Status: Active, updates once (or twice) per week

Forget About Me It's What I Deserve



“Alex!” I gasped. “How? Why? What?” “Sky chill it’s cool, he doesn’t know you’re here. He just came in for a cup of coffee, Hailey came running out, but nothing happened. I’m sorry I took her here.” Kat said quickly. “No, it’s okay. I rather have Zack finding out then Alex.” I was a little afraid to turn around to Zack, who obviously was waiting for an explanation.

I turned to face how. “Guess I have some explaining to do.” I said sheepishly. “Hey Kat can you take Hailey to her room?” Kat nodded and whispered to Hailey. “Come on doll, we’re going to play with that new dollhouse mommy bought you.” Hailey cheered and pulled Kat to her room.

I sat down next to Zack who was still speechless and looking at Hailey as she run out the room. “Uhm…” I started. “I have a daughter as you can see, her name is Hailey.” Zack seemed to snap out of his trance. “A daughter…. Sky how old is Hailey?” He asked, his tone almost dangerous. “Uhm…two.” I whispered almost inaudible. “TWO!” Zack yelled. “Sky, why didn’t you….” He trailed off. “Do what Zack?” I yelled back, getting a little angry. “Tell? Come back? I couldn’t Zack, I just couldn’t.”

Zack seemed to calm down a little and he looked at the door Hailey just disappeared through. “She’s Alex’s isn’t she?” He asked. I froze. “How did you know?” He chuckled in response. “Oh please Sky, like you can’t see it too. She looks like him, acts like him.” I sighed. “You’re right. I think the only things she has from me are her eyes and her stubbornness and even half of that is Alex’s.”

“Sky, I know I promised not to tell Alex you’re here, but don’t you think this changes things? I mean I don’t think I can keep a secret this big from him.” I jumped up from the couch. “NO! I still want to see the rest of the guys, but you can’t tell Alex. He can’t know he has a daughter.” “Sky. Please think about it, Alex has a right to know Hailey is his don’t you agree?” “No Zack. I swear to god if you tell him I’ll leave. I’ll pack my stuff and disappear again. Don’t even think I’m bluffing, we both know I’ve done it before.” We glared at each other for a while, Zack was the one to give in. “Fine! I won’t tell him. But you’re gonna have to one day.” I just shook my head and dropped the subject.

“Hey Sky. Can I call the guys to come over?” I hesitated for a minute. “Yes, but only if Kat can take Hailey out for a while. I don’t want them to know, not now it least, seeing me again must be a shock, so let’s take it easy.” “He nodded and I went to get Kat and Hailey. “Hey Kat you think you can take Hailey out of the house for a while?” I quickly explained what was going on and she agreed. “Hailey?” She wasn’t in her room anymore. “Hailey honey, where are you?” “She’s here!” I heard Zack call from the living room.

I went back to the living room and saw Hailey sitting on Zack’s lap. He was smiling at her as she was asking him a million questions. “Who are you?” She demanded. Zack laughed. “I’m Zack, I’m a friend of your mom and Kat.”

“Hailey, honey, you want to go to the mall with auntie Kat?” I asked. Hailey jumped of Zack’s lap. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” She danced around the room. “Mommy, I met this really nice man in the shop. He wrote Coffee Shop Soundtrack!” She told me and I froze. She’d talked to Alex, what if, like Zack, he’d known she was his? No, if he’d known Alex would have been standing in my living room right now.

“That’s great honey.” I said with a fake smile. “But Kat is waiting for you.” And with that Hailey kissed my cheek and ran to Katherine. Once they were out the door I went back to Zack, who was on the phone. “Hey Rian, I need you and Jack to come over here. No, don’t tell Alex. Just leave a note for when he comes back or something.” He told them my address and hung up. “They’ll be here in 20 minutes.” He told me. “Okay, guess I’m really doing this. Could you do me favor and open the door when they get here? Prepare them a little for this?” I begged. “Sure”


Exactly 20 minutes later the doorbell rings. Zack got up from the couch and smiles at me encouragingly. “Don’t worry.” He says and goes to open the door. “Yo Zack. What’s going on? Why did we have to come here?” I hear Jack ask and my heart drops, why had I said yes, they’ll hate me. “There’s someone here you need to see.” I could hear Jack chuckle. “Oooh does Zack has a girlfriend.” I hear a smack and Jack whine in pain. “You don’t have to hit me!” He fake cried. “Oh just come with me.” I hear Zack say. “Just don’t freak out okay?” “Freak out?” Rian asked, sounding really confused. “Zack what’s going on?” Zack didn’t answer and the three boy walked into the living room.

