I Guess This Is Growing Up

Coffee Break

I shook my head, cursing myself for letting him take over my thoughts again. I stalled until it was four, then I went to where Evan was having her shoot. She was packing up when I walked in, and she looked up, shooting me a smile.

"Hey." she said softly, and I could see the same thing had been bothering her. "Let me just finish up packing and then we can go." I nodded and sat down on a stool she had on set.

"Evan?" she was taking apart her camera.


"Do you miss him?" she stopped and I heard her pause.

"Yeah. Do you miss..." she trailed off.

"Yeah." I said. There was a sad silence between us.

Suddenly she was sitting on the ground, her black hosed knees at her lips. I walked over and sat down next to her. I looked over and there were black trails running down her cheeks. I couldn't help but let a few fall down my own cheeks.

"What happened to you two?" she took a deep breath.

"We argued about how much I missed it over here. How the French and American culture differed and if I wanted to come over here for two years and study, and not go straight to California with him. And he was hurt. He told me that he loved me and wanted to be with me. But it would be too hard to have a relationship overseas. So I asked him if he trusted me. He said that distance like that could change a lot of things."

The tears were falling steadier now and her voice got more strained. "I told him that I couldn't be with a man who didn't trust me, no matter how much I loved him." she sniffed. And then let out a small laugh. "I'm so fucking pathetic." I bit my lip and we stood up. I helped her bring her gear to her car. She drove it to her flat, and then we walked to the coffee shop.

I watched as Evangeline sipped her coffee, her mind hundreds of thousands of miles away. Probably on a certain green eyed boy. She shook her head, her white and purple/red bangs falling into her eyes. The rest of her medium length black hair was twisted up at the back of her head. As if snapping out of her daze she started to look through her bag, "I brought the designs."

I waited as she pulled out some shirts in my size. I smiled as I saw them. I loved how she was able to do what she wanted. I was getting my business degree, and I was halfway done. I had spent one year at Cambridge, and decided that it wasn’t for me. So I had transferred to the University of East London. I was majoring in nutrition and business.

Evangeline had tried the whole degree plan thing, but it wasn't her. She didn’t like having to do certain designs for her work. She liked being able to do whatever she wanted, and wouldn’t have some ‘teacher’ who thought they knew everything tell her what they thought she needed to design. So she dropped out, and got a job at a boutique. She had found a guy who would screen press things for her, and ever since, she had been selling her own shirts. A year later, she worked for herself. She was also a freelance photographer. In other words, she was free to come and go as she pleased. Which made it easier for us to have getaways, whenever I needed one.

"So I was thinking more about the whole going to Baltimore for my summer break. And I think we should. But I think I should take my exams early, so we can be there for November too. I miss Thanksgiving." I said a smile on my lips. She laughed, and I could tell that I had distracted her, which was good. Because I knew when she got into her dark moods, it stayed hovering over her for weeks at a time.

"I can say I've only had one. But I felt so fat after eating all that food!" I laughed, and she joined in. It felt nice.

"Then it's decided. We can call my parents tonight." she nodded, "Okay. You should spend the night." I nodded.

"Okay. I don't have class until about eleven." she smiled, and I could tell that it was what she needed. We finished our coffees, and stood up. "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Nope. Let's just go ahead and go to your place, and I'll watch some T.V. while you edit the pictures." she smiled at me and the two of us walked back to her flat. I smiled as she deftly ran up the stairs in her heels, amazed that she didn't fall and hurt herself. "Evan? I thought that heels hurt your feet? Why do you wear them so much?" I asked, walking in her flat behind her.

"I've gotten used to it. And because they make me taller and make my legs look sexy." I looked at her and she had a playful smile on her face. She walked to her room, and walked out in a pair of cloth shorts and a tattered and torn Beatles shirt, her feet bare. She plopped down on the couch next to me, and sighed, resting her forehead on my shoulder.

"We have to face the facts." she said softly. I bit my lip and nodded, "I know."

"Pierre wants to come over tonight." she said looking down. I looked over. She had begun seeing a guy two months ago, and I figured it was because she hadn't dated anyone since Zack. And she wanted to get over him. "But I told him that we were going to have a night, just you and me. But that we’d meet him tomorrow night."

"Okay. Does he still want me to go out with that friend of his?" she laughed and nodded, getting out her computer and inserting the memory chip from her camera.

"Yeah. I told him you weren't interested in any sort of musician. And that you were still with Paul."

I grinned at my soul sister, and her smile matched mine. Because in the whole world, we knew we'd always have each other. "Okay. Well hurry up and finish editing! You NEED to see Can't Hardly Wait." she rolled her eyes, not taking them from the screen.

"Okay. Once I finish." I smiled and sighed, closing my eyes and falling into a much needed sleep.
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Sorry it's been so long. A lot of shit has happened lately. anyway, hope you all enjoyed and I will try to update again soon.
