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Dear James,


Dear James,
James Sullivan, Jimmy, Rev, Jimbo and any other name the guys and fans gave you, I will regret not being able to meet you for the rest of my life. I remember the first time I heard avenged sevenfold. I didn’t know who the hell you were! It wasn’t until a couple of years later that I actually knew who the band was and could recite every song you and M. Shadows ever made. No one ever really gives you credit but you did do a lot of the song writing with Matt. Not only lyrics but piano, guitar, and drums! Not to mention vocals for Pinkly Smooth.

I have never looked up to someone before until I found out about you. I play guitar and I still look up to you for inspiration. You were a wonderful drummer, the only drummer who could almost beat Neil Pert! That had to be a great feat for you to come in second to Neil Pert on best drummer in the world! I miss you as much as all your fans, band brothers and family members do.

I remember the day I found out about your death vividly. I was in the car with my dad and he was going through radio stations when I heard the word ‘Rev’ and made him turn back thinking it was about you. I had a big smile on my face thinking you had been giving an award and I could prove to my dad that my hero was awesome. But my smile slowly turned into a frown when I heard that the fire department had found you dead in your house. No I didn’t cry. I still haven’t cried. Hell I didn’t even cry at my mom’s funeral. It must be a defect I have. But I did get a real tight feeling in my heart whenever I thought about. And I thought about it almost every day for at least 5 months. In fact there were times were I didn’t believe that you were dead. And before the results came in I defended every accusation that you died from drugs. I would say no it wasn’t drugs. Jimmy himself said that he regretted ever getting into them so I assumed that he quit. I was wrong. But I’m glad you didn’t do it purposely. I guess you lived up to your words when you said you wouldn’t live past 30.

Well Jimmy, I admired you for your musicianship, your uniqueness, randomness, and how you valued your friends and family over anything else. Yes I heard that you stood up to your hero’s to defend you friend. I can’t watch any of the A7X dvds but I hope I can soon. I’ll part with these words that I feel suit you very well; too strange to live, too rare to die. I miss you and so does the world.
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