Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Just PMS?

I had fallen asleep on the floor and I was woken up from the vibration of my phone

I groaned and sat up looking at it, and sighed.

“What Christian” I hissed, I was in a bad mood

“Uh we are leaving in ten minutes” he said into the phone

“Okay I’ll be right there” I said hanging up and walking to the mirror. I checked my watch.

It was 1 in the morning, I had slept for an hour on the floor.

My face looked like a mess and my eyes were puffy.

I groaned loudly and started to wash my face. I fixed my makeup and then proceeded onto my hair.

My hair was a mess. It was all messy and sticking out places. Well there wasn’t much I could do about that so I just tied it in a pony tail and smoothed my dress and walked out.

I turned down to the main hall and walked to where Pattie and scooter were saying bye to Olaf.

“Dear, dear” Olaf said in a loud voice “you are perfect for Natalia” he said again “I just can’t get over how lucky I have gotten” he laughed a deep husky laugh.

I just smiled and walked out with Pattie. I was just about to get into the cab with Pattie and scooter when Lucas came running down.

“Taylor, wait” he yelled and came running to the cab door. “Give me your hand” he asked holding his out. I sighed and pressed my hand into his.

He quickly scribbled his number on it and smiled at me.

“Give me a call” he said backing away from the car.

I smiled back the smile not touching my eyes and I leaned my head on the seat.

I woke when the cab was pulling next to the bus.

I sighed and slid out walking back into the bus.

I passed Christian and Justin that were playing x-box and went straight to the bathroom.

I quickly changed out of my clothes and went to sit into my bunk and fell asleep.


I woke to find Justin tying up his shoe laces on the bunk across from me.

I sighed and stretched my arms high. Rubbing the part on my back where I had gotten my tattoo. I sighed and checked my watch it was midday.

Justin was looking at me like he wanted to say something.

I just looked at him and raised my eyebrows signalling for him to talk.

When he didn’t say anything I just sighed and walked over to the bathroom.

“Taylor wait” he called.

I turned around and looked at him “yes?” I asked him.

“I… uh just wanted to say I’m sorry I did that.” He said shyly.

I sighed he looked so innocent so, harmless so pure. I knew I couldn’t stay mad at him forever “I guess it’s okay”.

“I’m sorry I made you cry” he said looking down.

“It wasn’t you” I smiled “it was pms” I joked and he laughed.


Justin’s point of view

“It wasn’t you” she smiled “it was pms” she joked and I laughed

This was my enemy that I had fallen for.

I couldn’t let her know she had won the bet. I had to cover it up.

I scratched the back of my head “uh I also wanted to tell you that uh it was Carla, she dared me to kiss you” I said thinking of any excuse to cover it up.

She just shrugged “I knew there was something up with that kiss” she said buying my lie. I let out a sigh of relief and laughed.

“And you should call Lucas, I think he likes you” I said smiling.

She looked down at her hand which had Lucas number on it. She walked over to the sink in the kitchen and started to wash off his number. She then looked over at me and said “if Lucas asks the number rubbed off”.

I started to laugh. “I thought you liked him?”.

“Nah” she just shrugged.

“Then what was up with that almost kiss at the pool table?” I asked her with my eyebrows raised.

“It was a moment thing” she shrugged then she smiled.

The smile touched her eyes and I smiled back. I couldn’t help it.

She thought of something for a moment and then touched her back “you bitch” she said.

I looked at her shock crossing my face “what did I do this time?”

“That tattoo hurt” she said smiling.

I laughed.

“But I like it kinda looks good” she said lifting up her pyjama shirt so she could admire it “wish I could say the same about the song” she said smiling.

“There’s the Taylor I know” I laughed “and you really can’t say that about songs cause they don’t look good they only sound good”.

She half pushed me over a smile playing on her lips “you know what I mean Justin” she said.

“Anyway I’m going to hit the shower” she said walking off.

“Taylor” I said calling for her.

“What now Bieber” she said turning around.

“You suck” I said laughing and she gave me the finger.

I laughed and threw my pillow at her.

"Asshole" I heard her mutter before she steeped into the bathroom.

i just sat there smiling like an idiot.

♠ ♠ ♠
I KNOW its not what you expected, its not what i expected either.
but everything happens for a reason and belive me it will bet better.
i've planned it all out and i think after this i might wirte a sequel.
that doesn't mean this story is even nearly over :D
thankyou for the ahhhh-mazing comments
glad you likes it
anyway love you all ttyl
i can't update anymore today because i have a partyy to go to lol
love you ALENTHEA XX