Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Co-operation with bieber ... Or not

He raised his eyebrows in confusion and I stepped closer to him leaning in and when I was two centimetres away from his face I smashed the lipstick on his lips and laughed. “Does that one taste good” I asked sweetly.

“I dunno I think you should try it to” he said walking closer to me smiling evilly.

“No Justin I think I’m good for now” I said backing up and laughing. I had no more space to back up so I tripped and fell onto my bed.

“C’mon” he said still smiling.

I laughed nervously “I’m really good actually I just put some on.” I smiled

“Oh too bad you’re going to try some anyway” he smiled wider.

I knew what he was doing; he wanted me to kiss him so he could win.

He’s face was centimetres from mine but her wasn’t letting them touch my lips.

He smiled and wiped some lipstick off his mouth with his hand and smeared it on my mouth and he stepped back immediately.

“Oh Justin you ass” I yelled laughing. I picked up a tube of hand moisturiser and jumped on top of him squirting it on his hair.

“Oh crap my hair” he mimicked a girl and then we both burst out laughing.

He smiled and chased me and I ran to the kitchen.

That was my first mistake cause that was where all the food was.

He picked up a bottle of chocolate sauce and squirted some at me.

“AHHH STOP” I said while laughing.

I picked up some whipped cream and sprayed it all over him.

He picked up maple syrup and poured it on my head as I squealed.

I threw a cup of milk at him.

He threw honey on me and in return I milkshake on him.

I was laughing at his face because he looked hilarious when he smiled evilly and walked over the slushies machine and poured some mix in a cup. He walked towards me a grabbed me by the waist pulling me towards him so the front of his body was pressed against the back of mine.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear “now we both know what’s going to happen if you don’t co-operate don’t we?”

I nodded

“So there is going to absolute 100% co-operation isn’t there” he whispered again.

I nodded.

“Okay now do as I say” I could hear the smirk in his voice. “I want you at our first concert to introduce me as the best, nicest person you know and then say you would go out with me but I’m just too good for you” he smirked.

“There is no way I am going to…” I yelped as Justin let a drop of the cold mix slide down my back.

“What was that miss stark” he said threatening to spill the rest.

“I mean yes sir.” I said cautioned.

“Okay very good… now I’m gonna let you go I want you to sit on the couch okay” he said and I nodded.

His grip loosened on my waist and as soon as he let me go I had turned around startling him and I had spilt the slushy all over him. I laughed so hard that was on the floor "I'll never say that" i added while laughing. But I immediately stopped when he had picked me up and turned me upside down.

“Ahh Justin let me down.” I yelled I was forced to straddle his hips so I wouldn’t fall.

He laughed and brought me back up. I was still straddling his hips when he started to lean in closer and closer.

We were about to kiss when Christian (bless his soul cause he saved me from losing the competition with Bieber) walked in.

He dropped the phone in his hand and was staring at us mouth open and eyebrows raised.

I looked at Bieber and I could tell that he was thinking the same as me.

He let me down and we both walked over to Christian evil smiles on our face with our arms outstretched.

“Uh guys your starting to scare me” he said looking at us.

We walked closer

“Guys” he said again

“Okay c’mon guys” he said again practically pleading

I laughed and he turned and ran but we both caught up with him, and we enclosed him in the biggest bear hug.

“Oh c’mon guys I just showered” he whined when we smeared all the food on us all over Christian.

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:) hahahah
i like this chapter
love you guys xoxoxo
Alenthea <3