Status: Slowly Updating.

We Grew Up

Nervousness and Harsh Hello's

Travis never called, or texted me back. I wasn't all that disappointed because I knew he wouldn't do either of those. I tried not to be so let down, but I know on the inside I was still a little let down but I didn't let it get to me.

I walked downstairs with bed head, and my pajamas still on that consisted of shorts from Aerie, and a white tank top. The nights weren't all that cold in the spring or summer in Florence depending on what the temperature was during the day. Aunt Nancy and my mom were already wide awake and drinking some coffee at the cluttered kitchen table. I poured myself some orange juice because I wasn't a coffee or tea type of person. Savannah was, of course, still asleep upstairs in her room. Savannah, no matter if there was a time change or not, could sleep until whatever time of the day. Plus she wasn't feeling well, so I knew she'd still be asleep.

"Morning Lexi Bear. How you doing this morning?" My Aunt Nancy smiled sweetly at me.

Better than last night. "I'm doing good. Just a bit tired. How are you?" I smiled back.

"Doing really good. My arm doesn't hurt," she responded.

About 10 years ago, my aunt went camping and got a cut on her arm. She didn't think much of it, but ended up having to go to the hospital. It wasn't a tiny cut to begin with, but it's wasn't as big as it ended up to be. After a couple days that she had the cut, it started to turn red and get really infected. She went to the hospital, but the doctors didn't treat it right. What the should have does was disinfected the cut first, then wrap a bandage around it. But they didn't disinfect it, and put a bandage on it, that sealed the infection and just made everything worse. She got very sick because of the infection. To the point where they had to do sugary on it, and doctors didn't think she would live through it. But as the tough woman she is, thank the Lord above she got through it. Every so often on a rainy day, it'll hurt or just bother her. On other random days, she can't lift it up high.

"Dianna is coming over to drop of her salsa that she made for us. Taylor is coming, but I don't know about Travis. She's coming in about 45 minutes so you might want to take a shower and get dressed before they come over," my mom told me.

"Okay, I'll wake up Savannah and let her shower first. I took a shower before I went to bed last night so I'm okay. I wouldn't be able to shower before they came since Savannah needs one, and you know her, she takes long ones," I said as I put my cup in the sink and went towards the stairs.

My mom nodded in reply and I went up the stairs to go wake Savannah.

"Savannah come on. I know you don't feel well but Dianna is coming over in like 20 minutes so move your ass and take a damn shower before I give you an ice cold one," I shouted and hit and shook her to attempt to wake her up.

"Mmm, what? I'm up so shut up," she murmured into her pill.

"No you aren't. Now get up," I yelled at her again.

"I'm up you ass. So shut up."

She still wasn't out of bed. I was getting pretty pissed of by now.

"Fine. Then I'll just poor water on you."

"Don't you dare!" She jumped up.

I smirked and handed her a towel. "Get your clothes and shit together, and take a shower. But it needs to be short cause they are coming in like 20 minutes."

I wasn't quite sure what I was going to wear, but I needed to pick some clothes fast. It wasn't going to be too hot today, so I could go with a tank top or a light shirt and some shorts. After about 15 minutes of standing in front of the closet in my cousins old room that I was staying in for my vacation, I decided on what to wear. I picked out a loose fit, red tank top that said keep calm and party on, a pair of dark wash shorts, grey knit beanie, nerd glasses, and some black converse.

Savannah was already out of the shower and dressed in a light pink tank top with a picture of a kitten wearing glasses on it, light wash ripped jeans that went just past the knees, grey flip flops, and some sunglasses. I was surprised she was out of the shower and ready so fast.

I ran into the bathroom, and curled my hair as quickly as I could, but making sure it still turned out good. We did our simple make up that only consisted of mascara and a some eyeliner on the bottom lid. I put on my grey beanie and we headed downstairs.

As we walked down the stairs I heard familiar voices, I could hear Dianna talking to my mom and I heard Taylor. I wasn't so sure if I heard Travis' voice though. Only a few more steps and I would see if he showed up or not.

"Hey girls! Glad to see you made it out alive. You took awhile," I heard my aunt's voice say.

"Well we made it down alive," I joked. "You know how me and Savannah are, we want to look good for everyone."

"Everyone as in Travis?" Savannah whispered to me.

I elbowed her in her side and whispered a quiet 'shut up' to her.

"Hi..." I heard another soft voice.

I gasped as soon as I realized who it was.

"Hey, Travis," I smiled on the outside, but was a nervous wreck on the inside. "Finally decided to show up, and say hi to me for the first time in two years?" I added to the simple hello.

Ouch. That was harsh, wasn't it? Well whatever. He deserved it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't have anything really to say on the turn out of this chapter.
But, sorry for the lateness of this. I wasn't in the mood to write the fast few weeks, and I didn't want to dish out a shitty chapter to you guys. But tonight I was bored, had nothing to do since I don't have school tomorrow, and I was in the mood to write.

I just went with the flow. To be honest, that's what I've been doing with this whole story. As I said before, this story plot line is based off of something that is going on in my life currently. Now, the names have been changed obviously. Lexiana is based off of myself, Travis is based off of the guy I know and so on. The only name I didn't change was my aunt nancy's name. Some of the events I will or have put in here haven't actually happened. I mix it up a bit, and so on. I don't think about what I'm going to write for the next chapters, I have ideas running through my head but they aren't specific. Most of the are just twists I can throw in there.

If you'd like to know the actual story between myself and the guy I know, then you can message me if you are truly interested. I don't mind on telling the story.

Oh and another thing that has not changed, is the place that the guy I know lives in. Florence, Colorado is a real place. I use to live there, and know many people there. It's a very small town, one of the smallest towns I know of. I don't expect a lot of you to know Florence.

This chapter was fairly long. It took me about an hour or so to write. I kept going back and changing things like any other writer would. But I do hope that you enjoyed it. Sorry about the whole cliff hanger type thing at the end. I didn't want to keep going on, because I felt that it would drag on and begin to get boring. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up, maybe in a day, or maybe in 5 days. Who knows. Maybe I'll write another chapter on my day off tomorrow.

Also, I want to apologize for asking for comments in the last chapter. I didn't mean it in any way, shape, or form for it to come off as begging. Maybe it did to some, maybe it didn't. I really would like to see some more feedback. But I do love, and appriciate the 3 loyal readers of mine that do comment after each chapter even if it is "great chapter! can't wait for the next one!" or just a simple "update!" I still love to see that. Whether it is a 40 word comment, or a one word comment. But again, I am sorry for begging for comments in the last chapter. That was uncalled for.

I'm thinking of a layout change. I'm not sure yet. If you'd like to make an input on if I should or shouldn't change the layout, please tell. If you'd like to see a layout change, maybe you could give some ideas.

Other than that, have a lovely weekend!

Savannah's Outfit:
Lexiana's Outfit: