Finding Jezebelle

Keep It Simple

School here wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The class I had been fearing the most had a wonderful, apparentently untouchable distraction in it. And through some ironic twist of fate, Jake and this distraction were in all but two of my classes. And since those two classes happened to be gym and chemistry I wasn't totally screwed over. Well...until it came to gym.

I'm not the most physical guy in the world and we'll leave that there.

I showered after gym and had to wait to leave until all the farm boys had left. Most of them were at least twice my size. And I don't mean height. I'm not a short guy, I'm really not. I just happen to be pretty scrawny. They're not. The size difference is just a little indimidating. Not that I'm actually afraid of them or anything. I just know that my size versus their size means that they are likely to win because of htis little thing called: Seth-can't-fight. That might not be a very manly thing to admit, but why lie about it? I really can't fight. My dad tried to teach me, but it was always my brother who got that kind of stuff. I was always more of a wuss. I like my science and math. That stuff I get. Fighting...yeah it was like throwing ancient Greek in front of your average Chinese peasant. No sense whatsoever.

I came out of the locker room and started to make my way across campus. Because of moving and the fact that California's economy sucks (never let anyone tell you different), I had the privelege of walking home. If I could find home. You would think that in a small town, it wouldn't be that hard (And when I say small town I mean most of the population lives outside of town on farms and ranches with close family and friends while there are the select few that live in town and probably could fit into a couple blocks of where I come from.).

"And how were classes bro?" My younger brother (I would say little but he's a couple inches taller than me and built like the guys from the farms and ranches) came up from behind em and threw his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged it off. "Eh, it wasn't too bad. I should have a pretty good challenge," I said with a smile. Gabriel rolled his eyes. He didn't understand what I saw in science. Of course, I always told him I didn't get him and wrestling. It was like groping other guys wasn't it? That was usually the part where he very wisely backed down. "What about you? They got a wrestling team in this place?" I asked looking up at Gabe.

He shook his head. "Naw, not enough interest apparently, but they've got football and some of the guys invited me to go watch a rodeo this weekened." I looked at my younger brother as if he was crazy before I shook his head. He already had a group of friends to call "the guys". It seemed so wrong on so many levels. Actually it was mostly just unfair. My brother had this natural social grace about him that I had never been able to understand. He could connect to people in a way I seemed to fail to have any ability to master.

"How do you it Gabe?" I asked looking at him with a sincere face for once. "How is it that we've only been here three days and you already have a group of friends? And let me guess, there's a girl too isn't there?" It honeslty wouldn't surprise me if he said yes.

He didn't though. He shook his head instead. "You've got it all wrong Seth. Look, I just...I don't know. I guess that sports is kind of a universal thing and it's easy for me to just find those people who get that.'ve gotta have somebody around here that can share your nerdiness or your insanity. As for a girl...sorry, for once you got it wrong. No girl."

I was shocked, but I had to check one more thing before I mentioned my own little...story you might call it. "So wait...not even a girl you like?" I asked nervously. The look Gabe gave me told me that he could read me and I groaned burying my face in my hands.

"This guy bothering you?" I heard Jake ask coming towards me and Gabriel.

I could hear my brother grinning when he spoke and it made my stomach twist in knots. "So you at least have a new friend," my brother said with a chuckle. "Don't worry about Seth. He's like this all the time." My brother was clearly not helping the situation and I showed that to him as best I could by throwing an elbow his stomach. I couldn't help but smirk when he groaned from the impact, but I should have known better than to think I wouldn't have any retaliation for my actions. In return...he put me in a headlock.

God that was humiliating.

"I'm Seth's younger brother Gabriel," my brother said holding out his other hand for Jake to shake while I tried to wiggle free of a headlock.

"Nice to meet you Gabriel, I'm Jake Horton. Your brother honestly needs to warn a guy when there's sexy running the family." I was almost thankful for a moment that Gabriel was straight and then I realized who exactly I was thinking of and those thoughts of thanks quickly drifted away.

Gabe just laughed off the come on. "Sorry, don't really swing that way, but who knows, for you I might make an exception."

God the flirting was going to make me sick. "Hello! Brother down here," I snapped smacking Gabriel's leg. Gabriel let me go and I shot up like a piece of grass in the wind, except grass can't glare at their brother.

"Hey Jake, why don't you come over to our house? Maybe if you walk home with us, shortie here won't kill me." If only looks could kill....

Jake laughed pulling a set of keys from his pocket. "Better yet, if I drive us there, he might not have time to kill you," he pointed out.

We couldn't really argue with that one.
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I know, no twins in this one, but think of it as character development!