Sequel: Martin's Choice
Status: getting fixed again!

Jenna's Deathwish


With no time to loose, the wolves tugged at our clothes and we ran deeper into the forest, where the trees became more densely packed and the flowers were all dead. We ran for what seemed like miles, until there was the sound of gentle water. The sandy, black and auburn coloured wolves lead us down a steep hill at the end of the forest, then towards the water without a sound.
“What’s that?” Jenna pointed to a faint shadow in the water.
“A boat?” I wondered.
“No.” Adele corrected. “A raft in the river.”
Edging forward, we waded into the deep water.
We froze at once.
I gasped, “Its…fucking…freezing!”
Slowly, we grabbed the raft then waded back to the water’s edge. As we done so, there was a horrible wailing sound, coming from the battle.
We froze again, and waited in silence.
“So, Valo, you thought you could break our laws and get away with it?” Jared’s voice boomed.
Another wail.
“You should have known better, and for that you and your friends shall be destroyed…”
Another roar, followed by Will and Nick’s cries of “Valo!”
“…and the girls will be tortured. And fucked. And eaten.”
I held my breath.
“Jared! No!” A voice cried.
One finial roar, then a loud crack. Will and Nick were cursing and shouting. Then there was laughter. Moments of silence passed until the wolves started howling.
We never moved. We never spoke. What had just happened back there?
Adele was the first to say anything, “We better get going.”
Her whisper seemed the loudest noise.
“Right, err. Jenna, you on first.” I said, handing her the oar.
Jenna jumped onto the raft, followed by the auburn wolf. The river was too wide and deep for us to swim across. Yeah, as if I’d swim across that, it was far too cold.
She paddled through the fog and out of sight. Seconds later the raft floated across the river, and Adele grabbed it.
“On you go.”
“No, you first.” I smiled. “Age before beauty.”
“’Oi you!”
She jumped on it, followed by the sandy-coloured wolf.
I stood patiently with the black wolf for the ride.
“Got it?” She then yelled.
I watched it emerge from the fog, then gasped, startled by what I saw.
“Ella?” Jenna asked sounding nervous.
“Yeah…it’s here.” I called.
The raft reached the land and the woman hopped off. She stood tall and pale, with long curling ginger hair which came down to her thighs. Her eyes were glowing red and she was smiling greedily. I stood perfectly still as she danced around me. The wolf stood with her fur and hackles up, ears pinned back, lips curled back, growling.
“Ella, what was that?” Adele called from the other side.
At least they were safe over there.
“Ella. That’s what they call you.” The vampire hissed.
She sounded like a possessed little child. I never took my eyes off her and neither did the wolf.
“But that’s not what he calls you. Oh no. He speaks very highly of you three.” Then she cocked her head and lunged forward. “He talks like you are Gods!” She withdrew herself and stood a little in front of me.
I decided that telling her not to call me that was a pretty bad idea. I swallowed-my throat had gone dry. My heart was pounding but I kept my head clear. I needed to escape somehow. I wouldn’t go back to Adele and Jenna because that would lead the vampire to them. Just the slightest chance, I would take it. But I had to keep the vampire talking in order to think of a plan.
“He? You mean Will?”
“Yes.” She said gently. “My William.”
“Your William?”
“Oh, my dear he hasn’t told you girls? It was William and I. Just like he and you-”
“Hang on, me and Will aren’t together!”
The vampire drew me a look.
“-The human and the vampire.” She continued. “He promised he would never leave me. Then he turned me into what he was. I could see it, day by day. He didn’t care for me anymore. He didn’t love me because I was stronger. He didn’t need to look after me. His friends- that Finnish one and Nicholas, the one he calls Zombie. They did the same to my sisters. So we were brought into this thing. This life of the un-dead. The nosferatu. We left them and their castle. For weeks we were alone. But one day we found Jared and his people. And we have been happy ever since. He looked after us. The way we deserved to be treated”
“What a shame.” Not really giving a shit about her misfortune.
“Oh also… did I mention I was pregnant at the time?”
That got my attention, “With Will’s baby?”
The vampire nodded, “He knew. Then one day I yelled at him for not loving me anymore…and we had a proper fight. He killed my unborn child.”
“Accidentally, though?”
I stood there, staring stupidly. I couldn’t believe it, “Was it a human baby?”
Was I really having the conversation?
“At first, yes. Then when I was turned, it was too.” She looked at the ground, “He…he used…he killed my baby!”
I knew Adele and Jenna were listening to every word. I knew we were all thinking the same thing: how could the men be so cruel? How could Will kill his own child?
“So are you and Jared together now?”
The vampire smiled kindly, “We are indeed. He tells me you hit him earlier. You are very brave, just like William said.”
I bit my gums to avoid grinning, “What’s your name?”
“I’m Emily. And you are Eleanora. Your friends are Adele and Jenna and Valo, William and Nicholas have been watching you for some time.”
