Letters of the Lost

Sorry kiddies,

Since this story is currently being considered for publication, I have to delete it so as not to infringe on any future contracts that may come my way (hopefully) pertaining to this story, the line or the basis.
Please, please, Please do Not steal my ideas. do not steal my characters (if you even could, they don't have names...) and please for the love of ice cream, don't steal my work.
if you see anyone out there with the same story up, it is Not theirs and please let me know so i can take action.
this is a huge possibility and amazing opportunity for me and it could mean the acceptance to the college of my dreams so please, you can draw inspiration from this but please please please don't take anything else!
i love you all for reading, sorry it had to end like this! i'm deleting the story tomorrow, i just wanted to let my readers know beforehand.
all my love,