Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


I ran with the other two across a narrow, metal landing which made a chinking noise under our heels, and down small metal stairs.
Our exact location was still a mystery, but one thing is for sure-we were standing in a laboratory. The room was so big, the ceiling wasn’t even visible. The floor and walls were grey stone and there was so much science equipment, from small bronze instruments to gigantic silver spheres and test tubes with foreign liquids, pokers and prodders, beakers and fire. A lot of fire. A huge basin was hidden to one side of the room, the sides of it so high up I couldn’t see what was in it. It was quiet. Too quiet.
Adele pointed to a door up ahead, “Over there.”
We went through the door to find ourselves in a grand entrance hall. The floor was white marble, the walls painted a cream to match. Up ahead was the entrance door which stood about twenty feet tall and roughly ten feet wide. As we neared the door, we passed a huge statue of a beautiful, white angel. She appeared to be crying as her hands were covering her eyes and her wings were drooping. Opposite her was a statue of a black angel. She looked angry and was pointing at the white angel, accusingly.
“It’s the Angel of Death.” Adele said. “She’s holding the scythe in her other hand.”
“The fuck was that?” I wonder.
“Hey. Over here.”
A man is cowering in the corner, beckoning us over.
“Can we help you?” Adele asked.
“Quick! Leave before they get you.”
“What?” I asked.
“Here! They will get you in the night.”
I crouched down, “Um…Are you alright?”
I got a better view of him and noticed his skin was a slight shade of grey. He had no fat on him whatsoever he was just like a walking skeleton. In fact, I wondered if he even had the energy to walk. His eyes were dull and sunken into their sockets. His teeth were stained yellow and his breath was bad enough to wake the dead.
“Who will get us?” I asked.
He started shaking and said, “They will get you. Just like they got the others. I’ve seen it. With my own eyes!”
“Okay mister crazy.” I went to get up but he grabbed me.
Adele and Jenna didn’t like that at all.
“Here! They will get you!”
“Yes you’ve said that already.” I tried to pull away.
“I’ll help you! Save you! Here!” He pulled out a knife and waved it in my face.
I tried to get up again but he wouldn’t let go.
“They’re evil! Demons!” He breathed.
“Phew your breath is a demon.”
“They won’t take you. I’ll set you free! I’ll give you to God!”
He held the knife up then stabbed me right in the stomach.
“You’re free! The demons won’t get your soul!”
“Ella!” Adele pulled me back while Jenna kicked shit out of the man.
There was a crunch as Jenna broke his nose. Ha! Served him right.
Adele pulled her off, “Leave him. He’s fucking crazy.”
He started laughing, “So naïve. They’ll get you. Just you wait and see!” He made the sign of the cross and began saying the ‘Our Father.’
It hurt to stand up.
“What are you doing?” Adele held me steady.
“I’m not staying. We need to get out of here.”
“Ella you’ve been stabbed you need a hospital.” Jenna said.
“It didn’t go that far in. Anyway we don’t even know where we are, Jen. Better I die trying to escape with you two than stay here with these nutters.”
We were outside in the warm, sunny morning. Adele and Jenna helped me hobble down the path ahead to see where we are. We were surrounded by mountains. Wolves were howling in the distance.
“Uh…I wouldn’t look down if I were you.” Adele said.
I peered over the side of the path and I found myself staring into a black abyss. There was nothing supporting the stone we walked on. There was another problem-the path we walked on stopped halfway between the mountains and the building we were in. Fuck.
I checked behind us to make sure we weren’t being followed, “Wow.”
We had been inside a castle! It was beautiful-very old and gothic-looking. Two huge gargoyle statues were at each side of the door.
“This path isn’t going anywhere, guys. We’re fucked.” Jenna said.
“Shit.” I sit down and dangle my feet over the edge. It was getting difficult to breathe.
Adele and Jenna sat at either side of me and wrapped their arms around me.
“So what are we gonna do?” Jenna asked.
“Careful you don’t fall.” A beautiful voice echoed, with slight caution and fear. He walked casually towards us, smiling kindly.
“Where are we?” Adele asked.
My side was throbbing so I put more pressure on it. He seen the wound and my bloodied hands and his eyes widened in horror.
“Don’t call me that.”
I felt more faint with each breath I took. That wasn’t a good sign.
“She hates her name” I heard Jenna say.
“I think it’s a beautiful name.” He shook his head, “No, you’re bleeding badly. C’mon we have to stitch you up.”
Urgh, that meant needles. That will be shining.
“I’m fine.” I lied.
“Ella let me help you.”
I stood up (with the help of Adele and Jenna) to tell him exactly what he could do with his needles. But I began to see spots before my eyes. I became light-headed and felt my knees buckle and expected to hit the ground, but something icy caught me. I was back in darkness

