Status: Slowly Updating.

We Grew Up

Missing Travis and New Cars

We finally arrived at my aunts familiar home. I was glad that Savannah came with me, and all of the family took her in just like she belonged right in it. I was so happy to see my aunt finally, it's been so long. My aunt and I are very close, when I use to live here we'd spend almost every day of the week together. She always had toys and other things to keep me busy while she cooked me lunch or some other snacks when I got hungry. Her back yard is so big. She has a grape vine to make jelly and grape wine, a above ground pool, and a carport that we use as a lounge area with a table, a small TV, and a couple of couches.

As all those thoughts of my aunt were in my head, I came to realize one thing. How did Travis know I was coming? Savannah didn't tell him, and neither did my mom or myself. Aunt Nancy probably did. I shrugged it off as a no big deal type of thing, even thought deep down inside of me I wished she didn't, so I could surprise him.

I inhaled deeply as I walked inside my aunts house. The scent was warm and so inviting.

"I'll have your uncle take up your things dear, Travis' mom and dad are out in the carport with some other people waiting to meet you," my aunt said sweetly while interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded and said, "Thanks Aunt Nancy, I'll see you out there."

I looked at Savannah and she said, "I've got some jet lag and don't really feel up to going outside, I'm going to go take a nap, I'll be down for dinner."

"Alright, feel better Sav." I gave her a quick hug.

I walked out the door and got greeted by three adorable dogs, Abby, Dozer and Kodie my aunts dogs which I've always loved. I scratched each of their heads and walked through the gate towards the carport. Once I finally got towards the carport I could see many familiar faces.

I smiled and waved hello to everyone, and they all yelled my name.

I went up and hugged Travis' mom first, then his sister and dad. They were practically family.

"You've gotten so tall Lexi! You're such a beautiful young girl now," Dianna, Travis' mom said to me sweetly.

I blushed and thanked her. "Thank you Dianna! You look younger every time I see you."

"Oh stop! You have to come and see Taylor's new car. It's just out back," she replied.

We all walked out back to the garage where they parked. I wasn't quite sure the model or year of the car, but it was a really nice car. Taylor seemed to love it a whole lot, and I knew we were defiantly taking some joy rides with Savannah in it later.

"The car looks awesome Taylor! I'm sure you love it," I told her.

"Oh my God, yes! I love it. It's so much better than my old one that Travis' is getting next year when he gets his license." She smiled back.

"Speaking of..." I trailed on.

"He's at a friends house Lex. I know he wanted to be here to see you, but his friend called at last minute and they went dirt biking at his place. They haven't seen each other in about a month, so he decided to go to Jake's. But I'm sure he'll be here later tonight for dinner," Dianna informed me.

Great, so he decided he'd rather go see a buddy who likes about 30 minutes away that he hasn't seen in a month, then his best friend since we were 3 that comes every 2 years? Good choice Travis, good choice.

I nodded and went back to the car port to greet everyone else.

I knew he would let me down, I knew he wouldn't come.

New Text Message To: Travis
You've got a lot of explaining to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I know I said I wanted 5 more comments until the next chapter, but I was bored with Spanish homework and drawing something for art. So I decided to write another chapter.

So, I'll be busy with writing my 3+ biography that is due this Friday for social studies, and I probably won't be able to update until Friday night or this coming weekend. I'm not sure sooo I want at least 5 to 10 new comments -or even more than that :D- before I update again, I like y'all slide with 3 comments this time. So I want more this time! And from all different people.

I'm still lookin for a banner <3