Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish

The Fight

“Why have we stopped?” Jenna’s voice rang in the dark.
I shrugged, “I’m getting out. My legs have gone to jelly.”
The rain slowly stopped as the others joined me. We leaned against the carriage in the dark. Just waiting in silence, though I don’t know what for.
From the edge of the forest, a battered-looking Will appeared. I saw his t-shirt was now black and purple, and he wore a black jacket and thin scarf. How glad I was to see a familiar face. My heart fluttered a little as I began to make my way towards him.
Cold hands held me in place.
“Don’t go out there. If you do, Jared and his clan will get you.” A soothing voice whispered.
“Nick!” We cried, hugging he and Valo tightly.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Get under the carriage! And stay quiet!” He hissed.
And with that, the vampires ran forward to join Will, standing in the middle of the clearing.
Moments later, Jared and his vampires emerged from the woods and made a circle around our men. Jared walked forward and stood boldly in front of them.
He chuckled, “You’re not going to win, William. Join us, like I’ve been asking for so long now.”
“And just think…” Jared replied, ignoring Will. “You could share your girls. I’m sure the guys could use them for fun, right?” He turned to his clan and smiled.
His men chuckled.
“Especially the blond.” One said.
Valo growled, “Don’t you touch her.”
Jenna and I were breathing loudly out our mouths, staring at Jared. I was unable to take my eyes off the situation. It was so intense!
“Could you breathe a little quieter, please?” Adele whispered.
Jared and his clan turned their heads towards the carriage. “You thought you could hide them from us? And sacrifice yourselves for them? How…foolish.” Jared said with a menacing grin.
“They smell ever so tasty.” Another one if his followers said.
He was really starting to annoy me, “Shut the fuck up, Jared.”
“Feisty!” He called back.
“Touch them and we’ll kill you!” Nick yelled at their enemy.
“You and what army?”
At that moment, all one hundred of the wolves growled out of the woods and stood around the enemy vampires, with Tundra trotting past Jared calmly and sitting beside our men. Valo put a hand on his friend’s head and the wolf seemed to grin. Jared and his clan were out-numbered. There were only thirty of them, and one hundred and four of…us. Jared hissed and launched himself at the carriage.
It all happened so fast. As Jared launched himself towards us, Valo leaped into the air, sharp teeth bared, and took Jared down. They crashed onto the ground and Valo pinned him-teeth around his neck, terrifying growls rippling from their throats. The men’s eyes were glowing blue now and the enemy vampire’s eyes were all glowing red. Some of them jumped at Valo, but Will and Nick took them down. Jared threw Valo off him and instantly the fight began. The wolves tore into the enemy vampires while our men and the enemy vampires moved so fast they were just a blur of glowing blue and red. When they collided it sounded like two boulders crashing together but we stared in amazement and horror.
The battle raged on as we cowered under the carriage. I felt so useless, but I knew there was nothing I could do. Hours seemed to pass but it had only been a few minutes until Adele disappeared from beside me. Jenna and I turned around sharply, but were relieved to see Valo who had a hold of Adele, Will and Nick. They rushed us into the woods where three smaller wolves waited patiently.
“Listen.” Will said with his beautiful voice. “Follow these wolves, they will take you to safety. We will get you back at the castle, okay?”
“What’s going on?” I stared at him.
“There was a slight kink in our plan.”
We nodded dumbly and they hugged us tightly. I turned to walk away, but as I did, a cold hand grabbed my arm and I spun around.
Will hugged me tight and whispered, “I’ll never let them hurt you. I promise.”
They disappeared back into battle.