Pint-Sized Romeo

Chapter 15


I really needed to get my shit together.

I spent all this time figuring out what I could say to Frank so that he wouldn't suspect that I like him (and I came up with a pretty good lie, if I do say so myself) and then I just go and try to kiss him? Yeah, great going there, Gerard.

To say dinner was awkward was.... an understatement, to say the least. My mom was trying to make small talk with Frankie and I was just staring at my plate, trying not to feel too embarrassed. I couldn't believed I'd tried to kiss him again. I really need to get my mind in order. If I don't, I might just go insane and then I'll have to be locked away.

"So, Frank, how has your guitar playing been going? I know you used to love it so much."

"It's been going great, Mrs. Way. I'm finally at a point where I can play songs that I love, so it's getting really fun."

"That's excellent, dear. I'm glad you've found something that you enjoy." Mom said, smiling over at Frank. "You and Gerard should, what do they call it, jam sometime. He's an excellent singer."

I could have died right there. I sang once in public, in a performance of Peter Pan that was put on at my elementary school. I hated singing in front of people now, I was just too insecure. I can't believe my mom brought this up. This is one part of my life, almost no one knows about... Even Frank doesn't know. I'm too worried he'd make fun of me if I did...

"Is he?" Frank asked. "I didn't know he still sang."

"Only in the shower." Mom said. Cue the blush. "Which is a pity. He has such a nice voice..."

"I remember he used to. You should sing for me sometime, Gee." he said, smiling and looking over at me.

"I'm really not that good." I said, still looking at my plate.

"I'm sure you are. You were when you were little!" Frank said. "How come you've never sung for me? I wouldn't judge you or anything."

"Can we talk about something else, please?" I said, playing rather stubbornly with my peas.

"Sure, how about we talk about my BIRTHDAY!" Mikey said, fist pumping almost hard enough to land him out of his chair and on the ground.

"Yeah, you're getting to be an old man!" Frank said. "Seventeen, wow!"

"Dude, watch yourself. You're turning 17 in like, a month and a half."

"Yeah, but I'm short, so I effectively stay young forever." he said, seeming content with himself.

"That's not true." he said. "Plus, if you wanna find someone old, look at Gerard. He's turning 18 in, what, six months? He's practically an old man!"

"Oh, screw you, Mikey. I can still kick your a- I mean, butt."

"Nice save." Mom said, laughing slightly.

"I thought so." I said. "Can I be excused?"

"Definitely." she said. "Go have fun. You're not wanted here, old man."

"Hey, no ganging up on me!" I whined, standing up and clearing my plate.

"Gee, is it okay if I come with you?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, no problem. You don't have to ask." I said, motioning for him to follow me.

When we got down to my room, he smiled and sat down on the bed across from me.

"Gee, can I, um, hear you sing?" he asked, a little nervously.

My throat dried up and my palms got sweaty and I started breathing faster... I wasn't ready for him to hear me. What if he thought I sucked and laughed or made fun of me? I mean, it's Frankie, and I know he wouldn't do that, but... I just can't do it... I forced myself to answer, clearing my throat before saying, "Umm... I'd rather not. If that's okay? I'm just... not comfortable."

"That's fine, don't worry about it." he said, resting a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "But I'd love to hear you, when you're ready. I'm not going to make fun of you and I bet you have a great voice, anyways. Just... when you're ready. I can play with you, if you want."

"Okay, I'll sing for you. Someday. I promise." I said, smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry for the wait. I haven't had Internet for a while. I hope it wasn't TOO bad. I also wrote it in about 20 minutes.... I just wanted something to put up so you guys don't like, die or kill me or give up on the story or something.

HAPPY BELATED VALENTINES DAY! Hope it was awesome and you all got who you wanted as your valentine. (That sounds sketchy...)

Dude, Panic! At The Disco came BACK. I mean... they're STEAMPUNK. I was sooo in the Young Veins' camp, but I am now an equal fan of both. Check out the new song/video here
PS- is it just me or does Brendan Urie REALLY look like Darren Criss? Just a thought...

ALSO- Billie Joe is just winding down his appearance on Broadway and St Jimmy in American Idiot, and I can't see HIM, BUUUTTT, guess who's replacing him? DAVEY EFFING HAVOK. So I'm gonna try and see that...

Thanks to the following for the inspiring comments:

RAWR its Zombies
Game Over Killjoys!

And to the rest of you for reading!

<3 Casey

For your enjoyment: