And That's How You Do It!

How You Do It .Brian Chiusano. Part 1

I watched him strum the guitar like a mad man. Head banging along with the song as he played, his long curly hair swinging to the beat. **You're probably wondering who I'm talking about…** Brain Chiusano. He is the lead guitarist of my favorite band, Sound The Alarm. They're not super big yet, but they will be. I've probably been to every show they've ever played here at Croc. Rock, and I've listened to them since their first EP came out. You could probably say I'm obsessed with them, but not in the creepy I'm-gunna-stalk-you kinda way. Now I've only ever met and talked to Brain 3 times out of the 'billion' times I've seen them play. That how shy I am when it comes to someone I like. It's pitiful, I know.

So here I am now standing against the barricades listening to them play their best song "Picture Perfect". The music stopped and Cody, the lead singer, yelled into the microphone that they loved us and to come say 'hi' to them. Of course I was going to go say hi but first I had to find my two best friends. Jamie and Lacy. Knowing Lacy she'd probably be off hitting on some random guy. So I'm going to look for Jamie first…

I walked up to her. She sat at the bar drinking a coke, since she was only 18 and the oldest out of all of us.

"Hey! Come on I wanna go say hi to STA!!!"

She didn’t look up from the magazine she was reading, "Then go say hi…"

"Do you really expect me to walk up to them by myself and not feel very awkward?!?!"

"I don’t know…"

I sighed and grabbed her arm, "Lets go!!!"

I pulled her all the way over to the signing table where the boys of Sound The Alarm stood. No one was there to talk to them since they were all listening to the band that was playing now.


"Hey there," Cody and Brain grinned at me!!!


"Tarin!!!" I flinched slightly, "Jamie!!! There you are!!! I was wondering where you went," Lacy came walking up to us!!!

"Hey you're Brain from Sound The Alarm right?"

He nodded, "Oh. My. God. Tarin is like, totally obsessed with you, but you know like not in the creepy I-wanna-stalk-you way!!!"

She smiled, I could tell Cody was trying not to laugh and Brain just look stunned. He was probably thinking how can a girl come up and right off the bat act like she's known me for the past 'billion' years of my life.

"Uh…Yeah," I pushed Lacy out of the way so she would say anything else,
"I'm Tarin," I held out my hand for them to shake.

Cody was the first to shake my hand, he laughed and introduced himself. Brain took my hand next and kept total eye contact with me the whole time, with a smile on his face.

"I'm Brain…"

"Nice to meet you."

"You too. Who are your friends?"

"Oh! This is Jamie and Lacy," I smiled pointing at each one of them as I said their names.

"So… Do you think you guys would want to stick around after the show and hang with me and the guys?"

I just smiled…

[This was going to be a great night]
[I could just tell]
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First chapter to my Brian Chiusano fic. Rate::Comment