Status: I don't knoooow. Oh, btw, the uncapilized things are purpousful. but spelled right.

Hardly There

. Janet (But not really)

My name is Janet
But not really
Because i am a Man
and men are named James
Not Janet.

My bird’s name is Carrie
and really
Because she is a bird
and may be a girl as much as a boy
Or Man
Like me.

It was Carrie who sang when he first
Stopped here
But not really
Because Carrie’s a gimp
and can only moan
Not sing.

It was him who sat down
Next to me
In the cool grass
Green, like my mother’s
The one she used
To bake cookies in

His word then
Twisted their ways around
Into my arms,
And back out again before
Invading my ears
With sweet voices
And cooing
Like Carrie would
If only she could

It was then next day
With careful footsteps
Dilberelty avoiding
The cracks
The breaks
The holes
The moaning, groaning,
Whines about
What time has passed
Or lies have
Been shot down
Like a flag
From the ship
Pirate ship
Like it’s mast

And i didn’t notice
How much of a
Freak i had been
With this man
Who much like myself
Wound his way with words
Tying them into my brain
Like wolves
Their barks echoing

How silly
Myself, and i
To not see the trickery
Hidden like the leaves
Of tea
Floating in the pot
Until they’ve nested
In your cup

It was a spendid plan
He had
Yet he claims it not a plan at all
More a goal
Of a dream
The dream in which i trust
In which i have hope
And which will remain
Meerly a dream
Because i cannot trust;
Not really
To caught up
In my hate
Or disaproval
Of what fire was
Used in the explosive
Of my love
Because that
Is persicely what she did;
Taking my trust
Each solid ounce of it
That was ever there
Shoving it into a grinder
A grinder of hearts
Of carrots, of peas
But mainly of hearts
Of my hearts
Because if i’m here now
i must have had
Two hearts
One beating blood
That being the one she stole
Purely by mistake
For i am certin she
Meant to take the other
The heart the beat love
That being the heart she left
Which currently resides in my chest
Spreading love, not