Status: let's see where this goes...

Just a Little Beautiful

There's always a girl who's beautiful, and not just in their mother's eyes.
The girl who all the boys want to fuck.
The girl who all the girls want to be.
The girl who has the best clothes.
The girl who always gets top marks in her tests.
The girl who knows just what to say.
The girl who knows just what to do.

The girl who makes you try twice as hard just to be half as good.

Now you get to find out what it's like being that girl.

Maybe she doesn't know she's beautiful.
Maybe she doesn't see those sparkling blue eyes.
Maybe she doesn't see the perfectly formed waist.
Maybe she doesn't see the silky brown hair.
Maybe she doesn't know that she's the one everyone wants to be.
Maybe she wants to be someone else.

You'd never know though, because she has created the perfect smile that covers it up just right. She flaunts what she has, but she's only pretending; because she's learnt, if you pretend to be what everyone wants you to be, then you might just get away with it.

Time to realise that even something perfect, can be broken inside.