I was taken aback, “What now?”
She ignored me. “But I ought to teach foolish William a lesson…” She took another step forward, “…not to be so mean in future.” Another step. “I’m only going to save you from what he put me through.”
I still held my ground-I didn’t have a plan yet and my legs wouldn’t move. And I wasn’t going to leave without the wolf.
“What you ‘gonna do?” Ha! Stupid question.
The vampire took another step, so she was right in front of me. My heart was racing but my head was still clear.
“I’m going to teach dear William a lesson.”
“Adele…Jenna, run!”
As I guessed, the vampire leaped into the air with a growl, straight for me. I screamed in shock, then ducked as the wolf jumped over me with a snarl, and took the vampire down. She stood on Emily‘s body and kept its teeth round her throat. She then barked as if telling me to run.
Reluctantly, I took off towards the relative safety of the forest. I stopped to look back once I reached the trees: the vampire and wolf were violently fighting in the moonlight.
How I wished I could see in the dark. I could only faintly see the shapes of tall trees looming over me, and I kept stumbling over bits of who-knows-what. I was cold, I was lost and I had no idea where I was going, I just kept on walking, hoping to come across something. Anything other than darkness.
When first in the forest I could hear Emily’s furious screams and the wolf’s terrifying barks and growls, but now there was nothing. It was silent. Eerily silent.
There was a rumble in the air. Rain began to pour again, followed by a flash of lightening.
“Life…why do you hate me?”
I continued on through the storm trying to think positively. I jumped on a rock, which was wet, and slipped and fell flat on my face, into an ice-cold puddle. I recovered quickly, gasping and coughing, eyes watering. I checked my face but luckily I was unhurt.
I stood up, freezing and soaked in cold water. My face was throbbing, my toes were numb, I was completely drenched and I had a feeling I wasn’t the only one near the water. I got a sickly feeling I was being watched. I could feel it-something was coming towards me, swiftly and silently.
From nowhere, the black wolf landed in the small patch of moonlight at the water’s edge, panting happily at me, tail wagging. Overwhelmed with joy and relief, I flung myself at her and hugged her tightly.
She then nudged me with her muzzle and we began to walk further into the forest.
“Sixteen minutes past ten. I wonder how Adele and Jen are.”
My stomach knotted. Adele and Jenna, were they safe? Were they heading back to the castle? I missed them already. And Valo…what happened to him? What about Will and Nick and all the other wolves? My head was buzzing with questions.
I heard a whisper, “Eleanora.”
The wolf and I both froze. It came again only this time, closer, “Ella.”
“What?” I yelled at the voice.
A childish cackle, then I saw Emily leaning against a tree a few yards ahead, in the pale light.
“Aww not again.” I mumbled.
Emily went for me again and once again, the wolf leapt at her. In one moment of lightening I noticed a large hollow in the tree and ran for cover. Once again, they were fighting, more vicious than before.
I crawled right to the back and brought my cold knees to my chest, hugging myself and rubbing my bare legs, trying to keep warm. I could hear the vampire and the wolf fighting outside, but I tried to ignore it. Once again, I felt useless.
My greatest, and only fear, is fire. Lightning struck the tree and it rumbled and shook. The rain had stopped and I could smell burning. Black smoke began drifting into the hollow. I never realized at first, until I heard Emily shout, “Fire, fire! Fire near the human!”
I froze.
Oh no.
Oh no.
No, no, no, no!
The fire was quickly spreading around the tree, and flames began to lick the sides of the hollow. My eyes widened in horror, my heart banging off my rib cage. This was so not happening!
I tried to stand up, but hit my head again. I shifted forward and tried to crawl out, but the fire was blocking the way out. I froze for a second, too scared to move. It was far too hot. I was trapped! If, and that was a really big if, I managed to escape the fire, I would be killed by Emily. If I stayed, well, I would be burned alive.
Instinct took over, I guess, the will to survive and all. And I tried time and time again to crawl through the flames, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t get any closer to the fire. My heart sank as I crawled to the back of the hollow, awaiting my fate. But I couldn’t just give up. I screamed for Will at the very top of my voice. I knew it was hopeless, but something inside of me knew that’s what I had to do.
“William!” I screamed and shouted, calling on my last hope. “WILL!”
From outside Emily cackled, “Dear William is not coming dear. You are dead! I’m going to have a nice barbequed human tonight!”
I called until my throat became hoarse and I could no longer shout. Then, with a sickly feeling, I brought my knees back up to my chest and hugged myself, silent tears pouring down my cheeks. I closed my eyes and thought of my friends, and everyone I loved and began to sing My Last Breath by Evanescence:

