Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

We can be Friends

The next morning I woke around about 5:30 and decided to go for a walk.
I got dressed throwing on a pair of jeans and a baggy jumper and my combat boots and tiptoed out of my room grabbing some money and my phone.

I quickly scrawled on a note and left it for Pattie.

I’ve gone for a walk to clear my mind I’ll be back soon

xx Taylor

I sighed and started to make my way to the lift, pressing the button to it.

I stepped in the lift and reached for the lobby button.

But the roof button caught my eye.

There was a caption under the button that read roof for employees only. Thank you.

I looked around and pressed the button.

It’s like that rebellious feeling you have when there’s a button that says do not push and you have to push it.

I smiled to myself how rebellious am I?

I waited for the doors of the elevator to open and I stepped out to see the grey roof.

I walked to the railing where there was a view of the city beneath and smiled.

Breathing in the cool crispy air I heard a strange yet familiar voice.

“Hey stranger”

I spun around and saw matt one of our back up dancers “hey, matt right?” I asked making sure of his name.

He smiled and walked over to me “so what brings you up here this early” he asked standing close to me.

“Uh my head needs to be cleared I was meant to go for a walk” I shrugged.

“Uh huh wanna get something warm to drink after” he said looking away from me turning his head to the view.

I nodded.

“Beautiful view isn’t it” I said trying to make small talk

“That’s not the only thing” he smiled

I playfully pushed him “I’m not falling for it” I smiled

“Yeah I kinda figured you were the smart type” he shrugged

“Oh believe me under this brunette hair I’m really blonde” I said laughing.

Wow he could make me smile.

He chuckled.

It went silent, the comfortable type.

I turned my head to look at him and he was staring at me.

After a few seconds he smiled sheepishly and looked away.

We looked at the passing cars beneath us in silence when I saw a buggy and smiled to myself.

“Punch buggy yellow” we said at the same time looking at each other causing us to laugh.

After the laughter ceased he didn’t stop looking at me and after a few seconds I felt him leaning in.

His minty scent hit my face and his lips were almost touching mine when we heard the door on the roof open.

Thinking it was an employee we both pulled apart quickly.

But it was none other than Justin Bieber.

He narrowed his eyes at matt and turned to me.

“Uh can we talk?” He asked scratching his neck.

I shrugged might as well face him now.

I turned to matt. “I’ll meet you in the lobby in five kay?” I asked

He nodded and kissed my cheek quickly causing me to blush and walking back to the lift.

When he was gone Justin started to talk

“What was that” he asked in an irritated voice

“I dunno what was that kiss with jasmine” I countered.

“That kiss with jasmine was a mistake” he explained

“I dunno looked like you were enjoying it” I shrugged.

“Look I made a mistake and I want us to be together” he sighed “forgive me?” he asked raising his eyebrows.

I shrugged “as a friend sure… but I need some time.” I said not looking him in the eye.

“I’ll give you time” he said

“It’s not that simple Justin” I whispered “I need some time to consider your mistakes and think about mine” I said a bit louder.

He looked down at his shoes “you didn’t make a mistake it was my entire fault” he said looking at me.

“Yes I did make a mistake… I let my guard down and that only got me hurt” I shrugged “I need time to think about trusting you and more importantly myself again” I said.

He sighed “can we be friends I’m sorta sick of pretending I hate you” he shrugged hands in pockets

“For now” I smiled and walked away I turned around before I opened the door “and as your friend I’m asking you if you want to see a movie tomorrow night?”

His face lit up “I’d love to” he smiled

“Excellent” I said opening the door and taking the lift back to the lobby.

I saw matt sitting on a couch “ready?” I asked


Matt and I were currently at star bucks getting drinks.

I got their white hot chocolate and matt got their signature hot chocolate.

We were seated at a table talking randomly about things the topic currently being the time when Justin dared me to climb a flag pole and one of the popular guys boxers up there. And how I fell and broke my wrist.

Matt was laughing

“It’s not funny” I playfully hit him

He laughed harder at me “I’m sorry but I think what you said about you being blonde on the roof might be true” he smiled

“MATT” I yelled playfully “don’t be mean”

He laughed a bit more and I shot him a dirty. He lifted his arms in surrender and smiled

“So any plans for tomorrow” he asked me

“Well I don’t have a concert” I shrugged unwilling to tell him about my plans with Justin

“Great” he smiled “then how would you like to go see this movie with me” he asked shrugging

"Like a date?" I asked

He nodded smiling

“I’d love to” I smiled at him.

We talked a bit more and matt paid for my drink refusing to let me pay.

We walked back to the hotel and he walked me to my room.

I kissed his cheek and open the door smiling.

“Well you look happy” Pattie commented

“Yeah I have a date tomorrow” I smiled sitting down on the couch and turning the TV on.

“With Justin?” she asked me smiling

I shook my head “no were friends but” I shrugged looking at patties slightly disappointed face “but it’s with this guy called matt” I continued

“That’s great” she said smiling but the smile didn’t touch her eyes.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Pattie wanted me and Justin to be together.

♠ ♠ ♠
so they are friends butt she forgot about their planss
third time i updated in a day.... i hust want to get all these chapeters over so i can hurry up and get them together lol
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