Monday 9th
“How is she?” I heard Jenna ask.
“She’s lost a lot of blood, but a few days rest and she’ll be back to normal.” The man replied.
Someone sat beside me on the bed I was in.
“What time is it?” Adele was beside me.
“Lunch time. Come, have some food.” The man said.
They were hesitant at first, then exited the room leaving me alone in the darkness. I was hungry, but too weak to move so I let myself sleep some more.
Thursday 12th
Something cool on my cheek was starting to irritate me. I stirred and tried to cover my face, but my arms hardly budged. It was as if they were held down with a giant rock. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly.
I looked to my right and see the man sitting beside me on the bed. He was smiling that kind smile at me. My eyes darted around the room for Adele and Jenna, but they weren’t there.
“Where’s Adele and Jenna?” I tried to sit up but failed miserably.
“Careful. Your friends are fine, don’t worry. They’re in the kitchen. How are you feeling?”
“You got stabbed. You lost a lot of blood.”
“No way, really?”
He frowned, “But you’re recovering well. You’ll be back on your feet in a few days.”
“I’m only here because that crazy fucker stabbed me!”
“Jenna broke his nose.”
“He stabbed me.” I say dryly. “Said that you will get us in the night.”
The man raised a brow, “What?”
“He was crazy. Saying he was saving me from the demons and taking me to God. He stabbed me to save my soul.”
“Did he now?” He looked angry.
He took a deep breath, “Like I said you’ll be back on your feet in a few days.”
“So you’re not going to do anything about that guy?”
“Oh don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.” His teeth clenched.
I didn’t like his tone.
“You’ll be on your feet in a few more days.”
“A few more days? Fuck that, we’re going home today.”
I used my, now, jelly-like arms to pull my body up and throw my legs off the end of the bed.
As my bare feet touched the soft purple carpet I-wait the now. Carpet? When the fuck did this happen?
He chuckled, “Do you like it? I put it down the other day.”
I stood up, lost my balance and fell back onto the bed. The man chuckled again and tried to help me, but I avoided his pale hands and stood up again. Urgh, head rush.
I held onto the thick, mahogany bed post to keep myself balanced. After a few deep breaths my head returned to normal and I made for the door. I got feeling back in my arms, legs, my whole body again. I saw the hole in my dress and under it, the stitches in my side.
I cringed as I realised that when he was sowing me up he would have seen me just about naked. I felt my cheeks go red. Talk about getting to know someone!
“How long was I out?”
“Three days.”
“You lost a lot of blood, Ella. I’m surprised you’re fit enough to walk.”
“Yeah well, I’m tougher than I look.”
I turn for the door, a little too fast and lost my balance again. I expected to hit the floor but cold hands caught me. I looked up to see his beautiful face inches from mine.
“Careful.” He breathed.
My mouth opened and closed like a fish before I managed to say, “That was quick.”
I stared up at him, and he looked down at me and for a moment we done nothing but look at eachother. He was so beautiful and perfect but I still hated him for what he had done to us. He leaned in towards me a little more and his eyes kept flickering between mine and my lips. I wanted to kiss him, oh boy did I want to but I knew it would be wrong. I didn’t even know his name! I had the feeling I would regret the decision later but I opened my mouth and asked, “Why are we here?”
He pulled back quickly, “Hungry?”
I nodded dumbly.
He laughed gently, “C’mon. I’d better carry you before you fall again.”
Without a word he lifted me up as if I was made of paper and carried me out the door. He was cold but surprisingly comfy. We headed away from the lab, the opposite way me, Adele and Jenna had escaped five days ago. At the end of the corridor there are three wooden doors.
He pointed to the one on the far right, “Sitting room.” He pointed to the door ahead, “Bathroom.” Then the room to our left, “Kitchen.”
The man opened the kitchen door and we entered.
I took in the surroundings pretty quickly. I was in a very normal-looking kitchen. The floor and work-tops were blue-black stone, the cupboards were white and the walls sky blue. A black clock on the wall showed the time as ten past one. At the back of the kitchen there was a long, blue-glass dining table with white chairs. Orange tulips were in a black vase that sat on the table. I saw who were sitting at the table: my best friends. I was so happy to see them I felt my mouth tighten into a grin.
