
ONE. Best friend.

Dear Nazreen,

I love you to pieces, I really do.
I don't think you realise what you gave me with your friendship.
I seriously don't know what I would have done without you!

You've helped me so much.

I was worried you'd hate the real me, because you are so nice and kind and just generally amazing, and then there's me, and I was so worried when you got to know me you'd hate me. But you didn't.

I'm sorry we fell out that time; it was one of the worst feelings. It felt like the world was falling apart when I fell out with you.

But I think you felt the same and it was okay because we were both sorry.

I love how we met online, and talked, got close, and met up. It was an amazing day when I met you and Pri for the first time.

I'm scared of losing you because I tend to lose my best friends after a couple of years.