‹ Prequel: Second Heartbeat
Status: Sequel to Second Heartbeat

Unbound (The Wild Ride)

This is about a year after Justice and her friends defeated the enemy named William Beckett, now Justice is home with Zacky Vengeance, rhythm guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold and raising two girls. All things are going well, other than her constant need to find out the code that Killa left behind. One stormy night, her sister returns only to bring the newest and oldest enemy of them all to her very front door. The identity will shock you all!

Ladies and Gents,
I would like to point out that in this story, vampires (especially baby/toddler/child) ones grow fast until they hit puberty. I realized that the timeline was messed up and hope this fixes any confusion.
  1. Chapter One.
    Sister returns only to bring the new enemy in her wake.
  2. Chapter Two.
    Learning of a terrible fate put on one of the children.
  3. Chapter Three.
    The sister coming back seems to have put a wedge in the marriage that Zacky and Justice worked really hard to build.
  4. Chapter Four.
    The past comes back to bite them in the ass.
  5. Chapter Five.
    The love from Justice's past shows his true colors just when she thinks things couldn't get more complicated.
  6. Chapter Sixx.
    All in one day, Justice reloses her sister and apart of her that will no longer there.
  7. Chapter Seven.