Sequel: You Belong With Me!
Status: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK XD and comment for next chapter

Wait a Sec, I'm Falling for Justin Bieber... What, is This a Joke?

Justins latin girl

After we all had showered we were allowed outside to the venue. But we weren’t performing today.

We decided just to chill on the stage and play music.

“Guys I have a great idea” Christian yelled all of a sudden.

“Okay dude I’m over having a food fight so I’ll pass if that’s what you want” I said back to him.

“No, no its better, since you and Justin uh…’hate’ each other” he said putting inverted commas with his fingers around the word hate smiling, “then you two should have like a dance off thing.”

I raised my eye brows “uh yeah okay…” I was cut off by Christian again.

“Uh I mean you should have a dance off together let’s say you and Justin against usher”.

My mouth dropped “OMG SERIOUS I GET TO DANCE WITH FREAKING USHER” I yelled “dude I am so in” I said hi fiving Christian.

“Actually you have to dance against usher” Justin said “you’ll be dancing with me” he said like it wasn’t a big deal.

“Oh with you” I said my voice dropping.

“Oh c’mon dancing with me isn’t that bad put some enthusiasm into it” he smiled.

I sighed “LIKE OH MY FREAKING GOD I GET TO DANCE WITH Justin FREAKING Bieber LIKE HOW TOTALLY COOL IS THAT” I yelled like one of Justin’s crazed fans.

Justin chuckled “that’s better” he smiled looking at me as if he was trying to figure me out.


“Uh let’s make it fair you have to dance to Justin’s songs, so does usher.” Christian said.

I groaned “so I have to dance to Justin’s sissy music… great” I said “I still reckon usher is gonna beat us” I said quickly.

“How about you guys chose the songs usher has to dance to” he said “and you get to choose the songs you dance to as well.” Christian suggested.

“Well I don’t listen to Justin’s music” I frowned.

“It’s okay I’ll choose the songs” Justin smiled... Oh great ,I am not gonna start grinding on him.

I frowned. “Okay so we can dance to somebody to love, uh Latin girl, eenie meenie and umm baby and kiss and tell.” Justin said smiling. “How about usher can dance to favourite girl and never say never and to make it fair he can dance to somebody to love, that’s uh three we need two more”.

“How about we’ll make it hard for him and he can dance to you smile as well” I said smiling.

“I thought you said you don’t listen to my music” Justin asked smirking.

“Don’t get to big headed about it I have uh…friends that listen to your music” I said making an excuse up.

I’ll admit I got curious what the fuss was all about, but I’d never tell him that.

“Oh really” Justin smirked.

“Can we just dance already” I asked getting irritated.

Justin called usher and told him to come down while we practiced a bit.

When usher came down I went over to grab water bottles for me usher and Justin and I could swear I heard Christian whisper to Justin.

“I bet you wrote Latin girl for her and baby and favourite girl and you smile and… dude I bet you wrote most of your songs about her” he laughed.

“Is she Latin?” usher asked.

“Apparently her moms, dads, mom, aunt’s cousin brother’s uncle, is Latin” Justin said shrugging.

“So it is for her… like all your other songs” Christian said.

Justin turned a deep shade of scarlet “shut up” he said half pushing Christian.

“Oh Justin’s blushing” usher said laughing at Justin.

“No I’m not” Justin said covering his cheeks with his hands.

“Usher did I tell you Justin kissed her the night before they left for tour… and he almost kissed her yesterday.” Christian said laughing.

“You guys suck” Justin said and walked away.

“I’d never guess she was Latin” Christian said after Justin had walked away.

“Yeah same here she looks nothing like a Latin.” Usher replied.

I don’t think any of them knew I could hear everything they were saying but because the place was so empty and it started to echo. I smiled to myself.

“Heads up” I yelled and chucked a water bottle at usher which he caught in one hand.

I walked over to Justin and handed him his bottle and decided to tease him a bit “hey why are your cheeks so red” I asked him mentally smiling to myself.

“Uh no reason” he said and looked the other way.

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comment guyss thanks to all those subscribers guys you rock my world
thaks to Trig-ger
who commented your the bestt