Pint-Sized Romeo

Chapter 25


A couple weeks had gone by since our first day at school as a couple, and everything had been going relatively well. The people who supported us still awwed whenever we were doing something "adorable" in the hallways, but the people who didn't finally figured out that they were in the minority and shut up about it.

It was a really freeing experience, being able to show my sexuality to the world and to have someone that would support me through anything. It was also great not having to turn girls down that asked me out. Now, I had Frank and I didn't need to worry about hurting girls' feelings all the time.

And not even that, but I get to be open about my feelings for Frank whenever I want to. Well, except for in class. I just don't think anyone would appreciate two kids making out in their class.

"Hey, Gerard." Frank said, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his forehead into the place between my shoulder blades.

"Hey, baby." I said, putting my hands over his. "How was your afternoon?"

"Not too bad." he said. "Math kind of sucks, but besides that, it wasn't bad. I mean, homework-wise. I don't have any, because we have a math test tomorrow."

"Me either." I said. "Does that mean you can come over tonight?" He normally doesn't come over on weeknights because of homework; we weren't about to sacrifice our schoolwork just because we're together.

"Yeah, if that's okay with you." he said.

I turned around to face him and smiled. "Awesome."

"Hey, Gerard, is Frank coming over?" Mikey said, looking down at his phone and walking towards me.

"Hey, Mikey, how are you?" Frank said. "And yes, I'm coming over."

"Oh, hi, Frank!" he said, looking up.

"Hey, Mikes, how was school?" I asked.

"It was fine." he said. "Relatively pointless. I'm just glad it's over."

"Me too." I said. "Let's go home."


Later that night, I was sitting in my room and Mikey came in to say hello. Frank had just left and I'd started drawing a picture of Frank. I did that a lot when I was bored.

"Hey, Gerard?"

"Yeah, Mikes?" I asked, looking up.

"What are you planning for your one month?" he asked.

I sighed and looked up. Frank and I will have been going out for a month next week, and I was a little worried about what I could do to really show Frank I love him. I mean, I'm sure he knows, but I want to show him how amazing he is.

"I don't know, Mikes." I said. "I'm really worried about it, too. I want it to be perfect."

"Do you know what you're getting him, even?"

I shook my head and looked down at what I was drawing. "Do you think... I mean, would he think I was cheap if I just gave him a drawing of us?"

"Gerard, I think he'd love it." Mikey said, smiling. "I mean, it's personal, it's something you work hard on and it shows how much you care."

"I think that's what I'll give him." I said. "Thanks, Mikes."

"Okay." he said. "I was just wondering if you needed my help or anything." He turned to walk back to his room.

An idea hit right when he walked out. "Wait, Mikes."


"Actually, I could use your help on something."

"I'm all ears."
♠ ♠ ♠
The winner of the Killjoy name contest is.... *drumroll*
The name I chose is Neon Valentine, which I know someone else put up, but I decided to go with the person who said it first.

So, MCRgeeWay13, PM me let me know your address. I'll tell you which badges I have and you can pick :)

So now, it's time for the LOGO CONTEST.

Submit your logos either in a PM or through my tumblr and I'll keep track of all of them and the winner will receive a zone badge of their choice.

So that's short and shitty... But the next one should be all right. It'll be their one month, and Frank will get a nice drawing from Gerard... and maybe something else ;)

Be sure to check out my new original slash! It's a co-write! CLICK ME!

Thanks to the following for commenting:

MCRgeeWay13 (x2)
Game Over Killjoys!
Pfft (x3)
- thanks for pointing out the mess-ups! I'd much rather someone tell me then never know and never fix it.
Frankie's Gee.