Status: Hi! This my vampire story yes I know but it going to be different and better than you think :)

Chained: Capturing The Vampire King.

Chapter 4: Your Just...Divine!

Chapter 4: Your Just...Divine!

“You should not do that,” he said.

“Do what?” my brows narrowed forming a face of confusion.

“Crossing your arms under you chest. It makes your breasts stand out more,” his eyes roamed over my body, but lingered more on my lips. Wondering what they tasted like? The urge to taste my lips overwhelmed me. My tongue darted out and swept over my lips. The taste of left over blood, the blood was sweet and a little spicy. Yum. I peeled my eyes open not having realized that I had closed them and looked into Athan’s eyes. An emotion flashed in his eyes to quick for me to decipher before his face turned into a cold, emotionless mask. He still continued much to my surprise.

“ It’s not like I'm complaining,” he mused. “”It’s just I thought you would use different methods of torture.”

My eyes narrowed, but you couldn't’t miss the flash of surprise on my face when he said,’different methods of torture’ he thought...We need a change of subject. Fast.

“Can we please get back to you answering my questions?” I said desperately and in urgent attempt of changing the subject.

Shutting the door, I took a few steps towards him, but leaving enough space to be out of his reach. From my peripheral vision I got a glimpse of a chair in the far right corner of the cell. I made my way over, grabbed the chair and set it right in front of where I stood only seconds ago. I sat down and waved my hand signaling for him to start. He stared at me, studying me in a way that had me thinking of cowering. I guess you could say that what others coward from gave me confidence to not be afraid of doing something that put fear in others eyes. If that made sense.

With my chin held high and my brow raised; I gave him a look that said “start talking” after a few seconds a tiny smile fluttered on his lips.

“As you wish. What are these questions that demand answers from me?” he asked, grimly. That tiny smile of his gone replaced with a mask of no emotion. His eyes turned cold and harsh. The way his expression and tone of voice showed that he was being cautious of what I would be saying next. Smart man.

“What is the Half Moon? Why do Kings have to make everyone leave the castle on that week? What do you do on that day? Do you go crazy? When I saw you-” my questions seemed to fill a river, the way the rushed out.

“First, one question at a time; second, do you know nothing of our kind? Third, are you wearing contacts?”

Did he see? No he can’t no anything about-“I know some. That’s all I'm saying to your other question, I don’t know what your talking referring to. These are the eyes I was born with,” Such a lie.

“Do you know what the Myth is?” he asked, as slowly as he said it I knew he was
skeptical on the subject.

“Of course!” I lied.“The Myth is hm, you see. It‘s about-” I have no clue.

“I am beginning to think your not really a vampire. You do not know how we came to be made?” he demanded.

That struck a nerve, the back of my eyes burned and a lump started to form in the back of my throat. Preventing me to yell at Athan and declare my heritage was in fact 100% vampire. Even making a sound would have my tears spilling out. Angry and hateful tears.

I bit my lip, trying to at least calm myself down before I did or say something stupid, but what he said next had my fangs flare out. My dull canines developed into razor-sharp points.

“Do you have fangs? No, you probably don’t because you. Are. Not. A. Vampire!”

With blinding speed I stood up, my chair falling to the floor with a loud “thump”. My anger rising, my eyes glaring at the dead man in front of me.

“ The hell I am,” I stepped forward and bent over, so he could receive the information I’m about to give him. “I will show you what a true vampire does.”

His brows drew together, his lips parting. His shoulders tensed as if he was hesitant on what I was going to do next. Good.

What if someone finds out about this? I’ll be killed!

Pushing all conflicting thoughts aside, I kissed his neck, going down on my knees. My hands gripped his shoulders and prayed that I wouldn't’t lose my balance.

I continued to kiss a path up to his earlobe, gentling nibbling on the exposed skin. His old shirt had been ripped off when I captured him a month ago. His body grew still and through slitted eyes he watched me. Not once making a move.

That’s when I bite him, the sound of his skin breaking resembled a human biting a grape. The “pop” as his skin broke and his blood pour out. I moaned, the taste was so sweet I could no longer resist. I sucked louder, my nails digging in to his skin. I hear a groan quiver from his chest. That only pulled on my desire. Before I knew it my eyes changed color. No longer my boring color of a brown, but an ice blue. Without looking in a mirror some part of me could tell. The changed happen when strong emotions came. The over welling feelings rushed out.

Like now.

The taste. Oh, God! Alike to the taste, the smell was exceptional! Very alluring to vampires. The smell of pure man and sex. Just divine!

“No more,” Athan said. His tone held an unconvincing note. Compel me to believe he wanted more. My nails raked down his back. I gulped down more blood. Sucking and savoring the flavor.

“Stop, enough. No more. You’ve taken to much,” Athan explained. I detached my claws from his back and stood up. Realizing my eyes were still blue. I closed my eyes and I took a step back.Then took a couple more.

“Where are you going? Ebony? Ebony!” Athan yelled, but I was already out and running. Unconcerned for the man in the cell.
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I'm sorry, this week has not been good. My editor has disappeared and my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Never saw it coming... Anyways it's not edited so don't give me crap. I'm trying to be happy that I got this out :)