Status: Sequel has been posted.

Radio Love Song

Second Thoughts

"Well I see you rebounded pretty quickly," Travis said after looking at J.

"You can't talk. At least my new half isn't half gay."

"She's not gay!" Travis objected.

"Yeah, I so believe you because you've never lied to me before."

"I didn't lie."

"Yes you did!"

"No. I did not. I never said I didn't have any kids."

"No but you did say he was your nephew. Lie."

"You can't blame me for lying. I was scared you would leave me."

"Why would I leave you for having a kid but not for lying?"

Travis stayed silent for a moment.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. You can go back to your skank now," Sharon said and walked away. She didn't bother to look back at Travis or Katy.

"I guess we're both having a bad night," Jenna said as her best friend sat next to her.

"I guess so," Sharon said as she pulled a piece of lint off of her black jeans. She adjusted her light blue baby doll shirt and took her drink from J.

"Are you all right?" J asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You want me to arrest him?"

The question made Sharon laugh which was the respond J was aiming for.

"Hey, do you need another drink or anything?" Gabe asked Jenna as he walked by. He barely waited for her answer.

"I'll be right back," Jenna said while not returning Sharon and J's stares. She followed Gabe downstairs. Sharon, in the mean time, approached Alex.

"Hey," Alex said.

"Do you know what's up with Gabe and Jenna?"


"Well I just thought maybe you would know since apparently now you and Jenna are best friends."

"Jealous much?"

"I didn't mean it like that, sorry."

"It's fine. I don't know actually. I wasn't even aware they were having problems beyond Nate and Victoria."

"Well they just started tonight from what I've seen. I just thought maybe, again, that Gabe may have brought something up. Jenna won't talk about it."

"Maybe it's something they want to deal with on their own." Alex shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe," Sharon agreed. A few moments later, Gabe and Jenna came back and announced that they were going to call it a night. They said their goodbyes to everyone and left after the rest of Cobra Starship reminded him that they were going into the studio tomorrow with Pete and Patrick at 7.

* * * * *

"I'm sorry one of them said that. Who was it?" Gabe said while throwing his shirt into the laundry basket.

"It doesn't matter who it was and don't apologize for the things they say. They said them, not you."

Gabe noticed she hadn't changed out of anything since they'd gotten back to his apartment.

"Do you want to go home to your brother's house?" he asked. He was unsure if he should continue removing his pants or just leave them on.

"I'm fine here," she said and pulled her shoes off. She threw them on the floor and climbed onto her side of the bed. Gabe finished undressing and got in next to her.

"Are you sure? I can take you home if you want," he said.

"I am home." She put her head on his chest and hoped he would stop talking.

"What's wrong then?"

"The last person to call me a whore was Jesse and he had a legitimate reason but your friend, I don't know about that. Then earlier today, you indicated that there was a problem between us and told me not to worry about it. How am I not supposed to worry about it when you won't even let me know what I shouldn't be worrying about?"

"It's no big deal. My friends still have sticks up their asses about our relationship even though it's none of their business. Why they think it is I have no idea. They should just mind their own business already. I'm not planning on marrying them."

"You're not planning on marrying me either." Jenna sat up and looked at him.

"You wanna meet my parents?" he changed the subject.


"Yeah, I'll get some days out of the studio and we'll go to my parents' house. I mean, I've already met your parents and siblings, now it's your turn."

"Okay, let's do it then," Jenna said and shrugged her shoulders.

"All right, great. I'll talk it over with the band tomorrow morning." He pulled the covers over him and closed his eyes. Within minutes, he started to lightly snore.

* * * * *

Sharon quietly got out of J's bed with the intent of not waking him. Harvey, J's dog, looked up at her and yawned. She motioned to him to follow her. He followed her to the back door and she let him out. While he was out and J was still asleep, she figured she would get his coffee ready at least since he still had at least half an hour before he needed to be up for work. He didn't need to leave until 6:30 so he'd be at work by 7.

"This is sad. I live with someone who's a cop and someone who owns a dog and yet I don't even have to do this for them." She shrugged her shoulders and turned the coffee maker on. She let Harvey back in and fed him his puppy chow. By the time everything was ready, J was up.

"You are pretty fantastic," he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I know," Sharon said. "I think the only thing I didn't do was clean your gun."

"Even if you knew how I wouldn't have you do that. I cleaned it last night anyway." J took his cup of coffee and went back into his room to get ready for work. He took a quick ten minute shower and then got into his uniform which was a black t-shirt and khakis pants. This uniform was simpler than the other uniform they sometimes had to wear. He then got everything he needed for Harvey and put it all in the Crown Vic.

"So my shift ends tonight around 7," J told Sharon. "If you want to leave before then, you can take my car." He set the keys to his personal vehicle on the counter. "Just call and let me know you have it."

Sharon nodded her head and looked down at the set of keys.

J walked around the counter to where she was and kissed her. "I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, be careful." J nodded his head and left.

* * * * *

"Where the fuck is that boy?" Pete said looking at his watch. It was already 7:45. He pulled out his phone and tried Gabe's cell again. Again, it went to voicemail. Instead of leaving a message, he hung up. Even Patrick was getting annoyed.

"We reminded him last night that we were starting at 7," Nate said.

"Was he drinking?" Pete asked.

"He had a couple beers, maybe like two."

"Well let's just get started. If he shows up today, then great. If not, you can count on an extra day then," Pete said and pocketed his phone.

Pete couldn't remember the last time Gabe was late for anything, especially where his music was concerned. Without Gabe giving his opinion every two seconds, recording was a lot tougher than they thought it would be.

At 8:15, Gabe finally showed up.

"It’s nice of you to join us," Nate commented.

"Whatever," said Gabe. "I won't be here Friday through Monday."

"Why not?" Pete asked.

"My gold digging whore and I have somewhere we need to be," Gabe said looking directly at Victoria. He was able to eventually get it out of Jenna who said it.

"Why are you late anyway?" Pete questioned.

"I woke up late and traffic was bad," Gabe said as if that actually happened.

There was no denying the bright pink new hickey on his neck.