Status: Under Contruction process. (Ch. 1-4 complete)

Dead End Signs and Wasted Land

Find Out The Truth, When Nothing Really Matters

"I hate you," I mumbled to Sam, as we were sitting on the white beach at Fort Wilderness Lodge. We decided that Downtown Disney was getting way too crowded that we needed to find a place that's more peaceful. Dean had gone off to go see if he could find us some beers, even if we most likely weren't allowed to have them on the beach. Who was going to stop us when there wasn't even a soul around? At least that would could see for that matter.

Sam's sexy laugh escaped from his lips as he glanced down at the white crystal sand briefly, and then back at me again smiling. "No you don't. You had fun tonight and you can't deny that. If anything you should be saying 'I love you'." He beamed back, pulling his knees to his chest, resting his arms on them.

"If it makes you happy, I hate Dean too." I said smartly, extending my legs out in front of me and propping myself on my elbows.

"You can hate him all you want. I'm not that fond of him either," he replied casually with a shrug of his shoulders.

I let out a hoot. "Oh really?"

He laughed again staring in my brown eyes with his hazel ones, deeply. "Yeah." There was a change in his tone, like something inside him changed. He sounded as if he was confused.

"Hey, what's wrong? You don't seem yourself- actually the last few days I've noticed that." I asked curiously.

"What?" was all he could come up with to say.

"You heard me."

Sam rolled his eyes up in his head, one of the things I've seen him do all too much, mainly when I catch him and he wants to avoid eye contact, over something he had done or was thinking of at the time. "It's noting," he retorted, veering his gaze away from mine.

I sat up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sam, I know you enough by now to know something is wrong. Quit lying to me."

"I'm just- I have this thing on my mind and it's driving me crazy."

"What's this thing that's bothering you?"

He turns his towards me slowly. His eyes were wandering with confusion and I knew he was only trying to avoid the whole truth. "See, I don't know- I mean I do it's just-"

"Complicated," I finished his sentence blankly. He nodded.

"Yeah and I just feel like if I jump into things without knowing everything, I'm only going to-"

"Fall flat on your ass," I stated in a monotone, as Sam smirked back.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "You really need to stop doing that."

"What? I'm not a mind reader; I just know you well Sam," I replied back raising my voice a little, which wasn't intentional.

He shook his head, I assume to get something straight in his head that wasn't connecting the way it should have been. "I want to ask questions, but I know it'll be-"

"Awkward?" I said sheepishly, staring back at him skeptically. He snickered quietly as I proceeded. "Does this have to do with me, because you can ask me anything?"

Sam looked at me in disbelief. Of course he would, I asked him if he was thinking of me, sort of. Doesn't that sound kind of mind reader-ish? No, that's just an instinct. Sam was the type of guy that doesn't jump to conclusions without getting his facts straight, unlike Dean who goes ahead of himself and usually ends up getting into demeanor trouble with the law. But if I really was on Sam's mind, could that mean that- no, we're like siblings. Sam couldn't- could he?

"Eh- you know, I better go see what's taking Dean so long," Sam cut into my thoughts as he started to get up off the sand, until I grabbed his hand and pulled him down until our lips collided like the Titanic and a fluke iceberg that came up out of nowhere. A frigid breeze swept by when placed my hands around Sam's neck, moving up to only get tangled in his mop, brown hair. I felt a smile form on his lips as he pushed me back gently on the cool, soft sand. His hand grazing down my side and gripping onto the hem of my striped-shirt. I didn't want to be the one to push away, but I didn't want things to get out of hand even if Sam wasn't thinking of it at the time, since I had the chance to control what could end up uncontrollable. Our lips were still pursed slightly, not wanting to break apart. His lips were so inviting that I could kiss him all night long if I could. Then Dean crossed my mind and our swift, uncertain kiss the other night. Oh boy.

I stared peacefully in Sam's hazel eyes. "Um- don't tell your brother about this," I stated sternly, as he slowly got off of me and untangling our arms from each other.

Sam laughed and rolled his eyes, playfully. "Why would I? It's none of his business."

I smiled. He smiled back, as he sat back down and hugged his knees to his chest. Was it me, or did Sam enjoy this as much as I did? I felt my heart beating rapidly against my rib cage, about ready to escape. I loved that feeling even if it was unbelievable.

"Beer here," Dean said, trying to imitate a German accent. It wasn't that bad, but I laughed as he handed me one and sat on the other side of me, opposite of Sam.

"I was telling Sam how I hate you too," I beamed at him after pressing the bottle to my lips, taking a swig.

"Too?" He replied in puzzled tone. "Why do you hate him? This was more of my idea, even though I'm taking a risk- your life and ours. I wanted to celebrate our victory, but really the fight has only begun. Those vampires are waiting for you and here we are out one of the most popular place in Orlando."

I placed a hand on his shoulder. He was right, but I wasn't going to let those vampires get me and neither were Sam and Dean. No matter how hard these bastards would try, even though I wasn't sure why they wanted me in the first place. If they are the ones who killed my family, why did they do it?

"We can kill them off as quick as they killed my family," I thought out loud, which I had startled myself. I didn't mean to say that, but it kind of slipped out.

I felt Sam's eyes on the back of my head, as I was staring at Dean. He had a serious look on his face. "True, but in order to do that we have to face them. You don't know what kind of tricks they have up their sleeves."

"Now, you're starting to sound like Sam. Really Dean? What happened to make it 'till you break it'? You always went out there no matter what Sam and I said, just as long as we got the job done." I retorted, staring at him baffled. This was another side of Dean that I didn't know. He was more caring and concerned like his brother.

Dean's expression didn't change. He was still as serious as before. "I'm just concerned. I want to protect you- we," he stated looking at Sam and back at me, "-both want to protect you. That's part of our job."

I shot him a disgusted glare. I shouted, "So are you saying that me being here with you guys is part of your job? That I'm only here because you're protecting me?"

"Yes and no," Sam answered back, kindly. "Kayla, you know we care about you more than that."

"No, maybe I don't know that; not now anyway," I hissed with frustration.

"Damn it Kayla, don't say that," Dean hollered back at me, anger deepening his voice. "You know better than that."

My blood pressure was raising by the second. Who knew that moments ago was sharing a passionate kiss with Sam, which made me feel simply amazing by the way, and then Dean comes in and we start arguing out of control. "Don't you ever raise your voice at me like that again." I said, gritting my teeth and clenching my hands into fists of fury. I forced myself up off the ground, brushing the sand of me and started walking away from them.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dean shouted at me, as I was about three meters away from him.

I didn't bother to turn around and catch a glimpse, of what I assumed was a baffled expression on their faces. I simply shrugged my shoulders with my beer still in my hands. I wasn't going to let my night get any worse with Sam and Dean around, telling me what I believed were lies. I mean, was what they were saying and them truly caring, in fact true? Or was I just one of those people that they are saving and rescuing from supernatural creatures, because it's what they do? I didn't know what to believe anymore, except that beer was seriously a good stress reliever.
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So, I know I said that I wouldn't post unless I got comments, but I had a dream that I did get a comment on this. Sadly when I logged on there were no new comments =[ But, this chapter I took my time on. A fight, *sighs*, what do you think is going to happen? I know, but I'm not spoiling the fun here, lol, hope you enjoyed. Comment/Subscribe; I'll update soon.