There is a Heaven..

Chapter 2

He coughed and then glaced at my cigarette. I held it out to him, maybe he smiled.

Grinning he gently took it from me, somehow managing not to touch me or get burnt, and inhaled. I studdied in great detail as he smoked. The way his eyes shut lights and glanced up to the sky as if he was looking for something. The way his lips curved as he exhaled the smoke and his chest rose and fell with his motions.

He handed it back to me and i thankfully took it and finished it.

"Um, right, i live somewhere around here but i dont remember.." i chuckled softly to myself.

"Aha, um.. what does the road look like?" he questioned, scratching the back of his neck.

"There is a park... Looks amazing! Big organe slide and these cool swings and, and, and there was an ice cream van! I wanted to go in it so bad - um i mean. Yeah there was a park." i blushed at my rambling and childish behaviour.

"I live near there!" he said, flashing the biggest grin ever. We both blushed and tried to hide our smile.

"Im Ella." i said, holding my hand out waiting for him to shake it.

"Im Chris." He replied, grinning at taking my hand in his.

i swear, i had never thought 'love-at-first-sight' was possible until today. it was that typical 'electric-shock' feeling you hear about in books and films.

we both pulled away quickly and blushed again.

this 'Chris' was gonna have a constant colour on my face. i dont need the sun to have a tan...

* * *

We finally reached my house, and i found out that Chris lived right next door to me.

i also learned that Chris loved music, some acoustic stuff - also in a band i had never heard of.

"Guess i'll see you around then?" i asked Chris is as i stopped on my porch.

"We live next to each other so im sure we will." he chuckled, messing his hair up even more.

tugging at my hat i i blushed looking down and smiling, slowly turning to walk up my steps. He started to walk towards his house and up his steps.

we both sent each other a small wave and and smile before stepping into our houses.

once i was in side with the door shut, i put my back to the door and bit my lip...

im glad i know someone nearly as shy as me.
♠ ♠ ♠
i never update this much.
so imma make it work with this story and all.