Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Just so perfect

I hadn’t seen Justin the rest of the party.

He’d be talking to some people and when he caught me staring at me he’d wave and start to make his way over to me only to be stopped by someone else who wanted to talk to me.

I was sitting at a couch with Taylor swift and Selena.

I looked at Justin talking to some famous celebrity.

He was so… perfect.

His lips are so soft, his eyes are so deep and when he flicks his hair my world melts.

Selena followed my gaze to Justin and giggled.

“You like Justin don’t you” she sighed.

I snapped out of my trance and turned to face her “uh no! What would make you think that” I laughed an embarrassed laugh.

“It’s in your eyes” Taylor smiled “I can tell by the way you look at him”

I sighed and gave in “I always felt this connection with him, but never as strong or distracting, then after we danced today it changed and there is just something more about him now.” I confessed.

“He likes you too, you know” Selena smiled

“I bet he doesn’t we were childhood enemies” I laughed sadly.

“He called me one day and talked about you he couldn’t stop he just went on about how amazing you are” Selena said to me touching my arm reassuringly.

I laughed “I could never tell him how I feel…” I trailed off “he’d never feel the same” I mumbled disappointed.

“You never know” Taylor told me shrugging.

“I’d tell him how you feel” Selena smiled reassuringly.

I thought about what they said… a lot.

“I think I will…but later I have to pee now” I smiled grabbing my purse and getting up.

I walked in and went straight to a cubicle to pee. I got out and washed then started to re-apply my makeup.

When I was satisfied that I looked good I walked out.

I was too deep in thought to realise that I had walked straight on into none other than Justin Bieber.

“Wow… you okay” Justin said catching me by my arms and snaking his arm around my back to pull me back up.

Ahh crap now I have to talk to him “uh yeah” I smiled standing up and smoothing my dress.

He let go of me and stepped away slightly.

A few seconds passed and when Justin decided not to say anything I sighed

“I should probably get back…” we said at the same time only to stop and smile at each other and laugh.

After a few seconds of laughing we sighed and Justin broke the comfortable silence.

“I um should get back I was talking to this great song writer… I think he wants to work we me” Justin smiled

I couldn’t help but smile back “that’s great” I said smiling at him “you probably should get back then… don’t want to piss him off” I joked and Justin chuckled.

“Okay then laters” he said

By instinct I stepped to the side to allow Justin pass by but he stepped the same direction.

I smiled and stepped the other way and Justin stepped the same way.

Justin chuckled and put his hand on my shoulders and spun me around and smiled before heading in the opposite direction.

I sighed “Justin” I called him

He spun around on his heels and looked at me being 3 metres away from me “sup” he said.

“Uh… well I uh I ” I was meant to say I love you but I panicked “I like your feet” I said improvising nervously hitting my head “I meant to say shoes” I corrected laughing awkwardly.

“Uh thanks I guess” Justin laughed

I opened my mouth to say more but I chickened out.

Justin raised his eyebrows “is that all”

I closed my mouth and sighed “yeah” I smiled

“Okay then bye” he said grinned turning back around.

After he had walked a few more metres I took a deep breath and called him again “Justin” I said nervously

“Yes” he said turning back around

“Uh well um” I said striding up to him. I just shook my head and grabbed him by the collar pulling his face down to mine. “You win” I whispered and pressed my lips onto his.

I felt his lips not reacting but after a second he relaxed wrapping his arms around me and smiling into the kiss.

I silently sighed with relief.

The kiss got heated and after half a minute I was pushed against the wall with my legs straddling his hips.

We heard a cough from behind us.

We didn’t care, Justin let his hands slide down my back and let them rest underneath the fabric of my dress which was already scrunched up to the top of my thigh.

We heard another few coughs.

When we didn’t answer them we heard the same voice chuckle “JB you really got shit going on now” usher laughed at us. “This is so fun to watch two people that hate each other are making out and they aren’t even drunk” usher laughed harder.

I broke the kiss and snapped my head to look at usher “oh fuck off already” I said then I pressed my lips back on Justin’s.

Usher just laughed. And we ignored him I ran my hands through Justin's hair and in twined them at the back of his head securing my face to his.

“okay big boy lets go” usher said grabbing Justin and pulling him back “we gotta go meet important people” usher smiled at me.

I fixed my dress and then muttered “I wasn’t done kissing him”

Justin smiled and usher laughed “how bout in ten minutes you can meet him by the fountain and then you two can continue but right now we got stuff to do” usher said tugging on Justin's arm.

I stuck my finger up at usher and he laughed “feisty now are we miss. Stark”

I shrugged “whatever… ten minutes, fountain, see you there” I waved and walked away.

♠ ♠ ♠
but dw the drama doesn't stop there...
anyways tell me what you thinkss
cause i like comments
n does anybody know how to link cause i have no idea and i really be greatful if y'all told me how to do it
anywayss comment
thanks for commenting <3
you are AHH MAZING
on almost every chapter i have written you have commented and i love your enthusiasim (ahhahah crap spelling) to my story you guys rock
anywayss gtg see y'all laters