Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish

The Man

Sunday 8th

I was swimming in darkness wondering if I was dead. Then my body jerked, as if I had fallen in my sleep and I felt my head throb. Yep. Alive.
I groaned and sat up, rubbing the terrible headache I now had, then opened my eyes only to be confronted with more darkness. To the right was a window with black voile over it. It must have be night time because moonlight was filtering through it, illuminating the room slightly, helping me see. Across from the bed, at the other end of the room, I could see the dark shape of a large door.
I ignored my head and began patting around trying to figure out where the fuck I was. I was on something big and soft-a bed I guessed. As I patted, I came across something warm and soft. It was moving. Slowly, I moved my hand up until I patted a face, then wavy hair.
“Adele?” I whispered, leaning towards her. “Adele!” I whispered again, a little louder this time. I shook her gently.
“Yeah it’s me.”
“Where the fuck are we?” She leaned closer to me.
“I dunno.”
My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I faintly saw her shake her head. We both start patting around the ridiculously large bed, until I felt a hand. I grabbed it.
“Is that Jen?”
“I think so. Jenna? Jenna is that you?”
“Hey, Ella. Is that you? Ooh my head.”
“Yeah! Adele’s here too.”
She flung herself over us and I felt a bit more relaxed being with my friends.
Our quick reunion in that eerie silence was short lived. The doors at the end of the room burst open. A man sauntered in and stood at the window.
He is average height, early-twenties. He had black hair which sat just below his ears, but not the sort of old-man-get-your-greasy-mop-cut type of hair. He was very pale with a cute, pointed nose. He wore a white Misfits t-shirt with black jeans and black Chuck Taylor Converse. He wore a gold key on a long gold chain around his neck. His fingers were in his pockets, black-painted thumbs poking out and his head was slightly angled to the side.
He slowly turned his head to face us. I, quite literally, froze in shock; he was very hansom. Like take-your-breath-away hansom. His eyes were brown-hazel. Around his eyes were dark, making them stand out more. He gave a seductive smile and took a step forward. Gorgeous or not, I shifted forward, preparing to lunge for him if he tried to harm my friends. Adele, knowing me all too well, held me back.
“Hello.” The man said calmly. His voice was so soothing.
“Who the fuck are you? Where are we?” Adele held onto my shoulders so I couldn’t move.
The perfect smile vanished from his beautiful face. He looked terrifying and my heart skipped a beat. He looked at me and inhaled deeply, then grinned as if smelling the most amazing scent in the world.
“All in good time, my darlings.” He smiled.
He was American, the accent gave it away. His voice was so beautiful. So calming. So perfect. I could have listened to it forever.
He took a step towards us.
“I’m warning you.” I challenged. “Better stay there. I will knock you out.” I really did mean it. If he laid a finger on Adele or Jenna I’d knock him into next week.
He took a step back, into the moonlight again and slowly looked towards the door. I shifted onto my left leg because my right was starting to go numb. He turned his head so sharp to face me again that I was literally stunned at his beauty. Again.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He replied innocently. I almost believed him.
Adele grabbed my hand and together the three of us rolled ourselves off the other end of the bed. The safe side. The side where he isn’t.
My right heel got caught in one of the folds in the bed. I stumbled and fell off the end of the bed, bringing Adele and Jenna down with me. We picked ourselves up and make for the door, but in a flash he was standing in front of us. We skid to a stop and quickly backed towards the cold stone wall as he advanced on us.
He finally stopped, too close for comfort.
“What do you want?” Adele snapped, “If you’re gonna kill us, just do it and stop fucking around.”
His perfect, calm expression turned into utter shock “My darlings no, I don’t want to kill you. You are here merely because-” Pause. “Well, just don’t assume I’m ever gonna to hurt you. Okay?”
“So why don’t you let us go?” I asked bitterly.
“And where are we?” Jenna added.
“All in good time.” He replied with a cheeky wink.
“Dick.” I said.
He stared at me, so I stared back.
My vision became blurred for a moment, then sharp again and suddenly I felt myself moving away from the wall. Away from my friends. Towards him. He was him smiling that seductive smile again. As I got closer he slowly lifted his arm and held out his hand. I paused to look for Adele and Jenna but they weren’t there. It was just me and him. I looked up at him and gingerly raised my hand to let it hover over his. His smile changed and became kind and loving and for a split second I trusted him. I was mesmerized by his beautiful hazel eyes, which never left mine. I melted inside and let my hand fall into his.
I jerked my hand back as I got the smallest electric shock from his. As I focused my eyes, I found myself still standing at the wall next to Adele and Jenna, who were staring at me.
Adele took my shoulders again and shook me, “Ella!” She held my face.
“What? What is it?”
“You froze. You were just staring at the floor as if you weren’t really here. Like, you were in a trance or something.” Jenna said. “It was weird.”
“You mean…I didn’t actually move?” My eyes dart towards the man, then back.
At that very moment, sunlight burst through the voile and made a soft, yellow line from the window to the wall opposite. The man jumped back quickly, with a snake-like hiss.
We exchanged looks with a ‘Did-he-just-hiss?’ expression. It was just us and him with the beam of light separating us. Together, Adele, Jenna and I walked forward and stood in the light. He was pressed against the wall in the darkest corner of the room as if avoiding the sun.
“C’mon.” We made for the door and this time, he did not stop us.