Status: Under Contruction process. (Ch. 1-4 complete)

Dead End Signs and Wasted Land

I Try To See The Good In Life, But Good Things In Life Are Hard To Find.

Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania (Five Years Ago)

"Kat, I gotta talk to you. I think we jumped into this relationship a little prematurely. I don't see you... ever. My life is here and yours is there..." Darien, my boyfriend five year ago declared calmly, as we sat in the front seats of his Toyota Camry outside my house "...I think we should break up, but I also think we should just stay good friends. I'm a lot different from you. And you're a real catch, although it's kinda like I'm a dog... And you're a cat; they don't exactly see eye to eye, Kat. I'm really sorry to pop this up on you, but I hope we can still be friends after all this..."

I gritted my teeth, frozen at the icy words that rolled off Darien's tongue. Was he really being serious? Dropping everything on a dime, casually out of the blue like it was something he had recited for days. My heart felt like it was just processed through a meat grinder; my head was pounding through my skull, hoping to escape the cloudy thoughts running through my mind at this point of no return.

"Trust me," he continued, "This isn't exactly easy for me, but I can't hold onto something that I can't even see. We had a great month or so, but after you moved further away and going to different schools, we also kinda left, and distance does make you drift apart." He briefly paused before continuing on with his confession. "I've been thinking of a way to say this without hurting you. But there's no real way to say it without hurting you." Darien leaned over from the driver's seat, resting a hand on my shoulder light-heartedly. "I do care. Please don't get that twisted. I just really can't do the distance and not being able to see or communicate with you..."

Blankly, I stared back at him. The silence was unbearable until it had been interrupted by the sound of rain hammering against the metal frame of the car. Darien was one person I never knew how to take. You could never really tell if he was actually being serious or being plain sarcastic. He always had a devilishly-rotten grin on his face as if he was up to no good, followed by some kind of smartass remark. However, hearing those words escape from Darien's lips made me weak from the inside out; shaky in the knees and the tiny blonde hairs on my arms standing at attention. How was I supposed to respond to a confession like that? Okay, let's just be friends and forget any of this ever happened? Um- see, no that is not how things work in the World of Katalina. As many times as he told me that he cared, announcing to the public what a lucky man he was to have me, I sensed a hunch deep down in the pit of my stomach filled with doubts from the very moment we became friends. We may have been good friends at on point or another, but Darien pierced that dagger of rejection and the truth right through my beating heart. How was one supposed to go back to the way things used to be after all this? It wasn't even humanly possible to jump off that runaway train going at full speed; I still loved him.

My fists were clenched in anger and frustration. "So, maybe you're right. Maybe we should break-up but Darien, hear me out. You walk out that door, you're walking out on us for good. There is no turning back. silence Do you understand me!? This whole, 'going back to friends'… it's not going to cut it, sweetheart." I shot back at him harshly, overly-emphasizing about being just friends.

"You know what," I retorted with agitation in my voice, pushing his hand off my shoulder, "I gotta go."

Hastily, I pushed the passenger door open before fleeing the car, racing off into the darkness before Darien could get another word out. I remember running, running for my life in the middle of the woods, unsure of where I even was at that point. But I didn't care because that one person, one person who I thought I would never let me down in fact did. I was helpless, vulnerable, overcoming heavy anxiety. My legs finally buckled after only a minute of running, tears rushing like waterfalls as I lied on the muddy ground with my knees pulled to my chest.

From that moment on, reality only became more of a roller coaster for me.

Six months after Darien and I broke up was when the most disastrous tragedy happened. I lost my family; a strong, loving mother; a dedicated, hard-working father and a loyal, little brother all to a powerful, unknown supernatural creature. Yeah, all those ghost and demon stories everyone thinks are myths are actually real life. I couldn't wrap my head around it myself until these two heroic hunters came saved me from being live bait to whatever killed my family, prior to me being tied to the headboard of my bed like some sort of sex slave. I had just turned seventeen, so of course I panicked. The supernatural life is the real deal? I kept telling myself I was in another frightening nightmare, but once Sam and Dean told me the possibilities of finding my family's killer, fear quickly formed into a ball of rage. I wanted to hunt this thing down, even if I hadno idea what I was going after or what I was doing for that matter. I was just a junior in high school, 4.5 GPA and a full ride to Temple University. What was an orphan like going to do with her life after losing everything she ever knew and loved?

Sam and Dean Winchester took me under their wing. The convincing wasn't easy. Originally I was left with an aunt on my father's side, but I ran away and lived on my own for a few month. Running with minimal cash and no credit cards was not my ideal lifestyle, but I managed until the two brothers found me after I reached out to them, telling them I needed their help. Needless to say, they weren't very happy with my choices but the puppy dogs eyes of mine were always a big seller.

Years went by and the three of us were fighting bad-ass demons, shape-shifters, ghouls and other unnatural beings almost every waking moment. I had a lot to learn about hunting. After all under Sam and Dean's orders, I was forced to stay behind for a whole year in ratty old motels and cheap rentals before I was even given a chance to go out hunting with them on cases, until one day I got so frustrated I felt the need to let my voice be heard, stomping my foot down on how I was not a child anymore and tired of being treated like one.

I still remember that arrogant smirk on Dean's face as he veered his eyes from me to back at Sam. Sam on the other hand seemed a bit nervous, but nodded at Dean for his approval to let me tag along. After a long, tedious persuasion, he finally agreed under his terms and conditions of course.

The monster that killed my family was still out there somewhere, needing to be stopped before it wiped out more innocent people… especially if it's more people that I loved and cared about dearly.
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Edited: 10/03/2016