Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Clearing my head

Today I was lying on the couch just flipping through TV channels.

There wasn’t much I could do until the show.

I had done my sound check and Justin was currently doing his.

I had to get up and leave in five minutes so my stylist could attend to my bad nail bed and lack of makeup.

Matt was at dance rehearsal.

One of the dancers got really sick the night before so Ciara and Danny or chorographers were working crazy to alter the dances.

I sighed and decided to rest my eyes for a second.

I could feel myself drifting off when my phone rang.

Just dance gonna be okay

Lady gaga’s just dance spilled from the speakers.

I sighed reaching for the phone looking at caller id.

I tried not to groan.

It was matt.

Sure he was my boyfriend but I felt like a slut like I was only using him to make the biebs jealous.

I pressed the answer key and pressed the phone to my ear.

“What up” I said my voice sounding monotone.

“You better get your ass down here Danny is just about ready to rip your head off for being late to rehearsals.” Matt warned

“Shit” I sighed hitting my head and jumping off the couch. “I’ll be there in two minutes tell him not to drop his balls.” I said while grabbing my chucks.

“Will do” matt chuckled and then I heard him yell “DANNY! TAYLOR SAYS NOT TO DROP YOUR BALLS!”

I heard Danny yell into the phone “fuck you sis” chuckling “go grow some balls” he laughed

Danny was my like my older brother.

I laughed.

“Now get your ass down here before I cut your balls off.” I could hear Danny smiling through the phone.

I laughed “you mean the ones I just grew… you wouldn’t” I said smiling

“You’re so immature” Danny spoke through the phone “hate you Taylor” he said I could hear him grunt.

“Love you too” I said smiling. I sighed and hung the phone up.

I tied my shoelaces up and walked out of the bus.

When I got to the venue Danny was there with Ciara explaining something to the dances.

“What up” I said walking over to Danny and Ciara.

Danny scowled at me.

I smiled sweetly

“Where have you been” Ciara said “I’ve been worried sick”

They gave me the, you should be on time more often speech. I just let my mind wander to Justin.

He was standing with scooter and usher with a white towel wrapped around the back of his neck and his hands holding the towel.

He flicked his hair and laughed at something that usher said.

I smiled he was so good looking.

He was standing there a smile on his lips playing with the dog tags I had gotten him.

Danny followed my gaze and chuckled “gurlll you got it bad”

Justin turned his gaze to me and I blushed when our eyes made contact.

I dropped my head looking down at my shoes.

“Hello earth to Taylor” Danny said for the fifth time.

I looked up from my shoes.

“You have it bad” he teased

I playfully pushed Danny and he called Justin over to go through the alterations to the super human dance.


Aright show time. I thought smiling.

“Uh I’ll be back I’m going to get something” I said to my stylist.

I really just wanted to get a whiff of fresh air before show time.

“Hey Kenny I’ll be back soon” I smiled “before show time” I added

Kenny smiled letting me pass.

I smiled and walked out to a park behind the venue.

I sat there for a while just thinking.

Was it fair to go out with matt while I could feel a heavy attraction to Justin?

It’s not like I’m cheating… but it’s like I’m using him.

Ugh dating is so complicated. I sighed.

“What are you doing out here” I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around “I needed to clear my mind” I sighed looking at Justin. “Fresh air and a quiet place helps me do that” I smiled

He chuckled “shouldn’t you be backstage?” Justin asked me

I laughed “I could tell you the same thing”

“Touché” he smiled “well played stark”

I just shrugged smiling “you know how I do” pretending to brush my shoulders talking in a ghetto accent.

“FAIL” Justin laughed at me sitting beside me on the grass.

I playfully slapped him.

“So what were you thinking about” he asked me

I realised that I was thinking about Justin “uh nothing important” I blushed.

Justin gave me one of his bullshit looks

“Fine I was thinking about you” I saw his face light up.

“Yeah because I’m hot like that” he smirked

“Don’t get too cocky” I said pushing him laughing a bit.

There was a comfortable silence

“so what did you think about my song” Justin asked me.

“I thought it was… uh meaningful” I shrugged.

“It was for you” he shrugged looking at me.

I blushed and turned my gaze from Justin and looked straight ahead.

After another silence Justin turned to me “can I ask you something?” he asked

“Sure” I smiled “anything for Mr. Popstar” I chuckled

“Do you love matt like you said you loved me?” Justin asked.

I blushed “anything but that” I said awkwardly. I then sighed “to be honest I don’t even think I love him at all” I said shrugging.

“Then why are you with him?” Justin asked me.

I shrugged.

“Can I ask you something else” he asked.

I just nodded looking at him.

“Do you still love me?” he asked with hopeful eyes.

I looked into his eyes for a few seconds and then nodded.

He smiled and looked at me after a few seconds he started to lean in.

I felt myself leaning in I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent our lips so close.

Justin put his fingers on my chin.

Then it hit me.

I was many things.

I was a bitch sometimes.

I was bossy.

I was mean.

But I was not a cheater.

Just as our lips were going to touch I abruptly stood up.

“Justin I can’t kiss you… I have a boyfriend.” I said frantically.

He looked down at his feet embarrassed.

“I have to get back. And listen carefully today to my new song.” I said walking away leaving Justin sitting there.

♠ ♠ ♠
so atleast he knows that she still loves him right..
so thanks for commenting
Sweet Mary Jane
i really didn't feel like writting today but i did for you guys
anyway xxx