The man carried me to the table and I slid into the first seat. He backed off as they hugged me tight
“How are you?” Adele asked.
“I’ve been better.”
Kerrang! music channel was playing on the fifty-two inch plasma television on the wall at the head of the table.
“Pasta alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, as long as it isn’t anything spicy. We don’t do spicy food.” Adele replied.
“Brian!” The man called.
A scraggy man with yellow teeth and matted hair entered the kitchen.
“Give these to the girls.” He didn’t even hand him the plates!
“Yes. Right away.”
I didn’t care if they were strangers, I was starving!
“Girls.” The man said. “I have to go away for a while, but I will be back in a few days.”
“A few days?” I eyed him suspiciously.
“Business.” He winked.
I bit my gums to stop me from grinning.
“Fine, but you’ll miss all the sun here.” Jenna waved her fork at him.
“I am so fucking bored!” I threw a book away that was so boring I couldn’t even finish the first page despite the fact I had been going over it for at least an hour.
I looked at my watch; it was only quarter past three in the afternoon. We had finished lunch and went into the sitting room, as usual.
Jenna stopped playing the piano and Adele stood up, “Thank fuck, I thought I was the only one.”
I picked up the book I was reading and put it back on the book shelf. I took Adele’s and put it away too. There was Alice In Wonderland that I hadn’t noticed earlier.
“He keeps far too many books.” I said. “I mean I love reading but, c’mon.”
There was every kind of book you could think of. Fact, fiction, knowledge, books on cooking, sewing, war, biographies…
“Book on rocks. Rocks for goodness sake!”
The room was small and cosy, with a fire roaring beside two red, velvet couches. A black grand piano was opposite the couches, in front of the enormous bookshelf. The floor was dark wood, with a yellow and red rug in the middle. Above the fire was a mantel piece with dark, gothic ornaments on it.
“Wunna to go for a walk?” I suggested.
They exchanged looks.
“Will said we’re not allowed to wander.” Jenna shrugged, “Apparently it’s not safe.”
“So?” I headed for the door. “I am not sitting here reading about rocks all day.”
“We’re right behind you.” Adele said. “We have to get the hell out of here.”
“Defiantly. And there’s not even any signal in this castle. What a surprise.”
Ninja-style we made our way across the lab and through the door leading to the hall.
“Where are they? If he finds out there gone…” Someone sounded scared.
We hid behind a tapestry and eavesdropped.
“Don’t worry they couldn’t have gone far. Apparently they found an old man hiding in the castle the other day.” Brian said.
“Oh really? I didn’t know anything about that.”
“Me neither. But he was saying weird stuff to the girls. The old man was crazy. He stabbed that Eleanora girl.”
“Ella.” I muttered.
“Oh I bet the boss didn’t like that.”
“No.” Brian said. “The old man is dead. Very dead.”
My heart skipped a beat. He’s dead because of me! I shouldn’t have said anything to Will.
When they were gone we continued our great escape. At the end of the corridor there was a set of narrow wooden stairs leading into the loft. We had to be careful, the loft door was open and someone was up there.
We went to the very end of the corridor, which looked like a dead end, but turning left we walked through a hole in the wall. I think it had been blown up.
We climbed over the rubble of black and grey bricks to stand in the warm sunlight, taking in the surroundings. In front of us there was a forest. With nowhere else to go, we headed towards it, hoping to find a way back home.
An hour later, we were still wandering about aimlessly in the warmth of the sun.
“What?” I knew Jenna’s grin.
She ran at me and took me down rugby-style. I stumbled over and fell on my bum. She tripped over a tree root and was launched through bushes with little pink flowers on them. Ha ha ha! Adele picked me up and we pushed through the bushes to look for Jen. She was lying in a heap laughing uncontrollably.
We stood in a small circular meadow hidden by white trees and green bushes. There was a log, for sitting, and in the middle was a pile of sticks and small branches, for a fire. There was colour everywhere from the different flowers. It was so peaceful there; the clearing was filled with bird songs. Everything was calm, happy. The place was perfect; the sun was beating down, I was with my best friends, what more could I ask for?
