Pint-Sized Romeo

Chapter 33


My mind was still reeling when the ferry docked back in New Jersey.

It had been just like any other day and then, suddenly, the roar of an airplane's engine, much too loud for it to be at a safe distance, and a huge ball of fire taking over part of the New York skyline. I pulled out my headphones and stood up, moving to see what had happened. There was already a huge cloud of smoke and no one could tell exactly what was going on, besides the fact that an airplane had hit the world trade center.

The train stopped moving, unsure whether it was safe to continue towards our destination, and we watched as the smoke spread across the skyline. A collective gasp rang out in all the compartments, even some screams of horror, as we watched the first building collapse completely.

The only thing running through my mind was "What does this mean? Where does everything go from here? How would the world change because of this?"

Everything went blank and all any of us could do was sit and wait to see what was wrong. The train was still going, plowing ahead towards where the smoke was across the sky. The conductor came across the loudspeaker, informing us that the terminal where we were going to be was still fully functional, and that we would be serving as a way for those trying to get home to get away from the destruction.

The train ride back to Hoboken was one of the strangest experiences of my life. I was still shell-shocked from what had happened. No one could quite understand it. People were trying to call their friends, families and spouses, trying to reassure them that they were okay, but no one could get a call through.

Those who weren't trying to contact family were talking in murmurs, as if scared that talking too loud would offend some. Some were talking about what they were going to do, start a family, get married, attempt what they always thought they couldn't, and it got me thinking... What have I done in my life?

I have not produced a single thing in this life time that I could say I thought affected the rest of the world in a positive light.

The would would not be an y worse of a place if I wasn't in it.

Something had to change.



I lifted my head and smiled slightly when I saw Frank running towards me down the front walk of my mom's house. I swept him up into my arms and held him tight to me, reassuring him that I was here and I was okay.

"Gee, you're here."

"Yeah." I said, kissing the crook of his neck. "Sorry it took me so long. I had to walk back from the train station."

"You're home. That's all I care about." he pulled away from me, smiling up at me as if there was no better sight in the world. "Let's go inside. Your mom's here, and Mikey. We all got together to figure out what was going on."

I wrapped an arm around him and walked inside, looking up at the sky and saying a quick thank you. I was lucky to be able to see Frank again, to hold him in my arms.

I was lucky to still be here, and I'm not going to waste the rest of my life.

I'll do something that changes the world, and for the better.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: I recently found out that Gerard took a train to work, not a ferry. So I went back and changed it to fit that.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and where I've taken this story..... I know it seems kinda random from where it was before. This was originally going to be a really long story, without all the time jumps, but I like it better this way.

I'm too lazy to do thank yous, but I really appreciate all the comments, guys!

<3 Casey