Status: No silent readers! Three comments and i update again! Comprende?

An Epic of Time Wasted


I Awoke with a Groan Having a Brief amnesia of How I got there. I sat up and The memories slowly Edged their way into my Brain causing My Eyes To fill with Tears Of Fear and Hate.I just wanted to curl up in a ball and Forget Everything, But I just couldn't ; Not after what He did! He took the only thing I had left of me. A strangled sob Escaped My mouth as The memories flashed before My eyes.

I couldn't Stop the images from replayed in my Head .Over and Over And Over again.
I continued to sob and Feel sorry for My self until I just couldn't anymore.
I got up and walked downstairs in hopes That Monster wasn't there. I looked around and sighed in relief.
Thank God he's not Here!

I hurried into my bathroom to inspect the damage on my face and What I saw shocked me.
I saw a Scared and Frail Stranger with Haunted Eyes. How could I let him do this to me? Iv'e been beaten and bruised for three long years! How could I let him change who I am?

In all the years Iv'e escaped twice but, I always end up coming back. For what you ask? Fear and desolation. He took away everything from me. Even my own child ! He seprated Me from my own family so He could control me.

I Have to get outta here now! I threw on a ginormous amount of cover up and hurridly changed clothes.

I went to my closet pulling out my suitcase and packed everything I owned in less than ten minutes.
I ran to my bed and pulled out my stash counting seven hundered eighty five dollars. I grabbed My suitcase and my phone and anxiously walked out the door slamming it on the way...

Walking into the Airport was somthing I never experienced and when I finally do get too I have to be running from my abusive boyfriend. Great!

"Excuse me?' I asked the front desk.
" Can you tell me When the Flight to California is Please?
" Yes Ma'am as a matter a fact it's boarding right now!"
Talk about excellent timing! I'd Already reserved a ticket online a few weeks ago. One of many failed Escape Plans.

"Thanks so Much!" said quietly
" No Problem"
" What Flight is California?"
"Flight 142"
I Hurredly walk into the plane and took a seat.
" Flight 142 is taking off to huntington beach California " The intercom spoke
I finally scould feel the plane taking off and UI sighed in relief that I made it ! I'm Finally Free of that piece of Shit. Tears of Joy welled up in my eyse as I tohught about My new found freedom! .
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment. Avenged is coming really soon:) Here's an Extra long chapter for ya! and Special thanx too NADIAwashington for commenting since she was the only one! :( Guys if you read it please comment !:D