I Guess This Is Growing Up


"So I was thinking that you and I could go to Baltimore during your break?"

My brows came together in confusion, "Why? You know that it would cost a lot to go."

"I know. It's just...Manny, it's been two years. Don't you think that you should at least visit your parents? I'm not saying that you have to go see him. I'm not asking you to. I wouldn't."

"Evannnn." I whined. "Why don't we go to Cali? I heard that the beaches are great there."

"Because our families don't live in Cali?" she said back, and I knew a smile was on her lips. I heard rustling around and it registered that she actually did sound distracted.

"Are you doing something right now?" more shuffling

"Kinda. I'm just organizing some of my sketches." I smiled. She was a designer, and owned her own company. I loved the fact that she was able to do this. It was what she always wanted. "I have some new shirts, do you want to see them?"

"Of course! Do you want to meet up for coffee?"

"Uhm, today?" I could tell in her voice that she probably didn't have time. "Maybe later. I have to do a shoot, and then edit the photos to put on the site." a bit more rustling, "But....yeah I can meet you at four."

I laughed. "Okay." there was some more shuffling of papers.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright. See you."

There were a few things that we both didn't like talking about. For me it was Jack and for her it was Zack.

She never really told me in detail what had happened between her and Zachary Merrick. Just that they hadn't spoken since the big fight. It was right after Jack and I broke up. I knew that it broke her heart, and she's never gotten over it.

Although, I can't talk.

I've never gotten over Jack Barakat.



I was walking down the streets of London, and I looked over. There in the music store's window, was an advertisement for a C.D.

So Wrong, It's Right.

My jaw dropped. I walked in and picked up the C.D. My eyes scanned the titles and I felt my heart jolt. I had gone a little over two years without anything
dealing with them.


Kara and I occasionally talked. And Rian and I exchanged e-mails sometimes. Mostly Evangeline and I stayed overseas, and they hadn't come here. And if they did, we didn't know about it. I put down the hard plastic square and walked out of the store. I walked to the library and sat down at a table and took out some of my school books. My cell phone buzzed and I took it out.

From: Paul
There’s a new club opening tomorrow night. You and Evan want to go?

I bit my lip and then texted Evan.

To: Evan
Paul wants to know if we want to go to the club tomorrow night. Do you want to?

I clicked send and then waited. I bit my lip again, and then my phone buzzed in my palm.

From: Evan
Sure. I just saw the C.D. Did you know about it?

To: Evan
No. I just saw it on my way to the library. Weird isn't it?

From: Evan
Yeah. I didn't realize...

I sighed and then texted back the boy.

Who also happened to be my boyfriend.

To: Paul
We’ll be there.

I pulled out my History book and flipped to the page that I was supposed to be studying. But my mind couldn't or wouldn't focus on the pages in front of me. It kept going back to the boy in Maryland who had my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, it's been a little while and this is really short. But life is hetic right now.

But I would still love to hear your comments! :]