Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Wait are we really enemy's?

Justin's point of view.

I turned finally from my beloved x-box and looked at my mum. I just then noticed how beautiful and pretty Taylor looked and I couldn’t help and gasp to myself.

“Wow” I whispered I scratched the back of my head all of a sudden nervous “uh you look uh really good” I said sorta smiling.

“Oh now you notice” she said laughing in a sarcastic voice “and thank you” she said smiling in a nicer voice.

We just stood there for a few seconds. I wanted to say more but I couldn’t think of anything mean to say... I know it sounds horrible but c’mon we are enemies I shouldn’t be thinking about how beautiful she looks.

“We should go” I said looking up from his shoes.

“Uh, okay” she I said and we followed the rest of the crew out.

The first cab we had called had already gone which means I had to share a cab with… her I just walked over to it and opened the door for her watching her slide in and then going in myself.

The whole ride she just sat down on her phone texting.

I just sat there still thinking of her I was mesmerised and hypnotized by her beauty. Like I was under a spell. I just couldn’t get her off my mind.

She decided to pack her phone and she turned to look at me.

“So why so silent now” she asked smiling.

I blushed and managed to stutter “uh no reason” I said looking down at my shoes.

I heard her loudly sigh and shuffle through her purse to find her iphone. She got out her earphones and stuck them in her ears resting her head on the back of the seat.

I didn’t want to tell her that I couldn’t get her off my mind. It’s not right I mean she’s my enemy I can’t tell her that.

So when that completely awkward and weird car ride was over I practically jumped out of the car.

Taylor’s point of view

What was wrong with him he practically jumped out of the car I sighed and packed my phone pulling out my mirror.

Was there something on my face? I quickly checked all my makeup and then my hair. So there was nothing on my face and my hair was fine. Then what was it?

I packed my mirror back in the car and stepped out of the cab.

I looked at the house.

“WOW” I said to Christian who was waiting at the front smirking “this is huge”

“I’ll say” Christian said and we walked in with everyone else

We all stood at the door waiting for someone to open it and when the butler did come we stepped in and were escorted into the dining room.

“Ah heeeelo” the short man said with a Swedish accent “I am Olaf Gunnar” he said pointing to himself. “This is my son Lucas he is your age” he said.

I looked at Lucas and he smiled at me. He didn’t look Swedish.

“This is his twin sister Alice” he said pointing to a girl similar looking to Lucas “and her best friend Carla” he said pointing to this girl that was pretty. She had blonde hair and seemed to be holding Justin's attention. I groaned I can’t win the bet if her starts hitting on this girl. I felt upset and angry.

Actually I felt jealous.

We sat down and started to eat. I was sitting across from Justin and next to Lucas.

“So Justin you up to play this part” Olaf asked Justin while he was cutting into his meat.

“Yes actually” Justin said setting his knife and fork down “I really hope you consider me as Johnny” he said smiling.

“Ahh okay” Olaf said smiling “we are very stuck on who to pick as the girl lead” he said rubbing his chin “but it is as if the heavens have started to smile on me once again and god has sent me you” Olaf said pointing to me.

I didn’t notice him pointing at me. I was too busy looking down eating trying to avoid Justin's stare. After a few seconds I looked up to see the whole room looking at me and Olaf pointing.

I sighed “uh is there anything on my face” I asked Lucas.

“No why” Lucas said in a gentle voice.

“Cause everyone is staring at me” I said desperate.

“AHH she is funny” Olaf said clutching his sides.

I raised my eyebrows.

“You will be perfect for the part of Natalia” he said clapping his hands and smiling.

“Who’s Natalia” I asked.

“Ahh she funny” Olaf said “now enough about business today we enjoy ourselves and later we will talk” he said looking at me and Justin.

With that everyone returned to their dishes.

“What was that about” I asked Lucas.

“My dad wants you to play Natalia in his movie” Lucas said looking at me.

My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.

Natalia was the main character in Olaf’s movie.

She was the love interest of Johnny.

The movie is about a girl who isn’t popular at all and has one close friend in the school. On the other hand Johnny is popular and cool and being in the cool crowd his friend always pick on Natalia.

So Natalia grows to hate that group.

Johnny’s dad is leaving on a business trip and Sam (Natalia’s dad and Johnny’s dad’s best friend) offers the house for Johnny to stay in.
Johnny is used to being able to get any girl he wants and is surprised that Natalia isn’t swooning over him and starts to fall for her.

Blah blah blah.

You know the rest they end up together and there is a happily ever after.

“That makes me nervous” I said shyly

“I bet you’d do great” Lucas said holding my hand under the table and smiling at me.

I looked at our intertwined hands and then up at his face and smiled.

♠ ♠ ♠
okay so heres the next chapter.
im gunna start on the next chapter in like 2 minutess
love you all xx