Rian’s and Jack’s jaws dropped when they saw me. “Hey guys.” I said, half smiling, feeling really awkward. “Sky? Is that you?” Rian asked as he stood there frozen. I nodded, not sure what to do, when someone tackled me to the ground. “SKY!” Jack yelled and hugged me. “We missed you!” I laughed and hugged him back, happy with his reaction. Jack scrambled up and help me up, so Rian could hug me. “It’s good to see you Sky.” He mumbled.
Jack pulled me down on the couch. “Talk.” He demanded. “Tell us everything that has happened from the second you left till now.” They all sat down and I told them the whole story, minus the Hailey part of course.

They didn’t say anything for a while after I was finished with my story. Jack was the first one to speak. “Why didn’t you ever call us?” “I couldn’t Jack, I disappeared, I though you guys wouldn’t understand or hate me or something.” I said truthfully. “Sky, we could never hate you, and we understand why you left, or at least three of us did.” He mumbled the last part, but I still heard him. My eyes started to water and I felt a lump in my throat. Rian saw me reaction and hit Jack’s arm. “Jack, you idiot! Why did you have to say that?” He hissed.

“No, no, it’s okay guys. I’m fine, it’s just hard for me to talk about him.” “Do you still love him?” Jack asked, earning another whack from both Rian and Zack this time. “Jack!” They both hissed. Jack whined in pain. “Stop hitting me!” He turned to me. “Well? Do you?” I bit my lip and nodded slowly. Jack grinned. “Good, cause he still loves you. So you two just need to kiss and make up.” I shook my head. “No! I can’t do that. It’s been too long and too much has happened.” “But…” Jack tried, but I stopped him, getting pretty pissed. “I said no Jack! Alex kicked me out of his room three years ago and I begged him to open his door, but he never did. I can’t just go back to him after that.”

Rian was the one who tried to calm me down. “Sky, he only did that because he thought it was the right thing to do.” “Oh really, so what happens if we do get back together and he does something like that again? I can’t take that, my heart can’t take that. He hurt me enough, I’m done with him.” I turned to look at all of them. “If any one of you tells him I’m here I’ll leave again.” I threatened. They all nodded in agreement, a bit shocked by my outburst, because the realized I was serious about this and they didn’t want to lose me again.

They stayed a little longer, but had to leave eventually. About five minutes after they left my phone rang, it was Kat. “Hey Kat what’s up?” “Hailey is missing!” She cried. My heart stopped. “Missing? What do you mean missing?” I yelled. “She was right next to me and I turned around for literally a second and then she was gone. Sky I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” I took a deep breath. “It’s okay Kat. Are you still at the mall? Stay there, I’m coming.” I hung up and ran out the door.

I hopped in my car and drove to the mall, not really paying attention to my surroundings, Hailey was the only thing on my mind. Suddenly I saw a car from the corner of my eyes, followed by the sound of a loud crash. The rest was darkness.


Alex’s P.O.V

After I left the coffee shop I went to the mall. After a few hours I got tired of walking around. I sat down on a bench and leaned back, closing my eyes. I didn’t really want to go back to the house. Suddenly I hear a soft sob next to me. I opened my eyes to see a little girl sitting on the floor next to the bench, crying. “Hey are you okay?” I asked. The girl turned around to look at me and I recognized her immediately, it was the little girl from the coffee shop. She shook her head. “I want my mommy.” She sobbed. “Where have you last seen her?” I asked. “At home, I’m here with my auntie Kat.”She sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes. “You were at the shop today.” She exclaimed. I smiled at her. “Yes that’s right, you’re…. Hailey right?” She nodded. “I’m Alex.” I said and picked up the sobbing little girl.

I wasn’t sure what to do, but then I remembered I’d seen a police station on my way. “Hey Hailey, why don’t we go to the police station and tell the cops you lost your mom, maybe they can help us.’ She smiled at that and I carried her in my arms. It was weird, but it felt so natural to hold her.


