Status: Slowly Updating.

We Grew Up

Apologizes and Outfit Choices

I ignored and avoided Travis as much as I could for the rest of the day. I wouldn't let him sit in the front of the car either while we drove around to more garage sales. Until the one garage sale, that caused even more drama and tension between us.

Like I intended on doing, I was minding my own business while roaming around a driveway looking for stuff to bring back home. I picked up a few old antique glasses. I felt the cold glass against my finger tips. They looked pretty cool to buy, but I couldn't figure out who I should buy them for so I put them back and moved onto the next table.

"I bet you couldn't take my high school," I heard a voice.

"Excuse me?" I said, taken back.

"I said, I bet you couldn't handle my high school. I bet you wouldn't be able to last one day at the school I go to," Travis said again.

"What? Is that a threat or something? What made you say this?" I questioned him.

Did he take some 'How To Be A Dick 101' class at his school or something? Cause he sure knows how to act like one.

"I don't know. You just walk around like you think of yourself so highly. You act as if you are super hot and crap like that," He said as he walked to another table.

"You don't even know me, Travis. You don't know how I think of myself. And for your information, I don't think I'm super hot. I think the exact opposite of myself actually. I have a very low self of esteem," I shot back.

"You shouldn't. You're really pretty," He muttered low, so I couldn't heat the last part.

"Excuse me, you're talking to quietly"

"Never mind...... I'm sorry you have such a low self esteem, Lexi. And I'm sorry for earlier. I don't know what I was thinking. Let me make it up to you," He asked


"I'll take you to dinner or something. Whatever you want," He said looking at me.

"I don't get it," I said with a confused tone.

"Don't get what?" He asked.

"You you can be so cruel to me, then give me some half-ass apology and expect it to be just peachy the next minute," I said with a slight tone of anger in my tone of voice.

"I don't either Lexi. I'm a complicated person, what can I say? Just let me make it up to you," Travis asked once again.

"Maybe. I don't know. We'll see, Travis," I sighed

"Please, Lexi. Just let me do this for you. Make it up some how," He pleaded.

"Takeing me out to dinner isn't going to take back all that you said to me. You were really rude," I said.

He let out a huge sigh, a bit to over dramatic, "Fine. But the offer is still up if you want to go to dinner with me."

I knew on the inside that I would die to go out to dinner with him, but I couldn't let him know that. I just couldn't.


"So what should we eat for dinner tomorrow at the party, Lexi?" My aunt asked

Although I couldn't hear her because my mind was off topic, thinking about Travis.

"Lexi..." My aunt said a little more loudly

"Huh? What? I'm sorry I was just thinking...what was the question again?" I asked

"You were thinking about Travis, weren't you," She said more as a statement then a question

I blushed, "No! No, of course not. Just...just of what I'm going to wear to the party."

"Mhmm, sure you were sweetie. I know you better. Now, what should we cook on the grill tomorrow?" She asked again

"How about just some traditional burgers and hot dogs. We'll make a salad and get a water melon too," I suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Savannah said

"Burgers, hot dogs, salad, and water melon it is. Now you girls go pick out a nice outfit for tomorrow," My aunt smiled and pointed to up stairs.

We both quickly got up and went to our room to pick out something.

"I was thinking about wearing a summer dress tomorrow. What about you?" Savannah asked

"I was thinking the same thing," I replied while looking through my closet

My hands dragged over the soft, silky, clothes I had hanging gently up in my closet. I went to the dress part of my closet. I only brought a couple dresses on the trip. I pulled the dresses carefully out of the closet so nothing would rip or come off the hanger.

"I like that light green one," Savannah said as she was looking at her closet too.

"I don't know. It's suppose to get pretty warm tomorrow, even during the night." I said while picking up the light green cotton dress and putting it up to myself.

"True," Savannah replied.

"I want it to be casual too. Not too dressy since it's only family and family friends coming to the party," I stated

"But you want to impress a certain someone," Savannah said while wiggling her eyebrows.

I giggled, "Maybe I do. I'm sure Travis is bringing a few hot friends to the party as well. So we'll have to make you look super hot. But not hot enough for Travis to want you."

"Like he wants me. He's totally in love with you!" Savannah exclaimed.

"No he's not! We're just friends, Savannah."

"Just friends my right ass cheek, you know you're both head over heels for each other," Savannah scoffed.

I narrowed my options to two floral dresses.

I held up the two dresses, "Which one?"

Savannah looked at them, paused, and then made her decision "The one with the pink bottom."

I put the other dresses back into my closet and went over to help Savannah.

"I'll probably just wear flip flops," I said.

"Same. Do you like this dress?" She questioned

She held up a plain light purple dress. Savannah had long dark hair so the dress would suit her perfectly.

"Yes! It would look so gorgeous on you Savannah!"

"Thank you. You're going to look gorgeous in your dress too. Travis is going to be all over you," Savannah smiled.

I turned to look at the clock, and was shocked.

"Savannah! It's almost eleven thirty! We're never going to wake up in time to get ready and get set up for the party tomorrow," I exclaimed

"Shit, you're right. Let's get into our pajamas and then we'll get ready for bed. Do you need a shower?"

"No, I'll take one in the morning," I said.

"Goodnight, Lex," Savannah said yawning

"Night Savannah."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Like really sorry. This was a pretty long chapter.
And I'm in the mood to write, so expect number 11 to be up in a little while.
There was 1,044 words in this. That's a lot for me.
I don't know if the next one will be as long as this.
Please comment, I want to know what you think.

Aww Travis is warming up to her :)
Oooh, a party? I wonder if they'll dance together.... ;)
I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry if there are some grammar and spelling mistakes I looked it over briefly and didn't really see anything wrong I guess. But I only skimmed.
