Status: R.I.P. The Rev

Story of My Life


Jared and Kim

Kim and Jared

You couldn't say one name without speaking the other

We told each other everything

It was no surprise to anyone when we started dating

Everything changed when I turned 15

Mom and Sam left

But the difference was that Sam chose to leave while my mom didn't

Carter's nice-guy pose was became apparent that it was just a distorted fantasy

He turned into a person my mom would have never married

I stopped telling Jared things

And Jared stopped trusting me

Everything fell apart at when I turned 16

Jared couldn't handle the secrets anymore

I couldn't really blame him

you see, no amounts of pleading, or torture....

Would make tell anybody

That the person who was supposed to be my dad

Who was supposed to love and protect me

Was hurting me

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