Status: Taking a break to write more!! be back soon with more stuff! ;))

Revelations: Purgatoria

11. Arrivals and Confrontations

It was now or never, and all or nothing. With no time to waste, Raziel rushed to the Imperial Army's central base. He was driving at the bike's top speed, and he was closing in on the base; the structures around him were beginning to become more luxurious. Lucia was here somewhere; as well as Aleister.

Because of the run in with Gris, and Lucia getting captured; Raziel had to ditch his plan of stealth, and rush in head first instead. The fact that Gris' surveillance would have warned them of Raziel's presence at any moment also limited his time.

"I sure hope I don't have to deal with anymore of those Rose Cross guys; they're ruining everything. Plus only the strongest one's of the group are still around. One through three." The update Raziel saw in Gris' communicator comes to mind. "I wonder which number ranking Raiz is. Whoever he is, that is who will have Lucia!"

Up ahead is a large fence with a booth at the entrance. "The entrance of the base." Raziel could see the hundreds of smaller buildings and structures surrounding the large tower that he suspected was the central headquarters. All of the buildings were highly detailed and advanced. Some of them were a good ten stories high. The tower of a building had to of been about fifty stories high. "The base is like a city inside of the Imperial City itself!"

Inside of the booth a panicking soldier in uniform informs his superior of Raziel's arrival; he is told to let hm pass through.

Raziel continues speeding, with no intentions of stopping; but to his surprise the gate begins to open. "How convenient. Looks like they're letting me stroll right it. Nice!" As Raziel speeds onto the base; sirens begin to go off, and soldier's begin to appear and come out of the buildings. Some of them were armed with guns and other weapons.

Raziel keeps driving through at top speed, managing to dodge the gunfire aimed at him. "You guys sure are eager to get started aren't you?" Raziel takes his unsheathed sword from his back. "I recently learned a pretty great technique, and seem to have gotten the hang of it too. Let me know what you think!"

With a wave of his sword a flood of white energy sweeps across and takes out countless men, as well as damaging the structures and building's behind them. "Man, I must admit it's getting more powerful each time I use it. I honestly don't know how it's even possible to do something that, but it is definitely a great asset."

He's getting closer to the main building of the base. Picking up speed; he continues to slash away all oncoming enemies and those who insist on firing at him, with his new destructive technique. Half the base he went through was wrecked; there were buildings missing chunks from them, and the pavement was covered with defeated soldier's.

"Here we go; they've decided to bring out the big guns!" There was a group formation of men in front of the entrance to the main building; all of them were armed with rocket launchers, and they were aimed at Raziel. "Fire!" The order is out, the men all fire and send a barrage of rockets into to the air; all headed for Raziel.

"This the best you can do?! Aaarrhhh!" Raziel yells out as he whips his sword in front of him and sends forward a massive flood of a blade like wind. It envelops all of the missiles, and expands in a fiery explosion. Raziel leaps off of his motorcycle and dashes through the flames; "You guy's are no match!"

In a flurry of dashes and slashes of his sword, he brings all of the men down. Most of the other soldier's had began to fall back after witnessing all of the destruction; they were all keeping their distance.

"This is easier than I thought. I'm pretty much walking right through the door now. I just have to find out where they would be in this building. Raiz and Lucia, and then Aleister."

Making his way up the steps leading to the skyscraper building, Raziel slowed his pace as a strange looking man stepped out of the building and began to yell for all of the soldier's to fall back. His intense blue eyes locked on Raziel in a cold gaze; "You didn't think it would be that easy did you Raziel?" He maintained the same emotionless expression while he spoke.

He was wearing a tight-fitting gray suit, with a bright blue button-up shirt underneath. To top it off, he was wearing a deep pink tie. He's holding something in his hand, it's a Japanese Katana; it's sheathe and hilt are both solid white.

"Unless your name is Raiz, buzz off!" Raziel had a feeling he was going to be another skilled one; probably another elite like Rain or Gris. He had amazingly long silver hair, tied back into a ponytail; letting his bangs fall into his eyes still, and he appeared to be around Raziel's age. He was very tall and slender, with the face of a sheltered pretty boy.

"I may not be Raiz, but I insist you pay attention. Lack of focus could cost you your life when going up against a member of the Rose Cross." He begins walking down the steps; slowly making his way towards Raziel. "My name is Skai, and I truly believe you will meet your end by my hands today."

"You do realize I'm the one who defeated both Rain and Gris right?"

"Gris is dead? Oh well; I knew he couldn't keep up. His potential was lost in his laziness, and lack in judgment of justice; unlike myself. But then again, they were both naturally much weaker than me anyways. I am ranked second after all."

Raziel couldn't believe it; this guy was ranked second? This eerie, depressing guy? "I didn't even get to meet the third Rose Cross member though? I thought you guys were going to come in order? Hahah."

"This isn't some sort of movie you idiot; besides, you would have had an easier time defeating her as you did Rain and Gris. Her abilities were only ranked high because of her heightened speed and accuracy fit for assassination's. But all around, I surpass the three of them completely in every aspect; superior in every way."

"You're a little more full of yourself than I had imagined Skai. But I like that you called the rest of the soldier's off; you're honorable enough to fight one on one. Though we could easily avoid this if you would let me bail and fight your buddy Raiz?"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Raziel. I only live to fulfill the duty of justice, it is the only purpose I serve; and sadly you are a criminal. You are on the wrong side of the law my friend."

"Wrong side of the law? You do realize you're supporting and following the guy that decided that he was more important than the rest of the world, and justified his own greedy actions?" Raziel was yelling now.

"You fool, you don't get it. As the world goes through different time periods, the laws and rules must change to accommodate for the era. These laws no matter what, must continue to be enforced; who are we to say which rules are allowed to be broken. As simple humans, we have to have them set and given to us by a figure of power. It's how things are!"

"You definitely seem to be the most serious of the group so far; Skai, was it?" Sword in hand, Raziel stands ready; as if he was awaiting Skai's attack. "You also seen to be the most confused."

"If you insist on denying my words of truth, that's your problem; but you do not represent justice. Anyways, shall we begin? I actually hadn't planned on speaking to you at all; you should be dead by now." He flicks his thumb into the katana's guard; unsheathing it.

"Fine then Skai, let's see if you're all talk!"