Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


Monday 1st November
Their heartbeats were gone.
So was the scent of blood.
They stood up and I stared into their red eyes. We looked at one another-how pretty we had become. Absolutely gorgeous. The eight of us turned and stood in front of another mirror. None of them had reflections.
Only me.
‘Why am I different?’
‘Because you saw the angel.’
Will thought.
‘Why did I see the angel?’
‘Because you sacrificed yourself to save Jenna.’
Angel thought.
‘Did you see the angel?’
Adele and Jenna’s voice said in my head.
‘Why do your eyes, and the guest’s eyes glow blue, while Jared’s clan glow red?’ Adele asked.
‘Really, its Godric’s clan now.’ I thought.
Jake replied, ‘Because we all feed on animals. Godric’s clan feed on humans. We could never be like them. They’re…’
Godric finished.
Nick’s face turned serious, ‘Guys, show them how to feed. Godric and I will take Ella’s car back to the castle. Get you there?’
The guys nodded and the eight of us raced out the room.
'Adele Collins, Eleanora Govan and Jenna Stevenson have been missing since Monday fifth of July two-thousand and ten. They were last seen at Falkirk’s Sportsters bar at eleven at night. If you have any information about their whereabouts please call the number below.'
This was continually printed in every newspaper in Central Scotland. A picture of the three of them together was also printed below the paragraph. After two days, their dissapearence became a missing persons case to the police and everyone who knew the girls also helped try to find them. They, too, made posters for the streets and shops, adverts in newspapers and magazines, asking everyone that was normally in town and who had been in town that Monday if they has seen the girls.
Information had been given to the public and the girl’s parents-that Adele, Eleanora and Jenna had been at the bandstand moments before their disappearance. C.C.T.V footage also revealed the girls walked to the bandstand from the tunnel linking the bus station and bandstand together. The footage also revealed Eleanora’s disappearance down the drain and the other two following her down. They never re-appeared.
The search had then continued down the drain as the police searched the whole of the sewer, but found nothing. The dead man that the girls had first seen was not there, and neither was the black flower hanging on the wall. This made everyone in the investigation suspicious that perhaps someone had followed the teenagers in, so the C.C.T.V footage was watched and re-watched for any signs of life in the town that could be a suspect, but there was no-one at all. The footage was watched over and over again from different angles but still no-one. Someone suggestested perhaps the girls found another way out and some stranger waited on them at the other end, waiting to attack. So the sewers were re-investigated for any signs of secret tunnels or secret entrance but, of course, nothing was found.
On the twenty-fifth of August, a letter was received to the chief of the investigation. It read:
‘I know you are looking for the three girls, Adele Collins, Eleanora Govan and Jenna Stevenson. I happen to know where they are and in fact they are here living with me. If you want them back I suggest you pay attention for it will not be easy getting them home. I am also living with a secret that no one else like you know of and I would happily show you it when you all get here. I would also love money in exchange for the girl return. £1000,000 will do, but that could change if I feel like it. Now if you want your girls back, which I will gladly give you, you will have to come to the castle in Transylvania, Romania as that’s where I am keeping them. We will make the exchange there. Also, I would bring an army as the secret I am going to show you are most likely to fight back.
Yours sincerely,

The head of the investigation read the letter out to everyone involved. The letter was thought of as a joke at first, but at this stage, they had nothing else to go with. The letter was then showed to members of the Scottish Government and it was agreed that men and women from the British Army were sent to Romania to get the girls. The money was in a black briefcase, but there was no intention to give the kidnapper it. Everyone involved with the rescuing of the missing girls were now sitting around a table planning exactly what do to when they got to Romania.
“One thing I don’t get is why would the kidnapper want British money if he lives in Romania?” One of the soldiers had asked.
“Maybe he actually lives in Britain but travelled over to Romania for the kidnapping.”Another replied.
This case was a mystery.
It was half twelve in the morning and pitch black outside. But with our new vision, seeing in the dark was as easy as when it was day time.
We said our goodbyes to Nick and Godric and raced after Will, Jake and Angel as they led us right into The Dark Forest.
‘Follow and copy us. The bloodlust will take over and you will know what to do.’ Jake thought.
‘But isn’t this the wolves territory?’ I asked.
‘Not the place we go.’ Angel explained.
‘And the wolves understand why we have to go there. There isn’t anywhere else for us.’ Will added.
Once in the forest, the different smells amazed me. I could smell the grass and water and the trees and the ferns and bracken and all the flowers, which were either dying or dead because of the cold weather. I could smell animals-I didn’t know what animals yet, but I could smell them. So many different types of…prey.
‘The peppermint and cold smell-that’s vampire.’ Will told us.
We realised we didn’t need our eyes much, just our sense of smell and hearing. I heard everything: the sound of running water from a small river which was a few kilometres away. The sound of the moles underground as they hurried through tunnels. Foxes and owls also out hunting.
“Bingo.” Jake said calmly. “Here, come smell. That’s deer.”
We did so and caught the scent of deer. It was a strong, fresh, musky smell, different from the rest and easy to pick up. We followed the scent for a few yards until we came to a snowy hill, where the herd of deer were grazing only a few meters away.
‘This is the fun part.’ Angel was excited.
Jake suddenly took off until I saw him hiding in the trees down the hill, inches from the deer.
‘Jake’s gonna scare them so they run. Then…’ Will grinned and quivered a bit, ‘then we chase them and take them down.’
‘All of them?’ Jenna thought.
I quickly counted fourteen.
‘No. One each.’ Angel replied.
‘Try and get males.’ Will thought.
‘Ready?’ Jake’s voice rang in our heads.
Will and Angel nodded. I noticed the guy’s eyes were now bright red, just like ours.
The deer became more wary and I could feel their anxiety, their ears were pricked and their eyes kept scanning their surroundings. Jake suddenly pounced on one, biting it’s neck gently so it was injured and bleeding. This would make the hunt more fun. The herd jumped and took off up the hill. As soon as all of them were up, Will and Angel jumped out growling, scaring the animals more. They scattered in different directions, then became one group again as they ran through the forest. Jake was already running after them, followed by Will and Angel. We quickly followed as the scent of deer and blood started our bloodlust.
We chased the deer for a good ten minutes until the animals began to tire out. Their pace slowed down and they began to jump more instead of actual running. The three of us now understood what the guys meant by the bloodlust taking over because we began to lose control. All we could think about was chasing and killing for the blood. All we wanted was blood.
Suddenly, in mid run, Jake leapt into the air and jumped on a deer. Will and Angel also jumped in mid run, for two other deer. The deer made a sickening noise as the vampires battered and bit at them until they lay still on the ground, in a pool of their own blood. We continued chasing the herd, then locked our sights on one each. As soon as we were close enough, we jumped on them and they made the sickening noise the others had made. Blinded by hunger and bloodlust, we tore the deer apart and feasted with savagery in our hearts. The snow was stained red as we finished our first kill.