Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

I think i just fell...For you

The next few days were crazy Clare was helping me pack and I was telling her of all the childhood memories I shared with Bieber like the time where we were competing in a talent show he came second and I came third.

I had no idea what people saw he sounded like a 6 year old girl.

“Stark you sound like someone stepping on a dying porcupine” he said laughing at me and tried to mimic the sound.

“I wouldn’t talk Bieber you sound like a 6 year old girl” I said but quickly zipped my mouth because my horrible step parents were coming my way

“Now you two knock it off and smile for me” Justin’s mum asked I sighed and leaned closer to Justin trying to look like I was his friend he put his arm around me.

I heard the shutter click.

As soon as my step parents and his mum had turned around we had jumped apart squealing.

“Wow that’s bad” Clare laughed.

“I’m serious Clare we hate each other with passion” I said desperately.

“Oh well you’re going to have to live with him” she said shrugging.

“Ugh” I just replied sighing loudly.

After a few seccond of comfortable silence I looked up at Clare.

“Clare?” I asked.

“What’s up baby” she responded.

“Are you only sending me on this trip because you don’t want me anymore?” I asked

“Of course not, we love you very, very much. Darling where would you get that idea from” she said shock in her voice.

“No place I was just making sure” I mumbled and continued packing.


That night I couldn’t sleep. Justin was staying in our house… I mean mansion!

I got up and decided to take a short walk around the house.

While I was at the top of the stairs I heard the guest room open.

I froze knowing who it was.

I heard his light steps padding against the floor and I quickly and quietly sat on the top of the staircase.

“Stark? What are you doing up” Justin asked.

“Couldn’t sleep” I whispered standing up.

“Yeah same I was just going to get some fresh air” he commented “come with?” he asked.

“Uh… okay” I said and started walking down the first flight of stairs.

We walked down a whole flight of steps. I couldn't hear if Bieber was following so I stopped to check if he was following. He was inches away from my body almost pressed against my back. I could hear his even breathing his breathe on my back making me shiver.

By instinct I turned my body fully to face him my face only being centimetres away from his face.

He looked in to my eyes and even with the darkness I could see the passion and fire in them.

Without knowing what I was doing I picked up my hand and placed it on his bare chest running it down his abbs.

I felt him shiver from my touch.

I let my fingers trace his muscles on his arms and I walked around him so I was now standing behind him and I traced his back.

I brought my other hand up and placed them on the top of his back and ran them slowly down his back.

I ran my hands back up.

My grip tightened on his shoulders and I considered pushing him down the stairs, but I let my hands loosen when I felt his heart beat.

I heard him inhale sharply, he turned quickly startling me and I dropped my hands.

He grabbed my face and kissed me roughly.

When the kiss was over he inhaled took my hand in his hand and with the other hand
traced my lips.

“I have to go I whispered” and ran off letting my hand be pulled out of his grasp.

WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME! That was Justin freaking Bieber and we just kissed.

♠ ♠ ♠
:O *gasp*
:P what do you guys rekkon should happen next
do you think they should hook up??
comment n tell me
if i don't get a few comments i think i'll delete the story and there is going to be alot of drama coming up so i really don't want to but i don't want to be posting for no reason so comment guys...k thanks lov you all :D