Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Will you be my girlfriend?

I was currently jogging around the venue. I would always do something active to get stuff of my mind but it wasn’t working.

With every step I took another new thought cascaded into my mind

Will matt ever forgive me?

Did I ever really want to be with matt?

Where does this leave me and Justin?

I slowed my jogging. I couldn’t take the thoughts anymore I really needed to get these thoughts out of my head.

Was I ready for another boy friend?

The funny thing is when I cried I didn’t cry because I was missing matt.

I cried because I was confused about what to think.

The whole entertainment society now thinks I’m a cheating fame whore.

Oh jolly.

I lightly jogged up to the entrance to the venue.

People were preparing Justin's concert.

I looked at burly men lifting the amplifying equipment onto the stage.

Scooter came frantically up to me.

“Have you seen Justin?” he asked desperate.

I shook my head.

“Ahh shit” scooter cussed.

“Chill scoot, he’s probably just writing another hit song or something like that” I tried to smile.

He nodded “if you see him tell him to answer his dam phone before I kill him.” Scooter raised his voice.

I laughed “will do now run along” I said laughing again.

I watched scooter walk away and shoved my earphones back into my ears.

There has to be a dance studio somewhere around here.

I looked through all the dressing rooms and then went downstairs to underneath the stage.


Well it’ll have to do.

There were chairs stacked to the side of the room but there was an iPod dock. There was a mirror lined with a ballet bar.

I set up the music and smiled.

I only ever danced when I desperately needed to get shit off my mind.

I pressed the shuffle on my iphone and smiled again no love

And for the first time in my life I just stood there.

I didn’t know what to do or how to move.

“AHHH” I let out an exasperated scream.

The lyrics run through my head.

“It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now

You kicked me when I was down

Fuck what you say, just (don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more)

That's right bitch: and I don't need you, don't want to see you

Bitch you get (no love)

You show me nothing but hate

You ran me into the ground

But what comes around goes around

I don't need you (don't hurt me)

You (don't hurt me no more)

That's right, and I don't need you, don't want to see you

You get (no love)

Bitch you get (no love)

And I don't need you

Get em”
I sang along trying to establish some dance moves.

The music stopped and I looked up only to see Justin.

“Hey” he said casually.

I smiled a genuine smile.

“So… what was that?” Justin asked me

“My failed attempt at dancing” I let out a small half-hearted laugh. “I just can’t move”

“Why not?” Justin asked me softly.

“Too much on my mind.” I said and tied my hair in a messy bun.

“What’s on your mind?” Justin asked eyebrows raised.

“Like you don’t know” I smiled and playfully pushed him.

“No I don’t know” Justin smiled playing dumb.

“You dumbass” I laughed.

“I know, I just wanted to hear you say it loud” Justin laughed

I laughed “you’re so full of yourself” then I walked over to the other side of the room mumbled “big headed bitch”

“I heard that” Justin called smiling

“I know” I laughed.

Justin shook his head and followed my over

“Ahh fuck” I said to myself sitting down.

“So where does your breakup with matt leave us?” Justin asked.

I shrugged.

“Where do you want it to leave us?” Justin asked me sitting down next to me.

I leaned and kissed his lips quickly “you tell me” I smiled

Justin chuckled. “Well Taylor will you please be my gir…” Justin started to ask when we heard a yell.

“JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER I AM GONING TO FIND YOU THEN KILL YOU” we heard scooter yell from a distance.

“Gotta run” Justin said jumping up. “If you see scooter tell him you never saw me” Justin said winking.

“You played a prank on him?” I asked Justin.

Justin nodded running off.

I shook my head and walked back to the dock and pressed shuffle.
If I had you started to play and I laughed at the irony.

“If only I had you Justin Bieber” I laughed to myself shaking my head and I started to dance during the concert the moves finally coming to me.

Justin’s point of view

“Well Taylor will you please be my gir…” I started to ask Taylor, when we heard a yell.

“JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER I AM GONING TO FIND YOU THEN KILL YOU” we heard scooter yell from a distance.

“Gotta run” I said jumping up quickly. “If you see scooter tell him you never saw me” I added

“You played a prank on him?” Taylor asked me tiredly smiling.

I nodded winking and running off.


Fucking hell can I ask this girl out already?

Every time I want to ask something happens.

Like when I went to ask her to forgive me after the masquerade ball and be my girlfriend matt got in the way.

Before that Lucas got in the way.

AND NOW fucking scooter has to call me right before I finished the sentence.


From the room Taylor was in, music started to play. If I had you.

If I fucking had that girl that would definitely be the only thing I’ll ever need.

I heard her let out a laugh and then mutter something like “if only had you Justin Bieber.”

I smiled to myself and jogged away to get away from scooter.


Taylor’s point of view

We were throwing Alexis one of the backup dancers, a small birthday party with some of his friends and family because we were in her hometown.

We were just having a bbq dinner with some of scooter relatives and close friends.

I sat on the bus wearing sweats, I couldn’t really be bothered.

I was sitting on the bus with Alexis who was one of my great friends.

“You ready” I called to Alexis.

“Almost calm down I’ll be out.” She said for the 17th time.

“You said that half an hour ago Lexi” I called back.

“Why you excited to see Lucas” she asked while applying mascara.

“No” I said walking over to Lexi. “More excited to see Justin” I smiled.

“oooh la la” she chuckled “you two getting it on?” she asked me

“Not yet” I laughed.

“Well if you want to impress you better dress” she rhymed

“What’s wrong with this” I asked

“You’re wearing sweats” she said in a obvious voice

“What’s wrong with that?” I asked.

“What isn’t wrong with that” she smiled and chucked me a white flowing dress. “Change now” she said pointing me to the bathroom.

I threw of the sweats and pulled the dress on.

“Girl you look nice” Alexis smiled at me.

I laughed “now can we go” I said grabbing her hand and dragging her out.

She laughed “fine… and you got to meet my cousin”

She took me out (start the video at 5 minutes and 40 seconds and watch to 8 minutes and 50 seconds) and there were people everywhere eating and having fun.

“So my cousin just got here and he is an amazing dancer” Alexis smiled at me

She introduced me to her cousin and we went to the dance floor.

The guy was sweet but not my type.

While I was dancing I looked up and Justin was staring at me dancing with one of Alexi’s aunt’s.

I smiled at him and he smiled back with a dumbfound expression. I tried not to laugh and kept on dancing.

And out of the corner of my eye I could see jasmine trying to get Justin's attention, what the hell was she doing here.

“Hey lexi” I quickly whispered to Alexis who was dancing close by.

“What’s up?” she asked me.

“What’s that jasmine chick doing here” I asked

“Jasmine? Me and her are tight.” She said

“Oh” I said and continued my dancing with her cousin.

After dancing with Alexis cousin Justin pulled me.

“Taylor” he said smiling “come here”.

I turned to look at him “you should really wait your turn” I smiled at him.

“I couldn’t” Justin smiled at me.

We danced the night away… Literally!

“Be my girlfriend” Justin asked me at the end of the dance.

I laughed “thought you’d never ask” then I kissed him.

“C’mon girl” Alexis said pulling me away laughing leaving Justin standing there.


The end.
♠ ♠ ♠
but there is a sequeal
i didn't like the ending but i had to hook them up somehow and i was stuck on how to end it...
but thankfully i was watching step up 2 with my cousins and used that scene as a guide.
i just put that in to show you how the scene would of looked n stuff like that.
thanks for commenting
i know crap ending but the sequal is gunna be about them being together and stuff like that but do not worry my dears there will be shit loads of drama! :)
anywayss ima start getting the first chapters out soon so don't forget to subbscribe to that.
its called You Belong With Me!
i love the picture in the backround its from one of justins vanity fair photo shoots *squeals and then faints* love you guys xxx