‘Hold on to me love
you know I can't stay long
all I wanted to say was I love you and I’m not afraid.
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

I’ll miss the winter
a world of fragile things.
Look for me in the white forest
hiding in a hollow tree, come find me
I know you hear me
I can taste it in your tears.

Holding my last breath
safe inside myself
are all my thoughts of you
sweet raptured light it ends here tonight.’

Suddenly Emily sang, her voice was so beautiful:

‘Closing your eyes to disappear
you pray your dreams will leave you here
but still you wake and know the truth
no one's there.’

“Yes girly, dear Will isn’t coming for you.”
Then cackled like a child.
‘She’s right. I’m ‘gonna die’
At that very thought, a familiar voice was heard, one that sent hope flooding into my big heart:

‘Say goodnight
don't be afraid
calling me, calling me as you fade to black.’

“Will!” I jumped up, but hit my head again.
“Darling!” He replied. “I’m so sorry!”
“Will help, it’s so hot! The fire…” The smoke was making me choke.
I tried to back away from the flames that were now at my feet. My eyes were stinging and my skin was burning.
“Will, help!” I choked.
“Hold on!”
There was a crack beside me-something hard had broken the bark of the tree. I screamed and curled up as tight I could as the roof of the hollow started to cave in. Wood landed beside me; the fire was inches away from my body.
“Eleanora, what happened?” There was terror in his voice.
“The tree! It’s gonna collapse!”
A fist broke through the bark, then another. Relief flooded my body as Will tore at the wood and, with one quick swipe, made a hole. He grabbed me and hauled me out just as the tree collapsed and burned to ash. He cradled me in his arms, and hugged me tight. His cold skin felt good on my burning body.
“Will, what happened? Are you okay? We heard…we though Jared had gotten you all!”
He stared at me, then chuckled, “You were nearly burned alive and you’re asking how I am?”
I flung myself around his neck and hugged him back, “Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And I’m fine now.”
“I wasn’t going to just leave you, was I?” He wiped my tears away. “And Jared nearly got Valo, but Tundra got him first. His clan ran away, thinking he had been killed. Well…destroyed. You can’t kill what’s already dead.” He chuckled again, “Ooh he is gonna be so pissed off at them.”
I sighed and put my head on his shoulder as he headed forward. I was so incredibly happy and tankful he was there and that he saved me-one more minute and I would have been barbequed! I smiled and closed my eyes. For the first time in a while, I relaxed.
Will froze suddenly and I snapped my eyes open. I twisted around and saw Emily leaning against a tree ahead of us.
“Dear William, are you just going to leave? Withough saying goodbye?”
“She just doesn’t want to die.” I whispered.
I saw Will hold back a grin.
She then straightened herself up and walked towards us. Will’s grip tightened on me. In anger or for protection, I didn’t know.
“Oh William, dear. Don’t you remember the wonderful times we had?” She spun slowly on the spot then froze and lowered her head, looking up at Will with her large, brown eyes.
I looked up at Will, but he didn’t move. He was just staring at her, as if in another trance.
She took a step forward. “You know, you could come back to us, William.”
Her eyes were locked on him and I felt his grip tighten again.
Another step, “Won’t you come? We will have such fun, stop being outcasts.”
She continued with another step, “And it will just be like old times, will it not?”
“She’s lying!” I hissed.
His grip tightened again and my rib cage was dangerously close to snapping.
“And as for the girls… we can dispose of them for you if you can’t bring yourself to do it.”
As soon as Emily said that, Will squeezed so hard, I yelped in pain. He let go quickly as he was snapped out of Emily’s trance. I fell to the ground, then scrambled up and backed away from him, behind a forked tree.
“Eleanora…I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
I wrapped my arms around my body and shook my head. He took a step forward, knowing he had hurt me.
“See… see!” Emily shrieked. “They are better off dead to you!”
“Shut up, Emily!” Will yelled.
“You said you weren’t gonna hurt us.”
“And I’m not. Please… just come here” He said calmly.
My eyes darted towards Emily, then back to Will. I went to walk forward, when a warm breath tickled the back of my neck. Will looked behind me in horror.
I turned around slowly and bit my gums as I came face to face with a werewolf, with its thick black fur and yellow eyes looming over me. Its huge mouth was shut but its long fangs stuck out from its lips. It leaned down and sniffed me with its black leathery nose.
‘Keep calm. Keep calm’
One snap and my life was over. Its pointy ears twitched at the sound of Emily hissing and backing away. It looked up sharply and stood in silence. Then, without warning, it leaped in the air. Its muzzle crinkled, revealing its teeth even more and its giant paws sliced through the air as it took Emily down. It was like a demon.
Instantly the two of them were in battle and Will took no time on rushing to my side. He wrapped his arm around me and rushed me away.
“What about the black wolf?”
“She’s dead. Emily killed her.”
“That bitch.”
From behind us I heard the werewolf howl in what sounded like pain. Will flinched and stopped dead as Emily cut him off.
“Leaving again?” Her childish voice rang