Status: Slowly Updating.

We Grew Up


I smiled at the picture of me and him when we were little. It was a picture of us at a pumpkin patch. We were so young, so close, unlike we are now. I laughed at his goofy child like grin, and our silly clothes our mothers dressed us in. I, of course being an Elmo fanatic when I was a kid had a red t-shirt on with Elmo on it. He on the other hand had a grey shirt with a bunch of dinosaurs and other animals on it probably from the local zoo. I flipped through a couple more pictures and kept smiling at the childhood memories I kept so dear to my heart, until I let out a sad sigh.
Photos, the only thing I had left of him. Well that and memories. But all the memories seem faded, and very distant from my mind. I felt some one put their warm hands on my shoulders, and I turned around to see my loving mother smiling at me.

"You really miss him don't you?"

"Yeah, I really do. I really wished we never had to move," I replied with a dull tone in my voice.

"Sweetie, you know--"

"Yes mother, I know why we had to. It's just hard to think about it," I interrupted my mother.

"I know Lexi, I know. I would have to loved to stay but we had to move. It was either moving or living in a card board box," my mother said.

The tone of voice my mother used, seemed like she felt really bad. The fact I now know she feels bad, makes me feel really bad. I use to yell at her when we first moved from Colorado. I told my parents I hated them for making me move.

I sighed and put away the pictures into the old shoe box and shoved it back under my bed.
I know my moms right, but I can't help but still think it's unfair that we had to move when I was so little from a placed I loved so much. I really do love it there, back in Colorado, but we just had to move away from family and my closest friends. We had such a great life back there, but it all had to be ruined by my dads stupid job.

"Lexiana! There's someone on the phone for you darling," my mom shouted from downstairs.

I made my way downstairs and picked up the phone and said my greetings.

"Lexi...?" I heard a way too familiar voice say.

My heart jumped, I automatically knew who was on the other line.

"Travis..." I whispered.
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I'm back in the writing business guys. In my English class today, my teacher was discussing about how authors can't write a good story, and get inspired as much as they possibly can if they don't write a story that some how connects to them self. So I got to some thinking, maybe that's why I couldn't get any ideas for stories before. Because I couldn't connect to my stories with person experiences in anyway. Then i got to some more thinking and decided I want to right again. This plot line is connected me in a major way. This story is based off of what happened to me and a child hood friend of mine. Of course, not all that happens in the story has happened between me and the boy I knew since I was a kid.

So yeah...I'm really excited to get back into writing. Please, please, please comment and subscribe that way I know there are people checking out my story. I want your honest opinion guys. I know there are going to be some people out there that don't like me story. So tell me how I can improve, what you like about my writing/story. I love to hear from you.