To go home, maybe.
We lay in the sun and talked about home and what we missed. We spoke about how good Jenna’s party was, before we had been taken. We wondered how our parents were coping with our disappearance. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we played charades. We had fun.
“I think Will is sort of cute.” I threw my hands over my mouth but it was too late. Word vomit had busted me.
They gasped, “Ella!”
“Well yeah he’s a dick for kidnapping us. But you know, don’t you think?”
“You like Will?” I could see Jenna’s eyes light up.
“No! Well yeah. No! Maybe. Uh…its weird. I mean he could be a mass murderer for all we know. But his eyes…wow.”
It was getting dark. Jenna pulled out her lighter (she doesn’t smoke anymore, but she told me she liked to carry it around) and made a little fire. We huddled together and enjoyed the silence and the warmth of the fire. I didn’t want to go back to the castle. There we were free.
The peacefulness was disturbed not long after I started enjoying it. Someone (or something) snapped a twig from within the trees. We stood up and waited.
“James, careful!” A woman said.
We don’t have guns back in Scotland, but I sure as Hell recognised that clicking sound before someone pulls the trigger.
“Get down!” Adele clamped her hands over mine and Jenna’s shoulders and pulled us down.
“Fucking vampire scum.” The woman was the first to fire.
We hit the deck without having to be told twice.
Bullets flew past us as we headed for cover behind the log. The strangers were shouting to us but I had no idea what they were saying. Gunfire is never that loud on the telly! We were trapped. If we ran they’d shoot us. If we stayed, they’d shoot us. I had one word for it. Fuck.
Jenna screamed beside me. She has been shot in the side. I saw the strangers emerge from the trees. They stopped shooting but the woman’s gun was aimed right at Jenna’s head.
“Don’t.” I covered Jenna with my own body.
“Now what would three young goths be doing out here at this time?”
“Playing charades.” Adele replied sarcastically.
The woman shook her head in confusion. Her face was thin and pale and her hair was long with golden locks. Her bright blue eyes were fixed on Jenna’s reaction to the bullet. She blinded us with her torch.
“James, she is not burning.”
She was English.
“How strange, sister. She should; the bullets have silver in them.”
He was English too.
James looked a lot like his sister, with shorter hair and a knife in his hand. Jenna was lying at Adele’s feet, legs at her chest and crying in pain.
Adele lifted her over her lap “Jen, talk to me!”
Jenna was bleeding violently. Blood poured out of her like water from tap. She cried in pain. I was terrified and angry. Really fucking pissed off.
“Are you mental?” I walked towards the strangers, ready to fly off the handle.
“Ella, leave it.” Adele said through sobs.
But I couldn’t leave it. That bitch had just shot my best friend.
“Elizabeth, what does this mean?” James ignored me and turned to his sister.
“She’s not dead. Not yet!” I shouted.
“We’ve gotta get her back.” Adele said.
I nodded, “He’ll know what to do.”
“Who?” Elizabeth asks.
I made my hands into fists, walked straight up to her and punched her in the face, “Are you outta yer fucking mind?” I grabbed her shirt collar, “If Jenna dies, I’ll come after you!”
The woman looked as furious as I and reached for the dagger hanging from her belt.
“Elizabeth, leave the girl!”
“Ella come here.”
I locked eyes with Elizabeth then joined my friends. When I looked up again, James and Elizabeth were gone.
“Jen, your pale…paler” I brushed her hair out her eyes. I saw the look on her face and it crushed me completely. My best friend was dying.
Jenna grabbed my hand as Adele used a piece of her clothing to try and stop the bleeding. I called on Will but I knew it was useless. The fire was still alive, but the air was now icy and the ground pricked my legs. All the good feelings that were in the air had vanished.
“Come on, we have to get you back.” I lifted her legs.
Adele took her top half and on three we lifted her.
“Jeez how much do you weigh?” I gave a nervous laugh.
“Too soon, Ella.”
She was shaky on her feet. Adele and I took an arm each and together we made our way back to the castle.
“Take me out tonight.” Jenna said in a croaky voice.
She continued, “Where there’s music and there’s people who are young and alive.”
Typical. Even in her state, Jenna was still light-hearted. The three of us sang There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths:

