Status: not sure where to go with this...

Cried For You

After That Night

The next day at school you are there, but only in body. This is how you are for awhile until one day you seem to be in a better mood. I ask you about it and you say, "I'm really good at pretending." Inside I'm crying. I want to help you.

Progressivly though as the weeks go on, you seem to be getting better. You're calling me baby again and sending me long texts to wake up to that make me smile. At school you're yourself again.

But sometimes when you think no one is looking, I see that faraway look in your eyes, I see the facade slip away. You catch my eye and when I don't look away I see that while you seem to be yourself again, on the inside it hasn't changed.

You won't talk to anybody about it, so tell me, what can i do besides cry for you?