Pint-Sized Romeo

Chapter 6

Frank Iero's POV

I quickly changed into the clothes that Gerard had lent me and went downstairs to clean up a bit. We hadn't made that big of a mess, so I finished pretty quickly.

I sat down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn I'd made myself ad turned on some random Japanese movie that I couldn't understand and had some terrible special effects, but plenty of hot guys to perve on, so that didn't really matter. It was something to take my mind off of Gerard. It was getting harder by the day to keep from blurting out my feelings to him, but I was so worried. We'd been friends forever and I don't want to lose him because of something I can't control.

I checked the clock and realized that Gerard had been in the shower for 30 minutes and I could still hear the water running.

I decided to go upstairs to make sure he was all right. Maybe he'd slipped and hit his head and was bleeding out as I just sat there watching a dumb Japanese movie.

I got to the bathroom door and my fist was centimeters away from knocking on the door when I heard what might be the hottest sound in the whole world.

Gerard let out a long moan, loud enough to be heard over the running water.

My jaw dropped and my pants got considerably tighter, Frank Jr rising to the occasion.

I couldn't just stand there and let myself get turned on even more than I already was, so I ran downstairs to the kitchen and splashed some water on my face, trying to cool down. I tried not to picture what Gerard had been doing, instead focusing on things like old women in bikinis and old men in man thongs, willing my dick to go down before Gerard came downstairs. He did not need to know how hard his moans got me.

Finally, just as I heard Gerard's feet on the stairs, my dick was back to its normal state of being and I was able to compose myself before Gerard came into the room.

"Hey, Frankie. Whatcha doin' in the kitchen?"

"Getting some water." I said, walking over to the cupboard to grab a glass. "Want some?"

"Sure." he said, and shook his head quickly, scattering water all over the kitchen.

"Gross, Gerard, that's disgusting." I said. "And wow, when you said you take long showers I didn't think you meant that long. What the hell could possibly have taken you that long?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he said, smirking and almost giving me a hard on for the second time in less than half an hour.

"Gee, just because I'm gay doesn't necessarily mean that I wanna hear about you jacking off." Though in this case, it definitely does.

"Hey, how do you know that was what I was doing?"

I walked over to where he was standing and put a hand on his shoulder. "Next time, try keeping it down a little, hun." I whispered into his hear. Hey, if he was flirting, I could ,too.

I saw his cheeks redden as I leaned back and winked before going back into the living room. If he wanted to mess with me, I'd mess with him right back. Crush or no, I still can dream that he was jerking off to thoughts of me and that's why he got so embarrassed when I mentioned it. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?

My cell phone rang from my pocket, filling the room with the muffled sound of Last Caress by the Misfits.

"Yello." I said into the phone, ignoring Gerard's questioning look as he walked into the room.

"Hey, Frank." Mikey said. "It's Mikey. How goes things at the homestead?"

"So I gathered, and it's fine. Gerard and I had a cookie dough fight."

"Ooh, who won?"

"I did, of course."

"Haha, okay." he laughed. "Anyway, my birthday is Saturday and I'm just having a low-key thing with you, Ray, Bob and Gerard. Just us pulling an all-nighter with movies, video games, candy and energy drinks. You in?"

"Yeah, definitely. Sounds great." I said. "Any messages for Gerard?"

"Nah, just tell him to stop being a horn dog and to grow some balls already."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, confused.

"He'll know. See you Monday."

"Yeah, see you." I said, hanging up.

"Who was that?"

"Your brother." I said. "He called to invite me to his birthday sleep over on Saturday, and to tell you to stop being a horn dog and to grow some balls already."

Gerard blushed, but looked angry at the same time. "I'm going to murder that boy when he gets home."

"Aw, don't do that. His birthday's on Saturday, after all."

"I guess I'll have to let him live, then." Gerard sighed over dramatically.

"I should probably go soon. It's getting dark."

"So soon?" Gerard said, pouting. God, why did he have to be so adorable?

"Sadly, yes. My mom doesn't like me staying out after dark, remember? I mean, this is Jersey, after all."

"I guess you're right. You want a ride home?"

"That'd be awesome." I'd gotten my license last year, but I still didn't have enough money to pay for half of a car like my mom and I had agreed.

Gerard and I drove along, not talking, just singing along to the radio. It was a comfortable silence though. When he pulled up to my house and stopped, I unbuckled my seat belt only to be pulled into a tight hug by Gerard. I leaned my head into his neck and smiled, hugging back.

"Bye, Frankie." he said. "You're coming to school with us on Monday still, right?"

He drove me to school every day, ever since I'd been pushed up a grade and he found out I walked to school. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. You save me from having to wake up an hour earlier to walk."

"Aw, poor Frankie, having to make himself all pretty for school."

"Hey, we can't have you walking around with someone who doesn't look fabulous, now can we?"

"You don't have to do anything and you still look fabulous."

"Oh, Gee, you're such a sweetheart." I said. "Even if you're also a liar. But don't think I've forgotten about your crush. You still have to tell me who it is, no matter how many compliments you give me."

"Damn. You caught me." he said, chuckling. "Now get your ass out of my car."

"Bye, Gee." I said, rolling my eyes. "See you."

"See you."

As I walked into my house and up to my room, all I could think about was how I couldn't wait for Monday. I missed Gerard already...
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