stood a few feet away from me, looking unsure. I felt so bad I had rejected my best friends. But it was for the best.
“I’m sorry. It’s just…I’m so much stronger now, I can feel it, and I could…your blood…” I put my hands on my face and sank to my knees.
“It’s alright…you’re a…your one of them.” Adele couldn’t finish.
“Yeah, I mean we know you probably need blood. I just…can’t believe what’s happened to you. You’re a…” Jenna frowned.
“Vampire.” I managed. “I’m a fucking vampire.”
They came and sat with me. I didn’t expect them to stay away from me for long.
“You’re a…vampire.” Jenna slowly put her hand on my shoulder.
“You’re a vampire.”
They had to get use to saying it before anything. They moved forward carefully and hugged me. I hugged back so carefully.
“I can’t believe you sacrificed yourself for me.” Jenna hugged tighter.
“You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. To either of you.”
“You know I would do the same.” Adele said.
Jenna nodded, “Me too.”
“I got blood on my dress.” I moaned.
Adele laughed, “You’ve just been turned into a vampire and you’re worried about your bloody dress!”
The door burst open, the noise of it was much louder than when I was human. Valo, Will, Nick and Godric rushed in and threw me off my friends. Valo took Adele and Nick took Jenna whilst Will and Godric held me back.
“Get off them!” I roared, struggling against Will and Godric’s strength.
“We can’t let you go near them. It’s too dangerous!” Will explained.
I growled. Something inside me was saying, telling me to protect my friends. Protect them from danger. And right now, the guys were danger to them.
Then, Will and Godric stopped struggling against my new strength. They all stood perfectly still, staring at Jenna.
I could smell it before I seen it, “Oh shit-Jen your head!”
Confused, she touched her head then withdrew her hand and gasped. Her head was bleeding from when she and Adele had fallen. I immediately held my breath again, but the others never. I could feel the bloodlust within them. Will and Godric moved quickly behind the girls, so they were surrounded.
“Hey!” I ran, with new super-speed, and stood in front of Adele and Jenna.
I stood facing Will and Godric with my arms around my friends. I growled and bared my teeth as a warning that they should back off. Their eyes were glowing blue and they growled back, telling me I’d better step away from their meal. I held my ground. I could feel their bloodlust, getting stronger with every breath they took. Why hadn’t they stopped breathing too?
Will and Godric came closer, so I pounced and took them down. We were immediately locked in battle-I became too wild to control myself and gotten so into the fight I had forgotten about Valo and Nick until I heard the screaming.
Godric and I weren’t aware of what had happened exactly. One minute we were about to feed, then Eleanora had stopped us, which was a bad move to make on a vampire. But then again, she was only protecting her friends, and the bloodlust was in us so badly we had no control over our actions.
But now the two of us were on the floor and Eleanora was frozen in place above us, staring in horror at Adele and Jenna. The girl’s screaming had caught her attention. And I could see why; Valo and Zombie had bitten the other two in the frenzy and they were now lying on the floor, the venom spreading fast through their bodies.
This was so wrong-it should have been us protecting Adele and Jenna from Eleanora, not Ella protecting Adele and Jenna from us. I couldn’t understand how she was able to resist.
‘How is she able to resist? She is a new vampire-she should be feeding on every living thing she looks at.’ I wondered.
‘She’s a strong girl.’ Valo thought.
‘Her soul is unbreakable.’ Godric added.
‘I was protecting my friends! Love conquers everything.’ Eleanora was pissed off. She hissed as she glared at Valo and Zombie, who were crouching next to their victims.
“The bloodlust-we couldn’t help ourselves.” Zombie explained.
“You felt it too, Ella.” Valo said.
“I did! I did that’s why I held my breath!”
Godric and I walked cautiously behind her in case she decided to attack them. We could sense her anger, her frustration, her sadness.
“You…” She started.
“Ella.” Jenna whimpered.
She was at their side instantly, comforting them and hugging them. Telling them to resist and that the pain would go away soon. We stood a fair distance away, so she never felt as tense because, right in that moment, we were the only danger to the dying girls.