A few minutes later we were waiting at the police station. An woman called my name. “Mr. Gaskarth?” I got up, Hailey still in my arms.”How can I help you.” “I found this little girl in the mall, she lost her mom.” The woman nodded. “What’s your name sweetheart.” She asked. Hailey clung a little tighter to me, like she was afraid I would leave her alone. “Hailey Smith.” She whispered and hit behind her hair. The woman smiled at her and turned to me. “Please take a seat, I’ll try to find an number or address.”

Not even five minutes later she came back. “Mr. Gaskarth? I need to talk to you.” “What wrong?” “We found her mom, but there’s been accident. Apparently she was on her way to the mall after a friend called that Hailey was missing and her car got hit by another car. She’s in the hospital, they’re operating , but Miss. Smith’s roommate should be here soon.” Another woman came walking towards us and introduced herself as Mrs. Jackson, a social worker. “Social worker?” I asked. “Yes, well it’s only procedure, seeing Hailey’s mom is in the hospital and we don’t know who her father is.” I nodded in understanding. “Can I tell Hailey?” I asked. “About her mom?” After they agreed I went back to Hailey.

“Hailey, I need to talk to you.” “Yes Alex?” She smiled at me. “You’re aunt is coming to pick you up in a little while, but you have to know you mom is in the hospital.” “Is she sick?” Hailey asked confused. “Yes a little, but she’ll be fine.” “You promise?”She pouted. “I promise.” I told her truthfully. In the past hour or so I developed a strong bond with this little girl. She seemed to have taken a liking in me and trusted me.

The door of the police station flew open and the same girl that had been in the coffee shop this afternoon came running in. “Hailey!” She cried. “Oh thank god you’re save.” Hailey run over to her. “Kat!” She pulled Kat towards me. “Kat this is Alex, he found me.” Kat shook my hand. “Nice to meet you. Thank you so much for taking her here. Hailey we have to go home your mom is so worried.”

She didn’t know? I wasn’t sure if I should be to one to tell me, but Mrs. Jackson was already talking to Kat. “Are you Katherine? I have some bad news, it looks like Hailey’s mom has been in an accident, she’s in the hospital.” “What!?” Kat was shocked. “What happened? Is she okay?” They doctor said she’;; be fine, but she’s going to have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks.” “Weeks? Who’s gonna take care of Hailey then?”Kat asked panicky.

As soon as I hear Hailey’s name I interrupted. “What do you mean? Are you supposed to take care of her?” Katherine shook her head. “Normally yes, but I’m leaving tomorrow for two weeks to take care of my sick grandmother. I cannot not go and I also can’t take Hailey with me.” She started to cry a little. Mr. Jackson had a solution. “We can find a foster home for her for the next two weeks.”

It just didn’t feel right to let them take Hailey to some people she doesn’t know, where’s she gonna have to stay for two weeks. But what could I do, I wasn’t family or a friend of her mom, I couldn’t do anything.

Katherine was explaining to Hailey she was going to stay with a couple of strangers for the next two weeks. “No!” She yelled. “I don’t wanna.” She came running towards me and clung to my leg. “Can’t I stay with Alex?” She begged. She sent Kat a pleading look. Kat sighed and shrugged. Hailey looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. “Please Alex. Please?” She looked at me with her bright blue eyes, the same as Sky’s and a memory flashed through my mind.

For a second I was eighteen again and I could hear Sky begging to open the bedroom door after I kicked her out. ”Alex, please. PLEASE!”

I opened my eyes to look at Mrs. Jackson. “Is that even possible?” She smiled and nodded. “I have the papers in my bag, you just have to sign them.” “Are you okay with this?” I asked Katherine, who nodded. “Yes, Hailey seemed to like you and I rather have her staying with someone she already knows then with a couple of strangers.”

Mrs. Jackson handed me the papers and I signed them. “Well young man, Hailey is official yours for the next two weeks.” My heart seemed to skip a beat when she said that.
Kat handed me a set of keys. “This is the key to the apartment so you can pack her things. I’m going to the hospital to see how her mom is doing.” I took the keys and picked Hailey up. “You’re ready to go?” She giggled.

On our way to the apartment I thought of something I hadn’t realized before. How was I going to explain this to the guys?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, I didn't proof read, but I'm gonna edit this later today, sorry if there are any mistakes.

Back to the story.

Looks like Hailey is gonna spent some time with her dad. How do you think Sky will react when she finds out? Should Zack tell the rest of the guys about Haily? And should he tell Alex? Or should he leave that to Sky? 2 comments and I'll update .

Love, Felicia