‘…driving in your car
I never, never want to go home.
Because I haven’t got one

Take me out tonight.
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life.
Driving in your car
Oh, please don’t drop me home
Because it’s not my home, it’s their home
And I’m welcome no more.

And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die.
And if a ten tonne truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine.

Take me out tonight.
Oh, take me anywhere I don’t care
I don’t care, I don’t care.
Driving in your car
I never, never want to go home
Because I haven’t got one, da…
Oh I haven’t got one.

And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die.
And if a ten tonne truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine.

Oh, there is a light that never goes out.
There is a light that never goes out…’

We stopped mid-struggle as we heard crashing and snorting and hooves coming towards us, getting louder and louder. A huge, black Clydesdale jumped over the bushes and landed with a thud next to me. Will sprang from the horse’s back and was at Jenna’s side in a flash, cradling her in his arms.
Without a word he lay her gently on the horses back then sat behind her. He looked furious and terrified and his eyes were blue. Hang on. But his eyes were hazel. Wait, they were blue! Light blue. Glowing light blue!
“Will, I am so, so sorry! It’s my fault.” I cried. “Them folk…they just came out of nowhere and-“
“Get yourselves back to the castle!” He kicked the horse gently and soon I was left staring at a cloud of dust where this charming but strange man just took my best friend.
To save her?
What does he want with us?
Before I knew it I was running with Adele back to the castle and we don’t stop until we get to our room.
“Ella!” Adele puffed and panted beside me a minute later, “Damn you’re fast.” She took my hand and we walked in together.
Brian was stitching her up by the look of it.
“Will she be okay?” I asked.
“She’s lost a lot of blood, but yes she will live. Leave her to rest. Go with Will and I will call you when I’m done. He is in the sitting room.”
“Adele.” I sobbed, “This is my fault.”
“Shh.” She hugged me tight. “Come on.”
I gave a feeble knock, “Will, you in here?” I pushed the wooden door open.
“Please leave!”
“What’s wrong?” Adele asked, giving me a little shove in.
He sat at the far end of the room. My heart skipped a beat, even at the sight of the back of his head.
“Will?” I said.
Something didn’t feel right.
“Why aren’t you with Jenna?” Adele asked.
“I couldn’t bear all the blood.”
We moved to the side of him and he turned around again, covering his face. I notice he had an empty bag of blood scrunched up in his hand. The kind that patients have in a hospital.
“What’s wrong?” I kneeled beside him. Adele hovered over me
“Go away!”
“Will, what’s going on?” I put my hand on his shoulder.
He flinched, “Please don’t look at me.”
“Why?” My face was so close I wanted to kiss him. “What’s wrong?”
“How did your eyes change?” She noticed that too.
“What’s with all the blood?”
“Because I’m a monster…” He whispered.
I looked at Adele in confusion, but she only shrugged.
“We don’t understand.”
He raised his head to face us. I gasped and stumbled back in shock horror. Adele stopped me from falling on my arse and hauled me up. His eyes were crimson red. Red! Blood was dripping from his mouth onto his white Misfits t-shirt. He opened his mouth to sigh, showing off his perfectly white teeth, complete with sharp fangs.
“What are you?” But I already knew the answer.
He looked defeated and replied with so much bitterness in his voice.
“I’m a vampire.”