Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


We aren’t into stereotypes; people aren’t tins of beans. Don’t label them.
Adele. Although she is the oldest she certainly doesn’t act like it. She has pretty blue eyes and white-blonde hair which is naturally wavy and sits around her shoulders.
My hair is down-to-your-boobs long and black. It’s naturally straight but for Jenna’s birthday I wore it curly. I have big, green-hazel eyes and a tendency to be stubborn.
Jenna. She is very loud and out-there and probably the most mature out of us three. She has shoulder-length, auburn hair and big green eyes.
I jumped off the railing and stood in front of the bandstand. I felt my head go dizzy, but I ignored it.
“Watch me go!” I began doing cartwheels showing off my years of gymnastic lessons when I was younger.
One, two, three cartwheels in a row, then for some reason I didn’t feel the ground under my heels. I fell, feet first. I was too confused and intoxicated to realise what exactly happened.
“Ugh, my fucking ankle!” It was throbbing badly and I felt wet.
Adele and Jenna’s faces appeared above me. I became sober purely because of the pain and the shock at what had happened. I looked around. Not a puddle-a sewer.
“Ella! You utter tube, are you okay?” Jenna called from above me.
“I’m. In. A. Sewer!”
“It’s okay…we’ll get you out!”
I winced as I tried to stand up.
“Are you hurt?” Adele sounded worried.
“I think I’ve bust my ankle.”
“Hang on, we’ll get you out. There isn’t anything so we can pull you, so were gonna come down, okay?”
“No don’t, cause-”
“How far down roughly?” Adele asked.
“Eh? Far. Now don’t cause-”
“Right here we come”
“No don’t cause-”
Splash. Thud. The other two landed beside me.
I stared at them, “Now how are we gonna get back up?”
They took an arm each and pulled me to my feet.
“Let’s keep walking. There’s bound to be a way out.” Adele said in a state-the-obvious tone.
I was steadily on my feet again. Adele and Jenna helped me hobble through the shallow sewer water. Jenna spoke loudly-talking about memories past and making Adele and I laugh so hard it seems as if we would fall into giggle fits. The walls were tinged green and the stench is making my stomach heave.
I wrinkled my nose, “What the fuck is that smell?”
“Holy shit” Adele’s voice sounded almost robotic.
Jenna and I looked up at what Adele was staring at, and together we yelled in disgust.
In front of us, hanging by his neck, was a man. He looked foreign and had short blonde hair with small blue eyes. His eyes, they stared straight at us, his mouth wide open making an uncomfortable cold shiver run right through me. It is not the fact he is dead we yelled. It was because of his injuries. He had obviously gotten himself into a fight, and lost. His head looked normal, but his hair, particularly at the back, was soaked in blood. His face looked pretty normal too, except he had no nose. There was just a hole in the middle of his pale, dirty face. His neck looked the worst. It was as if someone had been blindfolded and took a razorblade to it and torn at his skin. It was a surprise to me his body was still attached to his head. His white shirt, which was saturated in blood, was torn at the torso, deep wounds visible in his skin. Like some big cat had scratched him. The bones in his arms were poking out and he was missing a foot.
There was a squeak and a rattle of stones. We shrieked together but looked down to find only sewer rats. Phew.
“Look over there” Adele nodded to the wall next to the dead man.
A huge, black rose was stuck to the wall. Its petals were moving, as if something inside it was breathing or the flower itself is about to burst. We edged slowly towards it and tried to forget about the corpse hanging inches above us. Jenna, closest to the rose, raised her free arm and gently touched the silky black petals.
The flower burst open and I pulled Jenna towards me. Thousands of black bats and butterflies flew out of the flower. The bats screeched and flap their wings violently while the butterflies move silently and gracefully and slowly through the air. They circled us. We tried to shoo them away-screaming and arms flying all over the place, but they were relentless.
I raised my head to try and look for an escape. Then, outside of the circle… I could have sworn I saw three people. I frowned. Nah. No escape either. Suddenly I found myself flying through the air. The last thing I experienced was hitting my head off of something hard-the wall no doubt. All went black and silent.